Whitworth Water District No. 2
Board Meeting Minutes
January19, 2017
The meeting was called to order byDennis Brown,Acting-Chairperson, at 4:30 p.m. Those present wereRick Koller, Acting-Secretary-Treasurer;Chris Johnson, Commissioner; Chan Bailey, Commissioner;Susan McGeorge, Tom McInerney, Doug Babin, Tom Davis and Eric Byrd.
Chris Johnsonmade a motion to approve the minutes ofJanuary 5, 2017.The motion was seconded by Rick Koller and approved unanimously.
Old Business
WASWD Section Meeting – Chan Bailey discussed with the Board the WASWD Section Meeting that he attended in Moses Lake earlier that day. Chan informed the Board of the update that he received aboutthe King County Ordinance on taxing utility companies that have lines in King County right-of-ways. He also spoke about the update he received on the Hirst decision. Chan informed the Board of the package of bills that WASWD will be presenting this Legislative session. Dennis Brown inquired if Chan was encouraging the Board Members to fill the Member Survey in the packet? Chan replied that he was hoping so and to return the survey to him when they complete the form.
Arrow Board Repair – Doug Babin mentioned to the Board that our insurance company had not decided yet on whether to repair the arrow board or to replace it.
New Business
Dental Policy Renewal –Susan McGeorge discussed with the Board the upcoming Dental policy renewal for the period of March 2017 through February 2018. Susan said that there was a 1.1% increase in the overall cost of the policy. After a brief discussion about the increases and decreases throughout the policy Chan Bailey made a motion to approve the renewal of the Dental policy with the District. The motion was seconded by Rick Koller and approved unanimously.
Ernie Kiel Request –Susan McGeorge spoke to the Board about the request from Ernie Kiel. Susan said that she received a request from Ernie Kiel to have the District maintain a water system that a group will build up north outside of our District boundaries. Susan showed the Board the location of the proposed water system. A discussion evolved about the difficulties of getting to the area and lack of man power to maintain the system. Dennis Brown polled the Board; the results were 0 in favor and 4 against.
Eric Byrd Request –Eric Byrd attended the Board Meeting to discuss his plans for developing a small water system to service six homes within the Whitworth Water District boundaries. Eric handed the Commissioners a map of the 70 acres where he plans on building 6 homes and creating a Class B water system. Eric requested that the District send him a notice of non-availability, so he can continue with his project. Susan McGeorge said that the area is within the boundaries of the District and that it is within reach of possibly connecting to our system.Susan also mentioned that serving this area is in the Comprehensive Plan and she showed the Board a conceptual way to service the property being developed by Mr. Byrd. A discussion ensued about the number of factors connecting to this property, such as the requirements to sustain water pressure, cost, hookup policy and the
Meeting Minutes – Page 2
January 19, 2017
District’s policy of allowing a small water system within their boundaries. Steve Stocker suggested that Mr. Byrd’s Engineer, Mr. Hahn discuss this further with Doug Babin and Tom Davis.
Surplus Property –Susan McGeorge handed this topic over to Doug Babin for discussion with the Board. Doug Babin mentioned that the 2003 Chevrolet Pickup as discussed at the last meeting needed to be declared surplus so it can be sold. Chan Bailey made a motion to declare the 2003 Chevrolet Pickup surplus. The motion was seconded by Chris Johnson and approved unanimously.
Open Forum
1.Pay Estimate #7, Retainage Release, Red Diamond Construction – Rick Koller presented and made a motion to approve Pay Estimate #7, Retainage Release, from Red Diamond Construction for the amount of $42,714.46. The motion was seconded by Chan Bailey and approved unanimously.
2.Pay Estimate #2, Hardesty Ridge, Phase 1, - Red Diamond Construction – Rick Koller presented and made a motion to approve Pay Estimate #2, from Red Diamond Construction for the amount of $2,437.74. The motion was seconded by Chris Johnson and approved unanimously.
3.Rick Kollerpresented and made a motion to approve Payroll Vouchers 33925-33930 in the amount of $26,795.08,withholding and FICA in the amount of $10,647.33,with a net payroll of$25,897.62.The motion was seconded by Chris Johnson and approved unanimously.
4.Chris Johnson presented and made a motion to approve 2016 Expense Vouchers 33931-33939 in the amount of $12,368.33.The motion was seconded by Chan Bailey and approved unanimously.
5.Rick Koller presented and made a motion to approve Expense Vouchers 33940-33975 in the amount of $78,882.70.The motion was seconded by Chan Bailey and approved unanimously.
6.Rick Koller presented and made a motion to approve Expense Voucher 33976 in the amount of $12,934.75.The motion was seconded by Chan Bailey and approved unanimously.
7.Chris Johnson presented and made a motion to approve 2016Construction Vouchers1084-1086 in the amount of $32,574.73.The motion was seconded by Rick Kollerand approved unanimously.
8.Rick Koller presented and made a motion to approve Construction Vouchers 1087-1089 in the amount of $51,196.79.The motion was seconded by Chris Johnson and approved unanimously.
9.Rick Koller presented and made a motion to approve Resolution 17-01 calling for the transfer of $70,000 from the Expense Account to the Construction Account and the transfer of $65,000 from the Expense Account to the Bond Money Market Account. The motion was seconded by Chan Bailey and approved unanimously.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. by Dennis Brown.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tom McInerney
Rick Koller, Acting-Secretary-Treasurer