“Hilarious” – Eric Idle, Monty Python

“Obscene” – The Mail on Sunday

The show that sold out and blew the roof off the Sydney Opera House, BONO AND GELDOF ARE CUNTS is a foul-mouthed, funny and frightening comic investigation through Africa from British writer Jane Bussmann (South Park, Brass Eye). Based on years of research and knob gags, it asks, why are people flying business class and living in mansions to help the poor? When did poverty become and industry that needs poverty to survive? What are Scarlett Johansson’s bouncing tits of sorrow doing in a refugee camp?

Bono and Geldof are Cunts sold out London’s Soho Theatre, Nairobi’s Vineyard, Nairobi’s Purdy Arms, London’s UCL and the Frontline Club in hours so early booking is advised. Not for the easily offended or Sting.

Bussmann’s savagely funny and critical book about Hollywood and Uganda, A Journey to the Dark Heart of Nameless Unspeakable Evil, was Sunday Times Pick of the Week. “So funny you feel guilty laughing” –Reuters. “Genuinely confusing to rapists” -Chris Morris.

Her previous Edinburgh showBussmann’s Holiday,based on the book, was nominated for the Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award and has packed out theatres from Los Angeles to Nairobi. “Very funny. Jane’s got a death wish” –Matt Stone.

REVIEWSforBussmann’s Holidayand A Journey to the Dark Heart of Nameless Unspeakable Evil

‘I found myself convulsed with sinus-clearing snorts of astonished laughter... This potty-mouthed, sarcastic, self-deprecating female journalist with no track record on Africa and a ludicrously inappropriate CV has succeeded where scores of doughty, better-qualified males routinely come a cropper’Michela Wrong,TheSpectator

‘Funnier than Scoop.’ Graeme Garden

‘One of the most passionate, smart, hilarious hours on the Fringe, packed with so many absurd one-liners that it's impossible to stop laughing, even as your brain buzzes with fury at the story she relates… She can spin twisted, brilliant gags out of the unlikeliest of material’The Guardian ****


Jane is an award-winning comedy writer, author and newspaper columnist who has written for over fifty TV shows.She was ‘named and shamed’ in the News of the World as one of the writers behindBrass Eye Special: Paedophilia, the most complained-about program in British television history.

She has been a columnist for the Guardian, the Mail on Sunday, Red and the Face and has interviewed Hollywood celebrities for Glamour, Marie Claire and the Sunday Times.

Bono & Geldof are Cuntsis written by Jane Bussmann with Kenyan filmmaker Naisola Grimwood.

Jane currently lives in Mombasa, Kenya.