Group Counseling Proposal

Title: New Student Orientation

Grade Level: 6th graders

Purpose: Students will develop a familiarity with school resources, teachers, facilities, and other new students.

Group Description: 6-8 students

Number of Sessions: 8 sessions

Length of sessions: 30-35 minutes

Meetings Times per week: Once a week

Measurable Objectives tied to National and Virginia Standards and VA SOL’s

Students will:

·  Identify 3 school resources they can use in a middle school setting.

·  Increase knowledge of classes, school expectations, and peer settings in a middle school by applying problem solving skills.

Standards for School Counseling in Virginia Public Schools

Academic Development

Students will acquire the academic preparation essential to choose from a variety of educational, training, and employment options upon completion of secondary school.

Grades 4-5

Students will:

EA14. Understand the choices, options, and requirements of the middle school environment.

Grades 6-8

Students will:

MA1. Understand the relationship of personal abilities, goals, skills, interests, and motivation, to academic achievement.

MA2. Understand the relationship of dependability, productivity, and initiative to academic success.

Personal/Social Development

Student will acquire an understanding of, and respect for, self and others, and the skills, to be responsible citizens.

Grades 6-8

Students will:

MP4. Use appropriate decision making and problem solving skills

MP5. Demonstrate appropriate skills for interactions with adults and developing and maintaining positive peer relationships,

The National Standards for School Counseling Programs

I.  Academic Development

Standard A: Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.

Student Competencies

Improve Academic Self-Concept

Students will:

·  articulate feelings of competence and confidence as a learner

·  display a positive interest in learning

·  take pride in work in an achievement

·  identify attitudes and behaviors which lead to successful learning

Acquire Skills for Improving Learning

Students will:

·  use communication skills to know when and how to ask for help when needed

·  apply knowledge of learning styles to positively influence school performance

Achieve School Success

Students will:

·  demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to work cooperatively with other students

·  demonstrate dependability, productivity and initiative

·  share knowledge

III.  Personal/Social Development

Standard A: Student will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

Student Competencies

Acquire Self-Knowledge

Students will:

·  understand change as a part of growth

·  identify and express feelings

·  identify and discuss changing personal and social roles

Acquire Interpersonal Skills

Students will:

·  respect alternative points of views

·  use effective communication skills

·  know that communication involves speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior

·  learn how to make and keep friends

Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals.

Student Competencies

Self-Knowledge Applications

Students will:

·  use a decision-making and problem-solving model

·  understand consequences of decisions and choices

·  identify alternative solutions to a problem

·  demonstrate when, where and how to seek help for solving problems and making decisions

Virginia SOL’s

Oral Language

6.1 The student will analyze oral participation in small-group activities.

a)  Communicate as leader and contributor.

b)  Evaluate own contributions to discussions.

c)  Summarize and evaluate group activities.

d)  Analyze the effectiveness of participant interactions.

Assessment Instruments.

·  Pre/Posttest - (To determine knowledge gained).

·  Teacher Observations (Pre/Post).

Overview of Counseling Plan.

New Student Orientation: Session 1


Group Rules.

Review problem statement.


New Student Orientation: Session 2


Review problem statement and list facts.

Identify open-ended questions. (At least two questions)


New Student Orientation: Session 3.

Review Problem Statement.

Identify open-ended questions.

Hypotheses. (List 2-3 ONLY)


New Student Orientation: Session 4.

Review Problem Statement.

Continuing Hypotheses. (List 2-3 ONLY)


New Student Orientation: Session 5.

Review Previous Session.

Determine at least 2 Key Questions and identify resources.

Homework will be to answer Key Question #1 by interviewing 1 person and reading 1 resource material.


New Student Orientation: Session 6.

Review Previous Session.

Discuss answers to Key Questions #1.

Practice skills identified in resources.

Homework will be to answer Key Question #2 by interviewing 1 person and reading 1 resource material.


New Student Orientation: Session 7.

Review Previous Sessions.

Discuss answers to Key Question #2.

Practice skills identified in resources.

Let students know they will create pamphlet in next session. Come with ideas.


New Student Orientation: Session 8.

Students will create a pamphlet for new middle school 6th graders.

Share ideas from resources/Rounds.

Administer posttest.

Summarize all counseling sessions.

Counselor’s Guide for PBL:

Expectation for each PBL step:

Problem Statement: Students should be able to identify similarities in the problem statement in conjunction with their own.

Facts: Students should identify the following:

Nicole is a new 6th grader.

Nicole is having a hard time finding her classes.

Nicole is unfamiliar with her new school resources.

Questions: Students should be able to identify the following:

Why is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

When is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

Why is Nicole unfamiliar with her new school resources?

When is Nicole unfamiliar with her new school resources?

Hypotheses: Students should be able to identify the following:

1.  Why is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

·  She doesn’t know how to find them.

·  She doesn’t have an extra copy of her classes written down.

·  She didn’t go to 6th grade orientation.

2.  When is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

·  In the morning from the bus.

·  After lunch.

·  Block schedules.

3.  Why is Nicole unfamiliar with school resources?

·  She doesn’t what they are.

·  She doesn’t know who to ask for more information.

·  She doesn’t know the importance of school resources.

4.  When is Nicole unfamiliar with school resources?

·  When she wants to get involved with extra-curricular activities.

·  When she needs help with her studies.

Key Questions: Students should identify two Key Questions.

·  Why is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

·  Why is Nicole unfamiliar with school resources?

List of possible Resources:

·  Middle School: The Real Deal: From Cafeteria Food to Combination Locks
by Juliana Farrell

·  Too Old for This, Too Young for That!: Your Survival Guide for Middle School Years

by Harriet S. Mosatche, Karen Unger

·  The Middle School Survival Guide : How to Survive from the Day Elementary School Ends until the Second High School Begins
by Arlene Erlbach, Helen Flook (Illustrator)

·  Stuck in the middle with you.(how to survive through middle school ) : An article from: New Moon [HTML]
by Janina Glasov (Digital - January 1, 2004)

·  STUDENT LUNCH, WITH A TWIST.(Schools)(Jefferson middle-schoolers step out of their social circles and `mix it up') : An article from: The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR) [HTML]
(Digital - November 19, 2003)

·  Swimming Upstream: Middle School Poems
by Kristine O'Connell George, Debbie Tilley (Illustrator)

·  Middle School: How To Deal
by Sarah Miller, et al (Paperback - February 28, 2005)

·  A Smart Girl's Guide to Starting Middle School: Everything You Need to Know About Juggling More Homework, More Teachers, and More Friends (American Girl Library (Paperback))
by Julie Williams, et al

New Student Orientation: Session 1

Introductions. (Rounds/Ask student’s two questions below)

1.  How did it feel leaving your old school and friends and coming to a new one? (2minutes)

·  Process information. (1 minute and continue rounds again).

·  (Allow students to formulate the answers)

2.  What do you miss about your old school? (2 minutes)

·  Process information (1 minute).

·  (Allow students to formulate the answers)

Establish Group Rules. (8-10 minutes).

(Make sure to students are aware of confidentiality within the group).

Introduce Problem Statement: (7 minutes).

Nicole is a new 6th grader in middle school. She is having a hard time finding her classes and is unfamiliar with her new school resources.

Process information. (6 minutes).

(Allow students to give feedback and express feelings).

Summarize (5 minutes).

·  Rounds/Opportunity for students to make last comments about group.

·  Group Rules. (Have student type or handwrite them neatly for next week. Stress the importance of confidentiality once more).

New Student Orientation: Session 2

Icebreaker/Rounds. (3-5 minutes).

·  Students are to state one word that describes how they’re feeling about being a new 6th grader. Along with their names (just to get group members acquainted with each other).

Review Problem statement. (2 minutes).

Problem Statement:

Nicole is a new 6th grader in middle school. She is having a hard time finding her classes and is unfamiliar with her new school resources.

Process Information (1 minute). Clarity; Answer 2-3 questions from students.

List Facts (5 minutes).

1.  Nicole is a 6th grader.

2.  Nicole is having a hard time finding her classes.

3.  She is unfamiliar with school resources.

Identify open-ended questions. (15 minutes)

Process information (Counselor will have to explain what open-ended questions are. (Minutes obtained within 15 minutes above).

(Who, What, When, Where, Why, How)

1.  Nicole is having a hard time finding her classes.

1a.Why is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

1b. When is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

Summarize. (3 minutes).

Rounds/Final thoughts from students.

Questions from session.

New Student Orientation: Session 3

Review previous session. (2-4 minutes)

(Counselor will go over questions in Session 2).

Continuing questions. (15 minutes).

2.  She is unfamiliar with her new school resources.

2a. Why is she unfamiliar with school resources.

2b. When is she unfamiliar with school resources.

Process Information (2-3 minutes).

Summarize. (5-7 minutes)

Rounds/Final thoughts from students.

Clarity on any of sessions thus far.

New Student Orientation: Session 4

Review previous sessions. (3 minutes).

(Counselor will re-visit open-ended questions that were stated by students).

Hypotheses (Limit to 2-3 ONLY). (20 minutes)

Processing (5-7 minutes of the 20 minutes)

(Counselor will explain to students what hypotheses are and answer questions).

1.a. Why is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

·  She doesn’t know how to find them.

·  She doesn’t have an extra copy of her classes written down.

·  She didn’t go to 6th grade orientation.

Processing (1 minutes)

(Allow counselor to write down all of student’s responses but limit to most important).

1.b. When is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

·  In the morning from the bus.

·  After lunch.

·  Block schedules.

Processing (1 minutes)

(Allow counselor to write down all of student’s responses but limit to most important).

2a. Why is Nicole unfamiliar with her new school resources?

·  She doesn’t what they are.

·  She doesn’t know who to ask for more information.

·  She doesn’t know the importance of school resources.

Processing (1 minutes)

(Allow counselor to write down all of students responses but limit to most important).

2.b. When is Nicole unfamiliar with her new school resources?

·  When she wants to get involved with extra-curricular activities.

·  When she needs help with her studies.

Processing (1 minutes)

(Allow counselor to write down all of student’s responses but limit to most important).

Summarize. (2 minutes)

Go over the hypotheses listed.

New Student Orientation: Session 5

Review Previous Session. (5 minutes)

(Counselor will go over hypotheses stated in previous session).

(Open the floor up to any questions).

Determine two questions from the hypotheses in Session 4. (8 minutes).

Processing (included within 8 minutes).

(Allows students to come to a consensus with each other).

Key Questions:

·  Why is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

·  Why is Nicole unfamiliar with school resources?

Students will identify resources to find out answers to Key Questions selected.

(5 minutes).

Students identified the following resources:

·  Teachers (Give names)

·  Counselor (office number and periods to stop by)

·  Books

·  Internet

·  Talking with seventh graders who had the same problem

·  Visiting their teacher last year

·  Keeping in contact with friends who are in middle school

·  Parents

·  Student Groups (Group their interested in knowing more about)

Students will be assigned homework assignment #1. (8 Minutes).

Assignment #1

Answer key question #1 by interviewing 1 person and reading 1 resource material.

Key Question #1: Why is Nicole having a hard time finding her classes?

Summarize. (4 minutes).

Open the floor to any last minute questions about the HW assignment.

Allow students to pick and choose through reading materials.

New Student Orientation: Session 6

Review Key Question #1 and HW assignment. (8 minutes).

(Rounds/Ask students what their responses were to Key Question #1. Write them down on large paper so the group can see).

Practice skills identified in resources. (6 minutes).

(Rounds/Allow students to share what resources they used).

Homework Assignment #2 (6 minutes).

Answer Key Question #2:

Why is Nicole unfamiliar with her new school resources?

(Student is to interview1 person and read 1 resource material from list)

Processing (2 minutes).

(Counselor may need to go over list for students that have forgotten).

Summarize. (4 minutes).

Answer any questions on HW assignments.

Allow students to pick and choose through reading materials.

New Student Orientation: Session 7.

Review Key Question #2 and HW assignment. (8 minutes).

(Rounds/Ask students what their responses were to Key Question #2. Write them down on large paper so the group can see).

Practice skills identified in resources. (8 minutes).

(Rounds/Allow students to share what resources they used. Also allow them to see what resources were the most useful in each question).

Processing (5 minutes).

(Any extra thoughts and feedback applied to practice skills).

Summarize (9 minutes).