My Class Rules –Social Contract
Students have created an agreed uponset of rules to follow. Each class may differ from one another depending on personalities that make up each class.
In summary, they should…
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready to Learn
A Typical Day in Class…
Sharpen pencil
•Take out HW
•Warm-up activity
•Check homework and go over any questions.
–Ask questions about problems they do not understand
•Lesson Instruction
MostHW can be found on my webpage.
- Usually, we have HW every night(including Fridays)
- To receive full credit students must attempt all problemsin the assignment.
- Each HW will count as10% of their average. (Late assignments may be turned in for half credit).
- Completion grades are given for HW.
- Absent students need to make up assignments andcan get help before/after school and/or during pride.
Quizzes / Daily Activities
- Quizzes may be given at any time.
- They count as 30% of the grade.
Tests / Major Projects
- Tests days areMondays or Thursdays.
- They count as 60% of the grade.
Absences/Make-Up Work
- Students are responsible for making arrangements with me to make up quizzes and tests before or after school. Absences on review days do not excuse students from taking the assessment when they return if the review has already been assigned.
•Make up work is due within the number of days the student was absent.
Grade Improvement
Students who make below a 70 have the choice of re-testing OR doing test corrections to improve a test grade. Either choice must be completed no later than the next assessment day. The new test grade will be averaged with the original test grade to get an average grade.
Corrections MUST:
- Be written on a test correction sheet or plain piece of paper, stapled to the front of the test
- Show all steps or explain in words, the process taken to find the proper solution (I must be convinced they understand how to solve the problem) and the work must match the answer.
- Formula for points:
70 – (Test grade) = A
A ÷ (# missed) = B
B × # right on corrections
Equals the value of each point added.
No Work
No Credit
No Kidding!
•I will notify you with an updated grade at least once every 3 weeks via progress reports or report cards.
How to Be Successfulin Math!!!!
•Participate in all discussions
•Take adequate notes and study them daily when working on HW
•Ask questions when necessary
•Come in for help when needed
•Check HW answers and rework missed problems
•Keep up with daily assignments, even when absent. Be sure to at least attempt each problem assigned.
•Take advantage of Test Corrections
If you ask your child…
“What did you learn in school, today?”
and the answer was “Nothing” or “I dunno” …
Instead of getting a series of painfully brief responses …
Ask your child…
“Did you ask a good question today?”
By making this slight change, you are able to stimulate a conversation with them.
Supplies they should have in class everyday
-sharpened pencil with an eraser
-checking pen or pencil
-notebook paper
-spiral/composition book
-binder with 4 dividers; labeled:
Warm ups
The Interactive Notebook (INB)
Students are required to keep up with an organized notebook every day. They have been supplied with a composition/spiral notebook for this purpose. They are permitted to either keep their INB with them or leave them in class.
- Pros: You should always have them when you need them.
- Cons: they do not have them to get help for HW
Every six weeks, students will have their INB graded. I am looking for organizational skills such as:
- No loose pages
- Completed notes
- Notes that correspond to the Table of Contents
If a student is absent, they will need to get the notes/activities they missed for their INB from a friend, or set up a time with me to come in before or after school.
If their INBs get lost, they are responsible for replacing it.
7thPre-AP Grade Math
Ms. Michele Franco
Room 245
Welcome to Strack Fall Open House!!!
Contact Information
•Email (best way):
–Online Textbook
Username and Password:
Kisd (Your child’s ID #)
•School Phone: 832-249-5400
My ext. 5473
•Conference period:
12:48 – 1:33