
The purpose of the Agronomy CDE is to create interest and promote understanding in agronomy by providing opportunities for recognition through the demonstration of skills and proficiencies. It also give students an opportunity to explore career opportunities available in agronomy and encourage students to purse careers in agronomy.

Event Rules

1)A team should consist of 4 members, with one being the drop score.

2)All participants will be given an identification number by which they will be designated throughout the event.

3)Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to destroy any of the items in the identification portion of the practicum.

4)Students may not communicate with other students or teachers during the event.

5)No cell phones shall be allowed, violations of this will result in disqualification of the whole team.

Materials needed for event:

1)Students will need to provide a clean clipboard

2)2 sharpened No. 2 pencils

3)Non programmable calculator

Event Format:

The event shall consist of

  1. 50 question multiple choice exam
  2. Identification of 20 weeds and/or crop plants and/or seeds
  3. Identification of 10 disorder samples
  4. Identification of 10 insect samples
  5. Identification of 20 Equipment and Machinery Pieces

** A team question topic shall be emailed out prior to the event.

** A comprehensive list of ID items will be found on our webpage under each individual section

The 50 question multiple-choice exam shall come from MYCAERT sections:





Identification (20 specimens at 5 points each; 100 points)

Students will identify 20 weeks and/or crops and/or seeds. Plants may be presented in any stage of growth following emergence. The list of possible specimens can include, but is not limited to the list found at the back of this handbook.

Pest Management

Disorders (100 points)

Ten samples will be identified according to category, casual agent and damage location.

Insect Identification (80 points)

Ten samples will be identified according to insect name, life cycle, economic impact and mouth part. Refer to the list of insects at the end of this handbook.

Equipment and Machinery Identification (100 points)

Participants will be required to identify 20 specimens from the list in the reference section of the handbook. Samples may appear as actual equipment, scale models, toys or pictures. Major components that are unique to a certain piece of equipment can be used.

Identification samples will be of the complete item. There will be no identification of individual parts or pieces.


The maximum possible score shall be as follows:

Section / Max Individual Points / Max Team Points
Exam / 100 / 300
Crops/Seeds ID / 100 / 300
Disorders / 100 / 300
Insect ID / 80 / 240
Equipment / 100 / 300
Team / 100

Maximum Possible Score: 1540