2017 Scholarship Application
Guidelines and Eligibility Information
2017 Scholarship Application
Below is the method that will be used in 2017 to select scholarship recipients.
¨ Eligibility Criteria:
- Must have completed the junior year of high school.
- Must have a 2.5 or better GPA.
- Must enroll at a college, university, trade school, or community college.
- Must be a minimum of Par Certified in the Life Skills Program as of April 1, 2017.
- Active in The First Tee of Greater Pasadena database upon submittal of application.
¨ Accessing and Completing the Application:
- Application is in MSWord and may be downloaded from The First Tee of Greater Pasadena website in the Programs section:
- Download all parts of the application as indicated below and complete the applicant sections, Part I & II. This can be done on the computer or handwritten.
- Part III is to be given to your The First Tee of Greater Pasadena coach or program director for completion. You can hand deliver this form or email it to the coach/program director. When the form is completed, add it to your packet to be sent in.
- The Official School Report is to be hand delivered or emailed to the appropriate school representative. The school representative will complete and mail to The First Tee of Greater Pasadena along with a copy of your grade transcript.
- Obtain your two reference letters and include in your packet to be mailed in.
¨ Rules for Application – Each applicant must complete a scholarship application which will include the following::
ü Part I: General and Participant Family Information (Forms A & B), please complete fully.
ü Part II: Application (includes all five essays and activities chart).
ü Part III: Chapter Participation Survey completed by chapter coach or program director.
ü Official School Report to be given to the school for completion and return with transcript of grades.
ü Application must be accompanied by a minimum of two letters total from a high school principal, teacher, golf coach, and/or counselor.
ü All applications must be postmarked by April 10, 2017.
ü Mail to: The First Tee of Greater Pasadena, 1133 Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91103
¨ Selection Process:
- The First Tee of Greater Pasadena scholarship committee will make the selection of those applicants who are performing well both personally and academically at its sole discretion and based upon the overall application of each candidate.
- All applicants will be notified and finalists will be required to attend an interview the afternoon of April 22, 2017 to be considered for a scholarship.
- The scholarship committee will announce the recipients by April 25, 2017 and all scholarship recipients will be recognized at a special presentation on May 7, 2017.
¨ Important Notes -
- Please keep in mind that EVERY element of the application will be read thoroughly and evaluated by the scholarship committee so the selection of applicants is as fair and un-biased as possible.
- Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded to as many successful applicants as the existing fund will allow.
- Scholarship winners will not receive cash directly. Recipients are required to submit the name, address, and contact person of the school of their enrollment so that The First Tee of Greater Pasadena can send the funds to be held at the school in the name of the winner for future use.
¨ Questions – For questions regarding The First Tee of Greater Pasadena scholarship fund, please contact Betty Lou Beyer, Special Projects Director, or phone the chapter office 626-684-0024.
Do not mail this page with application!
Part I: Form A
2017 Scholarship Application
2017 Scholarship Application
applicant’s InformationName:
Current residence address:
City: / ZIP Code:
Name of High School:
Participant’s contact information: (cell phone)
Other phone number:
Participant’s email (if applicable):
Parent’s email (if applicable):
Date of birth: MM/DD/YYYY / Current Life Skills Level:
School grade level as of ______:
Junior Senior / Grade Point Average (based on a 4.0 scale):
Part I: Form B
applicant’s family informationName of Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Permanent, Legal address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Contact Information:
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature: / Date:
Applicant Signature: / Date:
Part II: Short Answer Essays
Name:· Answer ALL of the following five questions
· Please use the space provided below or attach typed answers on a separate page. If attaching a separate page, make sure the question is typed above the answer and your name is at the top of the page.
· Response must be 250 words or less per question
1. Complete the phrase: Because of The First Tee, I2. When is a time you were stressed out, how did you deal with it and what The First Tee Life Skill did you apply to manage your stress or situation?
3. Provide an example of an adult mentor relationship that has been significant to you and explain why (i.e. Teacher, Coach, Mentor, Counselor, etc.).
4. Share one of the most valuable The First Tee Life Skills that you have learned at the chapter, how you learned it and explain how you use this Life Skill both on and off the golf course?
Part III: Application/Activities Chart
Name: ______Dates From-To / Time Spent /
Responsibility / Accomplishments
Hours perWeek / Month / Total Hours
A. Extracurricular/School Activities
B. Community/Volunteer Service
C. Awards & Recognition
D. Work for Pay
This report should be completed by the principal or designated school official and must not be returned to the applicant. Please mail a copy of the applicant’s high school transcript with this report.
Applicant: / Age:Home Address: / Grade Level:
High School: / GPA:
Parents/Guardian Names:
Comments: (Please include any information regarding a personal or financial need this student may have.)
Do you recommend that this student be awarded a scholarship from The First Tee of Greater Pasadena? _____yes _____no
(If no, please explain why in the space below.)
Printed Name: ______Signature: ______
Title: ______Phone/email: ______
Date: ______
NOTE to the school principal or counselor: Please submit this report and the applicant’s high school transcript (Including grades and rank in class through the junior year) no later than: April 10, 2017.
Send to: The First Tee of Greater Pasadena, Scholarship Committee, 1133 Rosemont Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103, phone 626-684-0024.
Part IV: Chapter Participation Survey
2017 Scholarship Application
2017 Scholarship Application
The following form is to be completed for by a chapter coach, program director, or executive director. It must be returned to The First Tee of Greater Pasadena office with the application and postmarked by April 10, 2017.
Please note, this form is a vital part of the criteria evaluated to be awarded a scholarship. Please complete it thoughtfully as full information is necessary. Please type directly onto this form, or attach a separate typed page with numbered answers.
Participant Name:1. How often does this participant visit your chapter?
2. How many total hours has this participant spent in programming at your chapter?
3. How many years has this participant been involved with your chapter?
4. In what capacity is this participant currently involved at your chapter?
Please attach a letter of recommendation commenting on this participant’s level of commitment to The First Tee. In the letter, please provide examples of how the participant uses lessons learned at the chapter.
Name of chapter representative:
Position at Chapter: / E-mail address:
Date: / Phone number: