Philanthropist is someone who plants a tree

knowing they will not be able to sit under the shade of its branches – E. Trueblood

Barber County

Comanche County

Kingman County

Kiowa County

Pratt County

Stafford County

Rice County



Barber County North...... $1,000

Sewing machine and supplies

Barber County North...... $1,000

Art program supplies

Barber County North...... $500

Food for snack pantry

United Methodist Church ...... $1,000

Preschool - games and shelves

Barber County North...... $1,000

PA system and prizes for character program

Friends of Kiowa District Hospital and Manor...... $800

Clinic exam chair

South Barber Pre-k...... $1,000

Snacks, art supplies, and toys

South Barber Community Childcare...... $1,000

Mobile bookcase, book rack, games, and leap pad

Barber County North...... $960

Silhouette cutting machine and supplies

Barber County North...... $700

Supplies for robotics and computer programming


Coldwater-Wilmore Library...... $940

Dell computer and software

K-State Research and Extension...... $250

Kitchen supplies for cooking class


Kingman Area Ministries...... $1,000

Food bank

Zenda Community Museum...... $1,000

Windows and installment

Kingman United Methodist Church...... $1,000

5th Quarter

Kingman Norwich USD #331...... $450

Piano humidity controller

Kingman Mennonite Church Society...... $750

Meeting equipment for youth group

Cunningham Public Library...... $380

Dell computer

Kingman Norwich USD #331...... $1,500

Greenhouse for community food project

Kingman Carnegie Library...... $500

Children’s biography books

Kingman Norwich USD #331...... $700

Career Day

Youth for Christ South Central Kansas...... $750

Mentor training and program


Kiowa County Health Foundation...... $1,000

Bike Rodeo Event supplies

Greensburg USD #422...... $1,000

Manikins and conversion kits (Science class)

Kiowa County Media Center Foundation...... $750

Video club supplies

Haviland Friends Church...... $990

Equipment for stage in youth room

5.4.7 Arts Center...... $875

Art supplies

Barclay College...... $875

Writing Center supplies

Youth for Christ South Central Kansas...... $500

Equipment for teens

Haviland Grade School...... $555

New music

City of Haviland...... $375

Non-spraying mosquito elimination project


Arrowhead West...... $1,000

Mobile lifter

Sacred Heart School...... $1,000

Physical activities equipment

Pratt USD #382...... $500

Snacks for Beyond the Bell after school program

Agape Health Clinic...... $900

T.V. and DVD player

Blythe Center...... $1,000

Busy Bea Nursery supplies

Pratt Presbyterian Church...... $1,000

Installation of two water hydrants in garden

Pratt Teen Development...... $735

Projector, screen, and equipment

Pratt USD #382 Hispanic Literacy Program...... $1,000

Two laptops and Rosetta Stone licenses

Pratt USD #382 Band...... $1,125

Three iPads for music assessments

Pratt USD #382...... $1,020

ThreeiPad minis and covers to assist with English speakers of other languages

Pratt USD #382...... $700

Digital enhancement of school library

Pratt Library...... $1,000

Supplies for tweens tech lab program

Youth for Christ South Central Kansas...... $1,000

Floor maintenance equipment

First Baptist Church of Pratt...... $500

Fabrication of sign and installation

Skyline USD #438...... $1,000



Little River USD #444...... $1,000

Frames, supplies, and fees for art show entry

Rice County Historical Society...... $765

Laptop and camera

Sterling USD #376...... $900

Lifetime fitness games

Littler River USD #444...... $515

Lowercase die set, storage rack, and tool kit

Northern Rice County Food Bank...... $1,000


Rice County Coalition for Children and Families...... $1,000

Sign for building and facility supplies

Little River Learning Center Foundation...... $935

Educational games and supplies

First Baptist Church...... $900



Calvary Baptist Church of Stafford...... $3,000

Food Bank

Stafford Elementary/Middle School USD #349...... $900

Engineering night planning guide and family kit

Grace United Methodist Church...... $635

Games for after school program

South Central Kansas Library Foundation...... $700

Fire safety books, DVD’s, and smoke alarms

Macksville USD #351...... $1,000

Book bags and Spanish/English books

Macksville USD #351...... $400


Stafford Educational Foundation...... $1,990

Mind work curriculum for after school program

Stafford Health Care Foundation...... $1,265

Manikins and practice shields

Macksville USD#351...... $1,060

Manikins, conversion kit, and teacher’s guide

Macksville USD #351...... $1,000

Math program subscription


Pathways Alternative center for Educations...... $1,000

Two iPad minis, two iPod touch, and iTunes gift card

Kiowa County Memorial Hospital...... $1,965

Pedal cart, DVD set, and drunk buster goggles

Horizons Mental Health Center...... $750

DVD, CD, digital book, and supplies

K-State Research and Extension Office...... $500

Food and supplies for day camp

South Wind Hospice...... $500

Camera and display board

Vernon Filley Art Museum...... $1,000

Movable three wall fixture

Roy and Elise Blythe Foundation...... $1,000

Senior class equipment

Iroquois Center for Human Development, Inc...... $600

Two laptops and supplies

Pratt Community College...... $830

T-shirts and craft supplies for camp

Pratt Teen Development...... $1,500

Heating and cooling system for Drake’s Dugout

Kansas Basketball Academy Foundation...... $1,595

Youth basketball program supplies

Pratt Health Foundation...... $1,350

Supplies for Swag Bags

Twilight Theatre, Inc...... $500

Costume racks, covers, and supplies

Iroquois Center for Human Development, Inc...... $500

Four laptops and supplies

Iroquois Center for Human Development, Inc...... $500

Mental health first aid manual, DVDs, and projector

Barclay College...... $500

Serve Day supplies



Barber County North...... Brenda Dirks

Two jumbo peg boards and two sets of simplifying fraction dominoes

Barber County North...... Barbara Keltner


Barber County North...... Tina Andrews

Ink cartridges

Barber County North...... Mary Cook

Junior Scholastic Magazine

Barber County North...... Kristi Patton


South Barber...... Boram Shin

Jump Right in Music

South Barber...... Samantha Nichols

Books for library

South Barber...... Cheryl Washburn

Books on social skills

South Barber...... Jill Daughhetee

Two new songs for band

South Barber ...... Mary Ann Gillig

Books for classroom


South Central Elementary...... Heather Moore

Books and plays


Kingman School...... Hannah Jacobs

Exploration place admission

Kingman School...... Patricia Dixon

Smart board technologies music program

St. Patrick Catholic School...... Valerie Rohlman

Digital or audio books and learning development apps for Kindles

St. Patrick Catholic School...... Joel Arnold

Science kits: engineering and renewable engergy

St. Patrick Catholic School...... Teresa Walker

Entry fee to Tanganika


Haviland Grade School...... Joyce Bryan


Haviland Grade School...... Kay Unruh

Books on Orphan Train Riders

Haviland Grade School...... Marlieta Davis

Math common core curriculum and supplies

Haviland Grade School...... Laura Chadd

Nonfiction books

Kiowa County School...... Laura Prosser

Go Noodle Plus website

Kiowa County School...... Michelle Morford

Books for classroom

Kiowa County School...... David Cesmat

Microscopes for science class

Kiowa County School...... Sherrie Schnoebelen

Mousetrap car kits


Skyline School USD #438...... Lisa Rawlings

Move it DVD and teacher pay teacher for lesson plans

Skyline School USD #438...... Nancy Bixler

Scholastic biographies and non-fiction

Skyline School USD #438...... DeGayeLatta

LEGO Education WeDo Construction set

Skyline School USD #438...... Carrie Harrold

Striker Jones books

Skyline School USD #438...... Michelle Schmidt

Biography books

Skyline School USD #438...... Susan Neifert

Books on language

Skyline School USD #438...... Joyce Depenbusch

Science equipment for experiment

Skyline School USD #438...... Jane Melroy

Dave Ramsey personal finance curriculum

Southwest Elementary USD #382...... Brenda Piester

Zometool 3 kit

Liberty Middle School USD #382...... Peter Weinert

Apple TV

Pratt High School USD #382...... Heath Sharp

Raspberry starter kit

Pratt High School USD #382...... Todd Cossman

Board games

Pathways Alternative Center for Education ......

...... Elizabeth Hewatt

Basic classroom supplies

South Central Kansas Special Education......

...... Rochelle Harden

Supplies to educate youth about protecting their hearing


Sterling Grade School USD #376...... Cindy Anthony

Entry fee for music competition

Sterling Grade School USD #376...... Mary Nielsen

Kansas Science Olympiad registration

Sterling High School USD #376...... Amy Brownlee


Sterling High School USD #376...... Carol Prather

CPR and certification cards

Sterling High School USD #376...... Dan Whisler

Solar energy kits

Lyons Middle School USD #405...... Christi Reid

Cards, frisbees, and various tools for Pi Day

Lyons High School USD #405...... Jacqueline Oborny

Tickets for Spanish Language concert at Hays High School


Stafford Schools USD #349...... Gerry Hildebrand

Character building demonstration

Stafford School USD #349...... Kimberly Unruh

Glo germ kit with gel

Stafford School USD #349...... Kaley Conant

Teachers pay teachers lesson plans

Stafford School USD #349...... Alysha Dickson

STEM lessons plan and supplies

Macksville Grade School USD #351...... Rita Wilson

Books for reading buddies program

Macksville High School USD #351...... Meagan Feril

Barbie’s, rubber bands, and GPS based curriculum for teachers

Macksville High School USD #351...... Carrie Newdigger

Supplies for learning to prepare/cook food safely