Reviewed: October 2016Present to Board January 2017




FDSW is a disability sports organisation, which is responsible for the strategic development of pan-disability sport in Wales. It aims to promote and develop opportunities for disabled people to participate in sport and physical activity.

In August 2004, FDSW became a Company by Limited Guarantee.

The Federation comprises of four National Disability Sports Organisations (NDSOs) and a number of sports specific groups. The local authorities in Wales are also represented on its Board of Directors. Sport Wales are invited to provide a liaison officer to attend the Board.

FDSW advises both Sport Wales and Welsh Government on policy development matters and programming issues for disability sport in Wales.

FDSW is committed to the development of sport and physical activity primarily through three national sports programmes:-

a)A National Performance and Academyprogramme that supports talented emerging and elite performers.

b)Disability Sport Wales Community Programmeis a joint initiative between FDSW and Sport Wales and the Local Authorities. It is aimed at

providing quality community based sporting and recreational

opportunities for disabled people throughout Wales.

c)An Education and Training programme which seeks to develop and implement

training and coach education courses appropriate for the community, Welsh NGBs

and other public and private sector partners.

FDSW ensures that its programmes are fully inclusive, offering individuals the opportunity to achieve a full and active role within their sporting communities, whilst at the same time providing a structured ‘pathway’ through which talented performers can achieve their full potential.

Core Values:




Role of the Board:

  • Leadership and strategic direction focusing on the vision, core values and objectives of the organisation.
  • To seek to ensure that there are sufficient resources available to achieve the overall vision and objectives of the organisation and controlling the application of those resources.
  • Monitoring and supervising with the CEO, Performance Director and the Senior Management team.
  • Reporting to the SW, WAG and other partners on stewardship and performance.

Conduct of the Board:

  • Board members should share corporate responsibility for decisions taken. Dissention may be recorded in the minutes. However majority decisions must either be accepted or the Director may, if he/she wishes, resign.
  • Board members must respect the confidentiality of sensitive information. This can come in many forms, for example; commercially sensitive information, personal/personnel information and other information received in confidence.
  • Board members should be at all times loyal to fellow Board members and the Senior Management team. Never to be critical publicly of colleagues or staff, undermine decisions of the Board or endeavour to distance themselves from decisions of the Board.
  • Board members should at all time conduct themselves appropriately in whatever capacity, either when acting as a Board member or in any other capacity. Their actions should never tarnish the reputation of the Board.
  • Board members should be aware that at all times when writing or speaking on any matter within the Board’s remit they may be perceived as representing the Board and should therefore seek to avoid embarrassment and distress to the organisation.

Board Attendance:

  1. It is likely that the FDSW Ltd Board will meet at least four times a year and Directors will be expected to make every effort to attend. Board members should attend regularly and support the decision making process.
  1. Sub Committees or discreet project groups may be formed to carry out specific tasks.

Role summary:

Directors of the FDSW Ltd will bring with them their personal and professional knowledge, expertise and experience in order to support the FDSW Ltd in achieving its key objectives.

Each Director will bring a personal perspective and objectivity to the Board of FDSW Ltd, which seeks to encourage and foster a strong organisational performance, based on innovation, creativity and equality.

Directors will be drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds based on perceived skills sets, and may be called upon to use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to promote and deliver the Corporate plan and help the Board reach sound decisions.

The Chair’s Role:

  1. From time to time as requested by the Board take a lead responsibility in links with external stakeholders.
  2. Monitor and oversee the performance of individual board members.
  3. Ensure the Board carries out its essential functions, by planning the business to be conducted and ensuring a conclusion is reached.
  4. Ensuring all decisions are clearly and accurately recorded.
  5. Ensuring that the Board delegates sufficient and appropriate authority to sub-committees and staff.
  6. Ensure Directors are given the opportunity to express their views before decisions are taken
  7. Ensure the Board receives professional advice and information when required
  8. The Chair should also develop an effective relationship with the Directors.
  9. Carrying out performance appraisal of the Executive Director of FDSW Ltd.
  10. Where appropriate advice and advising on remuneration of the FDSW Ltd staff, in consultation with the FDSW Ltd Remunerations Committee.

The Directors’ Roles:

Principle tasks in this context can be set out as

  1. To work with fellow directors to ensure the Board formulates and reviews its Corporate plan and annually monitors performance against this plan
  1. To be responsible for the direction of the staff and the administration of FDSW Ltd in the execution of Board Policies
  1. To ensure the Board receives relevant advice and information on all matters to enable it to fulfill its corporate governance responsibilities.

Tasks will include

  1. Working with fellow directors to achieve:
  2. Appropriate progress reporting to the Board on matters relevant to them in discharging their responsibilities.
  3. Developing policy proposals for Board consideration
  4. As appropriate monitor and advise on the composition of board membership and committee membership and the process of self assessment and development
  5. Meetings of all groups appointed by the Board do occur from time to time and relevant issues are discussed and resolved.
  1. Directing the organisation
  2. Ensure the Corporate Strategy is in place to guide FDSW Ltd in achieving its objectives.
  3. Ensure FDSW Ltd articulates its values and applies them across the organisation through attending relevant meeting events across the full range of the spectrum of FDSW’s activities but particularly where it’s key goals are.
  4. Taking responsibility for the finances of FDSW Ltd and to monitor that income and expenditure is within the agreed budget. To secure investment in FDSW Ltd, especially from Sport Wales.

2.4 To be satisfied that financial reporting is regular and comprehensive, management

information is accurate, and that systems of risk management are robust and


2.5 To ensure all company and legal obligations are fulfilled and that FDSW Ltd develops a policy framework which allows it to operate equitably and in line with good corporate practice

2.6 Proving leadership to the FDSW Ltd Senior Management Team maintaining appropriate review and appraisal systems

2.7 To seek to ensure resources are available to deliver the Corporate Plan

2.8 Ensure all staff have access to and understand the Corporate Plan and how it fits into the Vision and the values of the FDSW Ltd

2.9 Ensuring FDSW Ltd is appropriately represented to its stakeholders.

Directors may be charged with carrying a portfolio of responsibilities.

4. The Financial Director will

  • Oversee the finances and accounts of the company, within the wider ambit of statutory requirements

Person Specification:

1. Experience
Essential /
  • An involvement in an executive or voluntary capacity within an agency whose business includes performance sport

Desirable /
  • Previous experience of board/ committee membership, owning and committing to shared goals and corporate responsibilities and understanding and valuing roles and contributions from all members and Company staff
  • Experience of dealing with Sports Councils and the Welsh / British Disability Sports System
  • A proven track record in disability sport
  • Experience of overseeing the formulation and management of budgets, and of monitoring performance (financial and otherwise)

2. Knowledge
Essential /
  • A knowledge of business planning and performance
  • high performance sport and planning
  • Knowledge of the Sport Wales

Desirable /
  • Specific knowledge in a key aspect of the FDSW Ltd’s business, e.g., corporate practice
  • Knowledge of the national disability sports landscape.
  • finance,
  • community/athlete/coach/official development

3. Skills & Abilities
Essential /
  • An ability to exercise vision and a strategic overview
  • Problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • The ability to act objectively, consistently and corporately
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Diplomatic, negotiating and influencing skills
  • The ability to act as an advocate on behalf of the FDSW Ltd

4. Other
Essential /
  • A commitment to the furtherance of disability sport, both nationally and internationally
  • The ability to attend at least four FDSW Ltd Board meetings per annum, and to prepare adequately for these by reading and understanding Board papers

Desirable /
  • An understanding of and commitment to corporate good practice

Terms of engagement:

All Directors will be appointed through a transparent and open process.

Terms of Office for the Chair and Directors will be in accordance with the Articles of Association of Federation of Disability Sport Wales Limited.

Travel will be required to Board meetings and agreed FDSW Ltd events

The position of Director is not remunerated, but all reasonable expenses incurred during the fulfillment of duty will be reimbursed in line with agreed financial standing orders.