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Coimisiún na Scrudúithe Stáit
State Examinations Commission

Leaving Certificate Examination




With Exemplar Answers


280/320 MARKS

Instructions to Candidates

Section AThere are twelve questions in this section.

Candidates are required to answer any ten questions.

Each question carries 6 marks.

Write your answers in the spaces provided on the examination paper.

Section BThere are five questions in this section.

Candidates are required to answer Question 1 and any other two questions.

Question 1 is worth 80 marks. Questions 2,3, 4 and 5 are worth 50 marks each.

Write your answers in the separate answer book provided.

Section CThere are three questions in this section.

Candidates are required to answer one question from this section to include

Part A and either Part B or Part C of the selected question.

Questions 1 and 3 are worth 80 marks each.

Question 2 is worth 40 marks.

Write your answers in the separate answer book provided.

You must return your examination paper with your answer book at the end of the examination.

Section A

Answer any ten questions from this section.

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1.(a)List four properties of starch.(4)

(i)White non-crystalline substance.

(ii)Insoluble in water.

(iii)No sweet taste.

(iv)When mixed with water and heated, starch granules absorb water, thicken liquid and form gel.

(b)Name two non-starch polysaccharides.(2)



  1. Complete the following in relation to the digestion of protein.(6)

Digestive Gland / Secretion / Enzymes / Substrates / Products
Stomach / Gastric juice / Pepsin / Protein / Peptones
Rennin / Caesinogen / Casein

3.(a)Name two non haem sources of iron in the diet.(2)

(i)Green vegetables.


(b)State two factors that assist the absorption of iron.(4)

(i)Consuming Vitamin C.

(ii)Presence of Protein.

4.(a)What factors should be considered when determining the daily energy requirement for a

pregnant woman? (4)

(i)Stage of pregnancy.

(ii)Basal metabolic rate.

(iii)Level of activity.


(b)Explain the term Basal Metabolic Rate(2)

The energy needed to sustain the body at complete rest. Determined by body weight and composition, age and sex.

  1. Name and describe the two forms of diabetes.(6) (Name = 1 mark; Description = 2 marks) x 2

name Juvenile onset diabetes (Insulin dependent).

description Begins in childhood. Pancreas unable to produce insulin. Insulin has to be

injected daily.

name Maturity onset diabetes (Non insulin dependent).

description Occurs in middle or later life. Associated with weight gain. Not enough insulin

produced by pancreas. Controlled by weight loss and tablets. Don’t have to

inject insulin.

  1. (a)Identify twoways of controlling the growth of micro-organisms in food.(2)

(i)Heat treatments.

(ii)Removing oxygen.

(b)Give an example of the effects of enzymic action in (i) food spoilage and (ii) food preparation. (4)

food spoilage Enzymes cause deterioration of fish flesh, even at low temperatures.

food preparation In cheese making the acid environment provided by bacteria allow the

enzyme rennin to coagulate the milk protein.

  1. (a)Name three nutrients present in egg white.(3)

Protein, B-group Vitamins, Phosphorus.

(b)List three properties of eggs relevant to food preparation and cooking.(3)

(i)Coagulation (ii) Emulsification (iii) Aeration

  1. (a)Name the organisation responsible for enforcement of the Food Hygiene Regulations

(1950-89). (3)

Health Board

(b)Identify threekey areas controlled by these regulations.(3)

(i)Sale of diseased or contaminated food for consumption.

(ii)Registration of certain categories of food business.

(iii)Annual licensing of food stalls.

9.Explain and give one example of each of the following:

(a)Social insurance benefit (Explanation =2; Example =1)(3)

Benefit paid based on an individual’s PRSI contributions.

example Dental Benefit.

(b)Social assistance payment (Explanation =2; Example =1) (3)

Assistance paid subject to a means test.

example Unemployment Assistance.

  1. State the function of each of the following parts of a microwave cooker:

(a)the transformer (2)

Increases the domestic voltage from 230V to higher frequency.

(b)the magnetron (2)

Changes the electric energy to microwave energy.

(c)the wave stirrer (2)

Guides the microwaves into the oven cabinet.

11.Identify two properties that are important to consider when caring for a fabric. State the reason in each case. (Property = 1; Reason =2) x 2 (6)

property Strong when wet e.g. cotton.

reason Items can be washed frequently.

property Is elastic when wet e.g. wool.

reason Wool fibres stretch, so dry flat.

12.(a)Name two statutory bodies concerned with consumer protection.(4)

(i)The Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs.

(ii)The Ombudsman.

(b)State the function of Citizen Information Centres.(2)

Provide information on all aspects of the social services, including legal issues, entitlements rights and taxation.

Section B

Candidates are required to answer Question 1 and any two other questions from this section.

Question 1 is worth 80 marks.

Questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 are worth 50 marks each.

  1. When evaluating the fat content of a food product, the consumer should consider the type and the quantity of fat present in the food.

Distribution of Fatty acids in Food Products

Food Products / Polyunsaturated fatty acids / Monounsaturated fatty acids / Saturated fatty acids
Vegetables Oils and Shortening
Sunflower Oil / 66% / 20% / 10%
Olive Oil / 8% / 74% / 13%
Soft tub margarine / 31% / 47% / 17%
Animal fats
Tuna fish / 37% / 26% / 27%
Chicken fat / 21% / 45% / 30%
Lard / 11% / 45% / 40%
Butter / 4% / 29% / 62%

(a) Using the information provided in the table and having regard to the recommended

guidelines for healthy eating, recommend one vegetable fat source and one animal

fat for inclusion in the diet.

Give reasons for your choice in each case.(12)

(Name=2; 2 Reasons@ 2 marks each =4) x 2

Vegetable fat: Olive oil


  1. Olive oil contains a high level of monounsaturated fatty acids. This is thought to provide protection from heart disease.
  2. Helps to ensure an appropriate intake of the essential fatty acids.

Animal Fat: Tuna fish


  1. Contains polyunsaturated fat – omega 3 fatty acids ……
  2. Low in saturated fatty acids - not as rich in cholesterol as the other animal fats listed in the table.

(b) Differentiate between (i) a saturated fatty acid, (ii) a monounsaturated fatty acid

and (iii) a polyunsaturated fatty acid.(18)

(3 @ 6 marks each)

(i) Saturated fatty acid: Contains no double bond in the hydrocarbon chain.

Each carbon atom contains as many hydrogen atoms as it can hold. Hard at room temperature, usually found in animal sources.

(ii) Monounsaturated fat: contains one double bond along the hydrocarbon chain. Usually soft / oily at room temperature and come from vegetable sources.

(iii) Polyunsaturated fatty acid: contains two or more double bonds along the hydrocarbon chain. Usually soft / oily at room temperature and come from vegetable sources.

(c) Give an account of two properties of lipids that are important in food production.(10)

(Expect 2 properties @ 5 marks each)

  • Emulsification: Two liquids which do not normally mix are forced to do so e.g. oil and vinegar. Used in the making of mayonnaise.
  • Hydrogenation: Hydrogen added to unsaturated oils to make them solid. Important in the manufacture of margarine.

(d) List fivedietary guidelines that should be considered when planning meals for

a person with coronary heart disease.(15)

(Expect 5 guidelines @ 3 marks each)

  • Avoid foods high in saturated fat such as butter, substitute with

unsaturated fats.

  • Include foods high in vitamins C and E.
  • Increase intake of oily fish in the diet.
  • Increase fruit and veg, fibre.
  • Reduce salt.

(e) Outline the importance of any onefunctional / processed food available that would

be of benefit to a person with coronary heart disease.(5)

“Benecol” - brand of foods e.g. spreads, drink that reduce cholesterol and lower

risk of heart disease.

(f) Explain how a person’s food choices may be affected by (i) personal, (ii) educational

and (iii) economic considerations.(20)

(Expect 4 points @ 5 mark each). At least one under each heading + one other.

Full explanation for each should be given


  • Personal preferences / sensory aspects of food……
  • Dietary restrictions e.g. diabetics/coeliacs………


  • Nutritional awareness – people eating healthier food…….


  • Limited budget, cannot afford to buy expensive food……..
  1. Prepared consumer foods represent the fastest growing export sector of the Irish food and drinks industry. Within this sector, convenience foods and other added value foods demonstrated the highest percentage of growth.The role played by small businesses particularly in relation to the production of Speciality Foods is key to this success’.

(An Bord Bia)

(a) Apart from prepared consumer foods list five other major Irish food exports.(5)

(5 @ 1 mark each)

  • Dairy products
  • Beef
  • Beverages
  • Sea food
  • Edible horticulture and cereals

(b)Explain what is meant by a ValueAdded Food.(7)

(Expect clear statement for 7 marks)

  • This is the processing of raw materials resulting in higher value products / beyond primary processing.


  • This occurs when milk is further processed to produce yoghurt or cheese, which are value added foods.

(c)Profile a Value Added Food of your choice, explaining the stages of its production, packaging and labelling. (16)

(Expect 8 points @ 2 marks. Full sequence must be included for full marks)
Value Added Food – carton of tomato soup

Stages of production:

  • Testing ingredients ……
  • Preparation of ingredients………
  • Pre-cooking, blending, thickening agents……
  • Cooking……
  • Cooled and packed……
Tasted and tested……
Chilled in a blast chiller……
Placed in cartons by computer programmed machines, sealed and date stamped

(d)Outline why small businesses and home enterprises play a key role in the

Irish food industry. (12)

(4 points @ 3 marks)

  • Plentiful supply of quality raw ingredients……….
  • Highly skilled workforce…….
  • Demand for regionally produced products………...
  • Image of goodness/wholesomeness………..

(e)Name two small Irish food businesses and give examples of the range of foods

produced by each. (10)

(Name = 2 marks, products = 3 marks) x 2

Company – Lakeshore Foods Ltd. Products – mustards, salad dressings, marinades, glazes.

Company – Glenisk. Products – yoghurts, crème fraîche, goat's milk.

  1. Alan and Rachel are a newly married couple. They have a combined net income of

42,000 euro per annum. At present they are living in private rented accommodation and are planning to purchase their own home.

(a)List the routine expenses that Alan and Rachel should allow for when planning

their budget. Include reference to essential and discretionary expenditure.(8)

List of expenses under the headings essential and discretionary

(Expect 4 @ 1 mark each) x 2

Essential – Mortgage re-payment, food, household expenses, transport.

Discretionary –Holidays, clothes, hobbies, redecorating.

(b)Give details of one type of savings scheme that you would recommend for this couple, giving reasons for your choice. (10)

(Name =2; Details =4; 2 Reasons @ 2 marks each = 4)

Name - Credit Union Savings/Shares Account.

Details of savings scheme - Savers become members. Members lodge money as they wish. Dividends are paid out from the surplus at the end of the year. Usually located in a convenient place. Flexible opening hours.

Reasons for choosing this type of scheme for this couple -

(1)They could apply for a loan to cover household furniture and appliances.

(2) Free to withdraw their money at any time.

(c)Give an account of the factors that should be considered by the couple before

choosing a mortgage.(12)

(Expect 4 developed factors @ 3 marks each)

(1)How much will they have to borrow………

(2)Types of mortgage available…….

(3)Length of repayment time……

(4)Amount of deposit needed……….

(d)Identify four key conditions that have to be satisfied by the couple for mortgage


(Expect 4 conditions @ 3 marks each)

(1)Annual joint income.

(2)State of property that they intend buying.

(3)Status of employment- full time or temporary.

(4)Age of applicants.

(e) Name and evaluate one method of credit payment that may be chosen by the

couple for the purchase of household furniture. (8)

(Name = 2; Expect 3 points @ 2 marks each)

Name- Credit Card.

(1) Convenient but could overspend …….

(2)Money should be paid off within a month or………

(3) Goods can be ordered on line or over the phone…………

  1. Mark, John and Paul are full time second year students at college and have decided to share a house or flat. John and Paul have part time jobs. Mark has a keen interest in sport and trains each evening using the college facilities. All three receive a full maintenance grant and tuition fees are paid. To enable the household to operate efficiently a management system is required.

(a)Identify and describe the three basic components of management.(15)

(Name = 2 marks; Description =3 marks) x 3

Inputs: The human and material resources, needs, wants and goals.

The difference between a need and a want is…………

Our goals are both short and long term…………

Resources are what are needed to achieve our goals………..

Throughputs: Planning Organising, Implementing.

Planning is the overall strategy………..

Organising is deciding on what tasks have to be done, who will do them……..

Implementing is putting the plan into action………..

Outputs: The outcome or end result to include evaluation.

Did I achieve my goal or did I have to change my plan……….

Was I satisfied with the end result………

What improvement could I make…………

(b) List the factors that affect management and explain any two in detail.(12)

(List 4 @ 1 mark each = 4; Expect explanation of 2 factors @ 4 marks =8)

  • Stages in lifecycle.
  • Employment pattern.
  • Management of dual role.
  • Values.

Stages in Lifecycle – When children arrive many management issues within the family have to change e.g. baby's feeding time may affect family meal times, Housework affected by babies waking hours………

Values – If family prioritises a holiday over home improvements money might be allocated for a family holiday rather than home improvement……...

(c)What resources will Mark, John and Paul require in managing their new living situation? (8)

(Expect 4 @ 2 marks each)

  • Human: themselves, skills, abilities…………
  • Material/ Physical: equipment, crockery, furniture, cleaning, laundry ………
  • Economic: amount of money available………..
  • Amount of time available …………….

(d)Identify how the students’ choice of accommodation may be influenced by personal, social and economic considerations. (15)

(Expect 3 @ 5 marks each, at least 1 point to refer to each)

Personal considerations: House or flat, do they have to share bedroom?…………..

Social considerations: Proximity to leisure / social facilities, Access to public transport / college within walking/ cycling distance……………..

Economic considerations: Amount of maintenance grant v cost of accommodation. Extra costs e.g heating etc. Transport costs…………….

5.Marriage can be described as a legally binding union between a man and a woman with monogamy forming the basis of what is legally accepted under Irish law. However across the world a variety of cultural variations exist in relation to marital arrangements.

(a)Describe some of the cultural variations that exist in relation to marital arrangements

in society.(15)

(Expect 3 descriptions @ 5 marks each)

Number of partners

Polygamy -when a person has more than one husband or one wife at the same time……


Jewish weddings are held under a special canopy, which is symbolic of the couple’s future home………

Choosing a partner

Betrothal -promise of marriage of children in the pre-puberty years………

(b)Outline four conditions that are necessary to make a marriage legally valid in

Ireland. (12)

(Expect 4 @ 3 marks each)

  • Partners must be of opposite sex.
  • Neither partner can be already married.
  • Minimum age for marriage without parent consent – 18 years, 16 years with parents consent.
  • Marriage must be of the partner’s own free will.

(c)Summarise the legal rights and responsibilities of marriage partners. (12)

(Expect 4 @ 3 marks each)

  • Each other’s company…………….
  • Cohabit………….
  • Financial maintenance…………..
  • Joint guardianship of any children born within the marriage…………

(d)Outline:(i) why it is important to make a will and(ii) the procedure for making a will. (11) (Reason why = 3 marks)

(i) Why - So that there is no confusion over people’s wishes on death, legally binding document.

(Procedure - Expect 4 points of procedure @ 2 marks each)

Full procedure expected for full marks

(ii) Procedure:

  • Engage a solicitor…….
  • It must be signed by a testator and witnessed by two people…….
  • Two executors must be appointed……..
  • It must contain a provision for anything acquired after the will is written…….

Section C

Candidates are required to answer one question from this section. Candidates are required to answer Part A and either Part B or Part C of the selected question.

Elective 1 - Home Design and Management (80 marks)

1.(a)Electricity is the most widely used energy source in domestic houses. Every consumer should have a knowledge of the basic principles associated with the safe use of electricity as misuse can lead to serious accidents.

The diagram below shows a household electrical system.

(i)Describe the structure of the ring circuit. (12)

(Expect 4 points @ 3 marks each)

  • A ring circuit consists of a continuous loop or length of wire that runs from the fuse board (consumer unit) and back again.
  • A ring circuit is normally connected to a 35-amp fuse.
  • A large number of sockets can be attached to the circuit as long as the total does not exceed the strength of the fuse.
  • Extra sockets can be easily added.

(ii)The consumer unit (fuse box) shows a number of fuses. The fuse for the cooker

circuit is 35 amps while the fuse for the immersion heater circuit is 20 amps.

Explain the term ampere (amp) and state why the circuits referred to require fuses

with different ratings.(7)

(Explanation of Ampere = 3 marks)

Ampere: measure of the rate at which electric current flows. The amperage is determined by the amount of electricity used by an appliance.

(Reason –Expect 2 points @ 2 marks each = 4 marks)

Different rates of fuses are needed because the fuse must have the same or a slightly higher amp as the appliance on the circuit. A cooker has higher amperage than immersion heater thus different fuses are needed.