Rotary District 6250 (2015-16) Local Club Information

Name of Rotary Club: / Rotary Club of Eau Claire
Club President’s Name: / Jerry Kuehl / Email Address: /
Club Secretary’s Name: / Char Gurney / Email Address: /
Club Treasurer’s Name: / Jerry Reinecke / Email Address: /
Club Charter Date: / 1925 / Club Membership: / 35
Club Mailing Address: / PO Box 671
Eau Claire, WI 54702-0671
Club Meeting Location: / Eau Claire Golf & Country Club
828 Clubview Lane, Altoona, WI 54720 (715-836-8420)
Meeting Day: / Monday / Meeting Time: / 12:00 Noon
Major (Annual) Club Fundraisers
1 / Poinsettia / Chocolates / Coffee Sale (October/November)
Major (Annual) Club Fellowship Events
1 / Christmas Luncheon (December)
2 / Recognition and Awards Banquet (June)
3 / Exchange Student Picnic/Cookout (Summer)
Website Address: / / CLUB
Facebook: / None

Major Club Community Service Projects

No. / Project Description / Check if currently Active (X)
1 / Scholarships to High School seniors. / X
2 / Scholarships to Chippewa Valley Technical College students.
3 / Sponsor Interact Clubs at two area high schools. / X
4 / Sponsor approximately 10 High School sophomores to attend RYLA. / X
5 / Donations to various community activities, including various human services and arts related programs. / X
6 / Donations to various youth related activities. / X

Major Club International Projects

1 / Host inbound Youth Exchange Student (in 2014-15, partnered with Prairie du Chien Club). / X
2 / Sponsor outbound Youth Exchange Student. / X
3 / Donation in support of an International Project. The most recent is a water project in Bolivia. / X
4 / Donations to The Rotary Foundation. / X
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