Chapters 1-4 Review I will post these questions on my website tonight. Do not write on this sheet.
1. Name of the first colonial constitution and its author
2. He was a dissenting Puritan who was banished and started the colony of Rhode Island.
3. This law in Massachusetts ordered every large town to appoint a teacher in order to teach literacy.
4. The bicameral legislature for Massachusetts (name)
5. The first representative legislative assembly in the new world
6. Trading laws that were neglected. (group of laws)
7. Name for those who “oppose the rule of law”- faith alone
8. Define: halfway covenant
9. Define: headright system
10. This law first guaranteed religious liberty in Maryland (and America)
11. Bacon’s main rival (royal governor)
12. This nation first supplied colonies in new world with slaves
13. Slaves were needed to grow this crop in the West Indies.
14. Belief and economic policy of powerful nations that they should become self sufficient by extracting raw materials from colonies and having a favorable balance of trade with them.
15. Rice-growing Restoration colony
16. List two examples of the blending for African and European cultures.
17. Decade in which the first Pilgrims arrived in North America
18. Year Jamestown was established
19. Winthrop viewed the Massachusetts Bay colony as a ______
20. 1670s war between Native Americans and Puritans
21. List the two Chesapeake colonies
22. Define: Middle Passage
23. Calvinists believed in this doctrine
24. This group gave more freedoms to women (make sure you know their other beliefs)
25. Define: encomienda system
26. List a college founded to train ministers in Colonial America
27. What was the number one disadvantage natives had when they wanted to fight the Europeans?
28. Panic, hysteria, and over-reaction caused many innocent people to face court trials in this colony
29. John Eliot established these for converted Native Americans.
30. Define: tidewater elite
31. Virginia became this type of colony when it went bankrupt
32. A precedent for our Constitution, thanks to the Pilgrims
33. The first colony to define slavery as a lifelong, inheritable racial status
34. Dutch governor who surrendered to the British in 1664 without a fight.
35. This person was an effective leader toward the Powhatan Native Americans. “work to eat” mentality.
36. This war (1630s) stemmed from the New England’s establishment of “praying towns.”
37. Maryland was established for this reason.
38. The two main cash crops grown in South Carolina.
39. Define: Deism
40. The first permanent French settlement in North America
41. This man’s trial expanded freedom of the press
42. New York’s original name
43. This venture funded the voyage to Jamestown
44. This colony hoped to establish a manorial system, but it not materialize.
45. The Restoration monarch
46. Coveted river in New York (for trade!)
47. These two countries originally controlled the Middle colonies
48. Term referencing the exchange of ideas, food, disease, etc… between the Old and New Worlds
49. Town hall meetings were often linked to which colonial region?
50. How did the Pueblos (pre-1492) adapt to their environment?
51. How did the Iroquois adapt to their environment?
52. Appointed Royal governor for the Dominion of New England.
53. What did the Chinook develop?
54. Who was an outspoken critic of the encomienda system?
55. What did women usually give up when they got married (usually a legal requirement).
56. In 1680 the people known collectively as “______” rebelled against their Spanish overlords in the American Southwest. Spaniards had dominated them for eight decades. The Spanish had established and maintained their rule with terror, beginning with ______’s invasion in 1598.
57. First slave rebellion in U.S. History
58. 1689 - When King James II was dethroned and replaced by King William of the Netherlands, the colonists of New York rebelled and made ______, a militia officer, governor of New York. He was hanged for treason when royal authority was reinstated in 1691, but the representative assembly which he founded remained part of the government of New York.
59. Buffer colony
60. Part of the Great Awakening, ______gave gripping sermons about sin and the torments of Hell.
61. As a result of these two wars, colonists felt more dependent on England.