
10.69018Ext. 3-8611

Statement by the Vice-President of the General Assembly on behalf of His Excellency Mr. Joseph Deiss, President of the General Assembly

2010 High-level Conference on the Central Emergency Response Fund

New York, 13 December 2010


Ladies and gentlemen,

Ithas been nearlyfiveyearsto the day since the Central Emergency Response Fund, or CERF, was created.

This represented a turning pointin the international community's response to humanitarian emergencies. Up until then, despite our best efforts, financing for emergency assistance was slow and unpredictable, particularly at the most crucial time, the initial hours of a humanitarian intervention. In addition, situations with good media coverage receivedmore funds than other situations that were just as dire, but were far from the spotlight.

CERF was created as a way of expediting humanitarian financing and ensuring that resources would be more equitably divided among all humanitarian emergencies throughout the world.

Whereas before there were uncertainties and delays, today agencies can count on CERF to reactquickly to emergency situations.

In 2010, some $405 million was made available to agencies active in over 40 countries. In five years, CERF has committed more than $1.8 billion for 1,700 projects in 79 countries and territories. These figures speak for themselves.

This was made possible by yourpolitical and financial support. Nearly two thirdsof the General Assembly's Member States and observers, along with other public and private partners, have donated some $2 billion to CERF since its inception. This project – our project – has enjoyed a remarkable level of support in the international community.

I should like to point out, in addition, that 36 countries that have benefitedfrom CERF assistance have also contributed to the Fund, including Haiti and Pakistan, the two main beneficiaries of the Fund this year. This clearly shows that CERF is not only an effective tool, but also asymbol of solidaritywith disaster victims throughout the world, afund createdby all for the benefit of all.

It is also important to emphasize, asyou prepare to make your pledges, that regardless of the amount of those pledges, it is money well invested. Itwill be used effectively in the service of emergency humanitarian assistance. In addition, this money will lay the necessary foundations for reconstructionand developmentefforts. Disasters can destroy, in a few hours, the results of years of economic growth. Prompt humanitarian intervention is of crucial importance for rapid reconstruction.

In establishing CERF, in order to ensure its viability, this Assemblyset an annual funding target of $450 million.

I encourage all of you to show solidaritytodaywith those who, unfortunately, will be the victims of disastersin 2011. I thank all those who have supported the Fund thus far and I invite all of you, today, to follow their example. Let us unite our efforts to ensure that the annual funding target is reached. Together, we can ensure that CERF will continue to respond swiftly to emergency humanitarian needs. Thank you.