The NUT Benevolent Fund was established in 2015 to provide financial assistance to NUT members when they have suffered sickness, accident or injury, unemployment or bereavement. Most grants will be to assist with short term financial emergencies so that essential but unaffordable goods or services can be paid for. More substantial applications will also be considered in cases of serious need and misfortune. The NUTBF is available to all members and dependants of members who have been in full membership for at least one year. Members suffering from financial hardship due to unexpected illness, long term health problems or a sudden change in financial circumstances may be eligible for an award from the Fund.
The Fund is financed by donations from membersand local associations and income from investments.
Each application is considered individually. No two people have the same circumstances. All information is treated in confidence. Emergency grants may be available to members who face eviction, or who have their gas or electricity cut off.
An applicant must
• be an in-service, retired or left profession member of the NUT with a minimum of a year’s continual membership before the date of your application;
• be a widow, widower, civil partner or dependant of the above
• live in a household with less than £4,000 in savings and realisable assets
• have received less than £3,000 in financial assistance from NUTBF over the last five years from the date of the application
• own no more than one home
An applicant is required to provide evidence of the need for support. This will include details of income, expenditure and savings. The application is assessed by the office and payments up to and including £500 can be authorised by the office. Applications for payments above £500 will go to the NUTBF Committee of three Executive members for a decision based on a recommendation from the office. Payment will usually be made in the form of a BACs payment to a third party, for example, a landlord or utility company. There is no appeals process; the Board’s decision is final.
To make an application to the NUTBF please email .
Many of you will know that the Union’s relationship with the TSN has changed. Following proposals from TSN to change the governance arrangements of the charity – proposals with which the Union did not agree – 2015 Annual Conference established our own Benevolent Fund, the NUTBF.
NUT members can still apply for TSN grants and utilise their support line.
As the oldest teacher trade Union, we were the first to establish a benevolent fund, initially as the Benevolent and Orphans’ Fund and later as the Teachers Benevolent Fund. Throughout most of its history it has been funded by NUT members through member subscriptions collected through the Union and by donations made at the initiative of members of the Union. In 1998 the organisation founded by the Union ceased to exist and was replaced by a company limited by guarantee. The focus of activity of the organisation shifted from that of a charitable fund to one of a counselling and support organisation. This change was reflected in a name change in 2001 when the organisation adopted the title of Teacher Support Network.
I do want you all to know that the Union did not initiate the break with the TSN. We have had many lengthy meetings with the TSN but they simply refused to agree to our perfectly reasonable requests that the NUT would have a say in the Charity’s governance going forward, given that NUT members are the major donors to the Charity.
Support your Benevolent Fund!
Please do consider supporting the new Fund. Individuals or associations/divisions can make a donation either by cheque payable to NUTBF and sent to the Finance Department, NUT, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD or by setting up a standing order – contact us on for a mandate form.
Christine Blower