Capital Community College – Achieving The Dream

Communication Team

MEETING MINUTES – Monday, November 7, 2005

The meeting was held from 10:30am until 11:30am in room 1032 (Media Conference Room)

Attending: Jacqueline Bedward, Michael Bies, Jane Bronfman, Dan Desroches, Steven Minkler (Leader/Recorder)

1. Approval of Minutes from November 3, 2005 / Approved as presented.
2. Feedback from Telephone Conference with KSA Plus / The conference was well received by the Team. We thought the content was “just right” for what we needed, and the technology to connect nearly 20 sites worked flawlessly. Having a moderated agenda, rather than a “free-for-all” was a good format for this event. / Sign up for future telephone conferences. / Steve / As scheduled
3. Internal Communication Efforts / Need to refocus faculty, staff, and students on the objectives of Achieving the Dream through:
·  Poster campaign
·  Website (which also serves an external audience)
·  Achieving the Dream moments
·  Others (give-aways, etc.)
The Team discussed various taglines, centering on the “Achieving the Dream Messages” sent to us by KSA-Plus. / Develop posters and web pages that complement the video vignettes we have done for Changing Lives and Achieving the Dream / Team / Ongoing
4. External Communication Efforts / ·  Committee members can review the proofs to help look at “readability” and “user-friendliness” of the Spring 2006 Schedule booklet.
·  We should insert the ATD logo and/or short article in the magazine part of the booklet.
·  We will transcribe portions of the videos done for Changing Lives as our initial submissions to KSA-Plus for student success stories.
·  Need to keep website up to date so the national partners can see what Capital is doing. / As discussed. / Team / ASAP
5. Catalog 2006-07 / · 
·  Team does not want to become the Catalog production committee. Yet, how can we help?
·  Achieving the Dream messages and language should be part of Catalog, but our job is not to assess or review the entire publication. / Team / Ongoing