CONSENT TO Photograph and Publish- HOLIDAY PROGRAM


The Program has the opportunity to use the Holiday Programs as significant promotion and resource building. To make this possible we are seeking the permission of the athlete and the consent of parent/guardian to consent to taking video and photographs as part of the program and use these photographs/video for the promotion and benefit of the program.

References in this form to CHA – relate to the Cairns Hockey Association Holiday Program.

The permission WE ARE seeking includes:-

  • permission for photographs of the athlete/your child to be taken during these program activities for the purpose of promotion, training or ongoing education
  • permission for CHA to publish photographs and/or samples of the athletes training/playing.

If you give your permission, the CHA publish these identified photographs in a variety of ways. The publications could include, but are not limited to newsletter, web articles, hockey training videos, promotional posters, reports (online and in hard copy), The permission would also include publication by other partners of our program provided it is limited to promotion, training or ongoing education programs. If published, third parties would be able to view the photographs and work.

If you sign the attached form it means that you agree to the following:

  1. The CHA is able to publish photographs/videos as many times asit requires in the ways mentioned above.
  2. Photographs/Video may be reproduced either in colour or in black and white.
  3. The CHA will not use THE ATHLETES photograph/VIDEO for any purpose other thanfor the promotion, training or education purposes (including reports).
  4. Any photographs taken by the programwill be kept for no longer than is necessary for the above-mentionedpurposes and will be stored and disposed of securely.

If you agree to permit the CHA to take photographs/video, and to publish photographs in the manner detailed above, please complete the consent form and returnit to the CHAAS SOON AS POSSIBLE

This consent, if signed, will remain effective until such time as you advise the CHA otherwise.

Consent Form for Publication of Athletes Photographs/Video

Athlete Consent

I agree, subject to the conditions set out above, to the taking of photographs of me during this Program, to be used by the CHA in promoting, training and education(including reports). I also agree to the publication of photographs/video. I will notify theCHA if I decide to withdraw this consent.

Athlete Name ______

Region ______

Date: ______

Signature of student: ______


Parent/Guardian Name…………………………………………..

Name of the Athlete………………………………………………

Contact Email…………………………………………………….


Signature of parent/Guardian…………………......


For any inquiries please contact Julie McNeil