Voluntary Reduced Work Week(VRWW) Program2018/2019

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply for VRWW days?

The VRWW Program applies to employees of the College, with the exception of Instructors, employees in part-time arrears positions (paid based on submitted time sheets), casual employees and employees that are normally subject to seasonal lay-off.

Non-instructional staff, who become Instructional staff, in the course of the subject year, are no longer eligible to remain in the program. Deductions will cease and monies deducted for time not yet taken will be refunded. Please be advised there may be tax implications as a result of the reimbursement of income.

How do I apply for VRWW days?

The electronic application form is available through HUB.

Completed applications must be submitted to the Manager/Director no later thanFebruary 16, 2018.

  1. Log on to HUB.
  2. Under My Applications, click the Maestro application icon.
  3. If required, log on using your College User ID and Password.
  4. Click onto Human Resource Services eForms.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resource Services at (204) 632-2319.

Can I take VRWW days and vacation days consecutively to extend my vacation?

The Manager/Director will consider all requests subject to operational requirements.

Can I take VRWW days in half day increments?

Yes, employees are eligible to take VRWW days in half day increments.

During which period must I take my approved days?

The program allows employees to request VRWW days off up to March 29, 2019 Employees can begin taking VRWW days March 31, 2018.

How will VRWW days affect my Pension? Group insurance? Vacation accumulation? Sick time accumulation?

Approved VRWW days will not have an effect on your pension, group life insurance, vacation accumulation, or sick leave accumulation.

How are VRWW deductions calculated?

The deduction is calculated using the number of days that you have as approved VRWW days and your rate of pay as ofMarch 31, 2018.

How will VRWW days affect my Record of Employment (ROE) as they are considered to be Leave without Pay?

For the purpose of producing a Record of Employment, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) requires that hours be reported as actual hours worked in the bi-weekly pay period and earnings be reported as earnings associated with the hours actually worked in the bi-weekly pay period.

If I participate in the VRWW program and apply for Employment Insurance, will the amount of benefits be affected by my VRWW days?

If you have taken VRWW days during the qualifying period of Employment Insurance, your benefits may be affected as the approved VRWW days used may not be included as hours worked.

Should you have specific questions about eligibility and the calculation of Employment Insurance, please contact your local HRSDC office.

What if the VRWW days that I have requested are not the days my Manager/Director prefers?

VRWW days will be approved only if they are acceptable to both you and your Manager/Director. Your Manager/ Director may send your request back requesting for alternate dates, number of days.

How does the Manager/Director decide which VRWW days are approved?

Your Manager/Director will balance the requests for VRWW days with the operational requirements of the Department. Operational requirements may include the vacation schedule and the workload of all staff within your work area.

Can I apply for VRWW days after February 16, 2018?

Applications received after this date may be considered by management subject to scheduling and operational requirements at the time of the request.

Can I cancel my approved VRWW days?

You cannot change the number of VRWW days that are approved however you may, with the approval from your Manager/Director, change the dates of the approved VRWW day(s).

What happens to the VRWW days/payments if/when a term employee transferred or promoted to another position in the College?

VRWW days will be treated no differently than vacation or sick leave. Approval has been granted by the College and should be disclosed and considered by the new hiring manager.

How will my pay be affected?

Employees will continue to receive regular salary for the date of the leave of absence and the reduction in pay will be spread out over 26 pay periods between March 31, 2018 and March 29, 2019.

The Approximate Net Pay ReductionChart provides an approximate estimate of the decrease in net pay that an employee may experience for each of the 26bi-weekly pay periods between March 31, 2018 and March 29, 2019.

Can an employee take VRWW days and then get paid overtime later on to catch up on essential work?

Requests for VRWW days off will not be approved if overtime would result.

What happens if I leave my job with Red River College?

Any VRWW related deductions will be adjusted by Human Resource Services on your final pay to ensure that there are not any over or under deductions processed.

Who should I contact for further information?

Contact your Manager, Human Resource Consultant, or HR Administrative Coordinator.