January29, 2013 Project Homeless Connect
Service Provider Logistical Information Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in Sitka’sJanuary 29thProject Homeless Connectevent at Harrigan Centennial Hall. Please arrive at the site to check in between 9:00 and 9:30am to set up and be ready for clients by 10:00am.(The building will open at 8am.) Please plan to stay until 4:00pm to ensure that people entering the event at 3:00pm are served.
To confirm your attendance at the event, please return this form by December 21, 2012. If you have any specific logistical needs, please indicate so on this form. If there are any barriers to providing direct services at the event that we can help you eliminate, please also let us know.
Project Homeless Connect: Sitka - Participation LogisticsAgency Contact Information
Contact Name: / Contact Phone #:
Agency Name: / Contact Fax #:
Agency Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Best “Day of Event” Contact and Cell Phone Number:
Logistical Information
How many people do you expect to attend from your agency at any one time (ie, how many chair spaces at a table will you need)? / # of chairs at table:
Do you have any special clean-up, set-up or day-long needs that will require volunteers? (Please give as much detail as possible)
Do you have any other needs that we can try to accommodate?
Please provide us with a brief description of the direct (preferable) and other services you expect to provide at the event.
Please return this form to Ellen Dalyby email or fax: 747-4899
December 21, 2012. Questions? Call: work 747-3255, cell 752-1851Email:
- A copier will be available if you need it at the event, however, we ask you not use it for copies of material you can make in advance and bring with you.
- Wireless internet access is available throughout the building. You will need your own printer.
Project Homeless Connect Additional Information:
Project Homeless Connect connects a hard-to-reach population with direct services. We value your participation and ask that whatever your line of business is, you strive to provide that service on-site on January 29th.
Providing referrals and information only is discouraged, unless that is all that you do. If your direct services are not appropriate for on-site delivery, please consider providing people with appointment cards, assisting them with applications, complete initial screening on site, knowing what available beds/units you have that morning, being able to check on waiting list status from the event, and any other services that you can make available directly. Space is limited, so please help us make the best use of it.
If we have questions about your form, we’ll call or email you. Otherwise, you’ll get a confirmation by January 14.
Visit additional information or contacts.
Thank you for participating!