Quilting with Machines

A Learning Experience

Oct 18 - 20, 2007

The Events Committee has been working hard to make this a spectacular event of which we can all be proud. We’ve met a few times and spent LOTS of time on our own working on the details. We are ready to announce many of those details. Not everything is finalized yet - so some of this will probably change, but we are excited to share what we've done.

We will have MANY things that we'll need to have help with and we're going to ask members for that help as the need arises. Everyone who attends the event will be required to help - and there will be lots to do. As the time gets closer, we'll start assigning specific duties to be done at the event. For those members who will not have the chance to attend the actual event, there will be numerous ways for you to help in the meantime.

Event name : Quilting with Machines

A Learning Experience

Event logo:

Event colors: red, white, black


Das Dutch Village Inn

150 East State Route 14

Columbiana, Ohio 44408

(330) 482-5050 1-866-482-5050

The hotel has 52 rooms - there are 3 floors plus the lower level. There is an indoor pool and hot-tub. The facility is only a few years old and is very charming. The rooms are spacious and many can room up to 6 people.

An Amish restaurant is next door.

The lower level has a large banquet room that can be divided into 2 sections. Outside the banquet hall is a spacious lobby area.

The 2nd floor has a meeting room that is available in the afternoon (breakfast is served there).

The 3rd floor has a meeting room available all day.

The 2nd and 3rd floors also have large lobby areas.

Room rates (based on double occupancy) - add $10 for each additional adult. Taxes are not included.

King (one bed) $79/night

Queen (one bed) 79

Double Queen (2 queen beds) 89

Double Queen Luxury (2 queen beds and a sleeper chair) 89

One room Suite 129

Fireside Suite 149

If you are planning to attend the event, please call and make your reservations soon. We encourage you to share one room among several members to leave as many rooms as possible for outside attendees.

Here is the schedule of events:

Thursday, Oct 18th Vendors Night 6pm to 10pm

Friday, Oct 19th Classes 8am to 6pm

Dinner Banquet 7pm to 10pm

Saturday, Oct 20th Classes 8am to 6pm



We have use of the rooms at 3pm. We will mark off the areas where each vendor's booth will be and the vendors can start setting up at 4pm. They will be set up in the banquet hall, it's lobby area, in the 2nd and 3rd floor meeting rooms. We may also set up vendors in the 2nd and 3rd floor lobby areas.

Linda Bennett has volunteered to head up the vendor set up project. We will need other members to help the vendors bring in the goods (and take out when the evening ends).

Each booth is approx 10' x 10', we will provide one 8' table and 2 chairs - vendor can pay extra for additional tables. Each vendor booth will have a sign with their name. This can be placed on the front of their table or tacked to the wall.

The event runs from 6pm until 10pm.

The Challenge Quilt display will be set up in one of the areas (we still need to determine how to hang the display). Members can indicate a sale price on their quilt if they want - 10 % of the sale price goes to OLAQ.

The event is free to the public. However, we will have a 'donation' box at the registration table with a statement of what our group is about and that we are non-profit and donations will help us continue to promote education and fellowship in the quilting community - etc, etc, etc.

Each attendee will receive some sort of booklet that lists each vendor and where they are set up. They will also receive a ballot for voting for their favorite challenge quilt and a ticket for door prizes. We are thinking of stamping hands to show that the person has received their door prize ticket.

Each vendor is being required to donate one item to be given as a door prize on vendor's night. Depending on how many items we have, we will draw door prized tickets every 10 or 15 minutes and post the winning numbers on a board in the lobby. Winners will have to be present to win door prizes.

In the main lobby area (1st floor) we will have an area set up to include the following -

Registration table for students arriving

Selling of raffle quilt tickets

Selling of raffle basket tickets

Passing out the vendor night book, ballot and door prize tickets

We have already sent contracts to 20 vendors from Ohio and PA so far. After we've had a chance to go back to the hotel and measure the areas, will we send out contracts to more vendors, if we have the room. (We think we could fit about 30 total.)

Longarm dealers to have machines set up - Gammill, APQS, Nolting

Friday, Oct 19th

All Day - Registration table in lobby, sell raffle tickets

All Day - Free demos in the lobby areas of the lower level and 2nd and 3rd floors

All Day - Challenge Quilt Display

8am - 10am 4 different 2-hour classes offered

10:30am - 12:30pm 4 different 2-hour classes offered

12:30pm - 1:30pm lunch time (boxed lunches offered)

1:30pm - 3:30pm 4 different 2-hour classes offered

4pm - 5pm 2 different 1-hour classes offered

4pm - 6pm 2 different 2-hour classes offered

7pm - 10pm Dinner banquet with lecture

Saturday, Oct 20th

8am - 10am 4 different 2-hour classes offered

10:30am - 12:30pm 4 different 2-hour classes offered

12:30pm - 1:30pm lunch time (boxed lunches offered)

1:30pm - 3:30pm 4 different 2-hour classes offered

4pm - 6pm 4 different 2-hour classes offered

Dinner Banquet - Friday

v  dinner (menu to be determined)

v  door prizes (from the vendor donations received)

v  announce the winners of the challenge quilts

v  draw winning ticket for raffle quilt

v  Shirley and Sharon to tell story of the raffle quilt

v  Shirley Stutz to give a one-hour lecture


v  Jodi Robinson

v  Shirley Stutz

v  Kathy McCarty

v  Janice Kiser

v  Bona Robinson

v  Doug Creasy

v  DeLoa Jones

v  Dave Jones

v  Diana Phillips

v  Jamie Wallen (?)

v  Jessica Jones (?)

Classes - to be announced (we're still working this out - but they're gonna be great)

v  2 hour demo/lecture type classes

v  Maybe a couple 1 hour demo/lecture type classes

Events committee

(Anna Bachtel, Janice Kiser, Kathy McCarty, Jodi Robinson, Mary Zeitz)

v  secure location

v  plan schedule

v  contract with teachers

v  contract with vendors for vendors night

v  ask for donations of goods from vendors/manufacturers

v  obtain insurance for the event

v  so many other things, it's hard to list them


(Mary Zeitz)

v  secure quiltingwithmachines.com domain name

v  build website to contain ALL information for the event

v  have registration form online that can be printed and mailed

v  website to be launched when the schedule is finalized (teachers contracts are signed)

Raffle Quilt committee

(Sharon Gostlin, Pat Waldron, Sue Palumbo, Anna Bachtel)

v  complete the quilt

v  get a good picture of the quilt that we can give to all selling tickets and to display on the website

Fund Raising committee -

(Sarah Bistline, Kathryn Hood, Lynne Gray, Nancy Gano)

v  handle the raffle quilt details - get tickets printed, distribute tickets and maintain record of tickets, arrange to sell tickets at the Sewing Expo at the IX Center and other venues such as Lake Farmpark quilt show.

v  make up the raffle baskets to be used at the event (made up of donated items from vendors)

v  come up with other ways to raise money for the treasury

Public Relations committee

(Linda Bennett, Nora Brant)

v  get post cards printed to distribute to quilters and quilt shops in Ohio and PA (and maybe beyond)

v  come up with a list of who should get our event literature

v  find ways to promote the event

v  get a banner that can be displayed in the lobby of the hotel during the event


(Debbie Arden - Registrar)

v  A registration form can be printed from the website.

v  All registration forms will be mailed to Debbie. She will keep track of who has signed up for each class and notify us when a class is full. She will contact the registrant if there are problems with their form

v  Checks received with the forms will be forwarded to the Treasurer.

v  Registrants wanting to pay by credit card will be sent an email invoice (through PayPal) with the amount they owe and a link to click on which will allow them to pay by credit card through PayPal.

v  Once the registration form has been processed and full payment is received, we will notify the registrant that they are signed up and give them a confirmation of payment.

v  When the registrant arrives at the event, they will receive a goodie bag containing a schedule of classes and where they are being held, literature that we received from vendors who are donating items and a few "thank you" gifts. As of now, our ideas for these gifts include a waist apron with pockets - with our logo screen-printed on it (every machine quilter can use this), and a retractable fob for scissors - with our logo on it.

Fees (for non OLAQ members)

v  registration fee - $30

v  class fee 2 hour class = $35 1 hour class = TBD

v  dinner banquet = $35

Fees (for OLAQ members)

v  registration fee - $15

v  class fee 2 hour class = $35 1 hour class = TBD

v  dinner banquet = $30

Ways members can help now

v  give us ideas for free demos - these should be about 20 minutes long

v  do you have connections where you can get us a good price on office supplies and printing services,

v  sell raffle tickets