Swimming Scheme 20143rd November to 7th November

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We will be travelling by bus to Macksville pool for 5 days in week 5of Term 4 from the 3rd November to 7th November.

Our booking is from 11.00am - 1.00pm and the bus will be leaving school at 10.30am and returning by 1.30pm. Cost per child is $40.00We have a bus that will seat approx. 80 students. If we need to order another bus the cost per student will increase by $20 to $60 in total.Please complete the bottom part of the permission note (Intention to attend) and return to school by Monday 20 October 2014. Money and permission note returned by Wednesday 29th October. You will be informed by Wednesday 22nd if we need to order another bus.

Your child/ren need to bring their swimmers, a towel, their school uniform, a sun safe shirt (e.g. rash vest or t-shirt) to wear in the pool, a hat and warm clothing if it is a cool day. Please make sure that ALL CLOTHING is clearly marked with your child/ren’s name/s. Sunscreen will be supplied, but please send additional sunscreen if needed.

Please return the attached consent form and pay by Wednesday 29th October 2014

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Permission note for Scotts Head Public School’s Swim to Survive Program 2014

Student Name:______

I give permission for my child/children to attend Scotts Head Public School’s Swimming Program at Macksville Pool from (Monday 3rd November to 7th November) and give them permission to travel by bus. Return with payment by Wednesday 29th October 2014

Does your child have any allergies that the teacher will need to be aware of? YES / NO


Does your child/ren have any medication that they require (e.g. asthma puffer, epi-pen)?


Comments: ......

*Please note your child must bring their medication with them to swimming or they will be unable to participate.



Enclosed $______

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Intention to attend Scotts Head Public School’s Swim to Survive Program 2014

Please return this intention to attend or not attend by Monday 20th October 2014

Student Name:______

My child will be attending the School’s Swim to Survive Program 2014 Yes No

(Please circle response)

Parent Signature: ______