Dear Friends,

Did you know that your pastoral leader and your church would be lost without you? Without you there is no community. Without you "Jesus" is an empty word rattling about in the corridors of history. Without you the church is a lifeless shell. Remember that Jesus’ call was not to a bunch of ordained clergy. Jesus called fishermen, businessmen, hated tax collectors, feared soldiers, mothers, widows, prostitutes, the able-bodied, the infirm, people with faith, and people without faith. Jesus’ call was for everyone to follow him.

So, take your role in the church and in the world very seriously. What does that involve? Love, tend to, and work to strengthen your pastor, your church, and your church leadership. Help your community to keep its focus. Share God in all you do and say. This is where the success of a Christian is “measured.”

I recently posed a question to a small group of pastors, “How do you know whether you’re being successful?” The silence that followed indicated that perhaps they didn’t understand what I was asking, so I rephrased it: “How do you measure the success of your ministry?” More silence. Either they were afraid to say what they thought, or they had no definitive answer.

We’re wired with a desire to succeed, whether it’s in a relationship, the classroom, the marketplace, the athletic field, or ministry. Because success is so important to us, we should have a way to measure it. To God, it’s simple. God wants us to be faithful, to bear fruit, and to experience fulfillment (His joy) in a way that makes Him famous (“so that in all things God may be glorified” 1Peter 4:10-11).

Imagine for a moment what LCR would be like if every believer was successful in biblical terms – faithful, fruitful, fulfilled, and engaged in making God famous. You see, the measure of the church's success is directly related to how you, the lay members of this community, love one another and live out your faith in your daily lives.

This is when spiritual vibrancy comes alive. The definition of spiritual vibrancy is captured pretty early on in the Bible: “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5). People who are spiritually vibrant are passionate. They’re on fire. They’re literally on a mission from God, and it shows. And let me tell you --- IT SHOWS IN YOU!

The Spirit’s alive at LCR. It’s wounded, but it’s alive. It’s beginning to move in a new way. Just look at these beginnings with people around you or through the news and thank you notes in this newsletter. So many people have stepped up to help accomplish the everyday and the extraordinary in our church.

YOU are showing yourselves to be spiritually vibrant people who love living the Christian life. Part of that living is serving God because God needs servants and we need to serve. These things go hand-in-hand. The thrill of the work feeds the vibrancy of your relationship with God. This work can be at home through prayer or phone calls to lift someone’s spirit; at church through cleaning or programs or conversations; or in the community at a concert or a meeting or wherever you may be as you share God’s love with others. Because the more you speak your faith, share your vision for your church, and take leading roles within your community, the more room you make to be spiritually vibrant.

God is moving, and He promises to be with us in a special way as we engage in the Great Commission with Him. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Blessings and Peace….

Pastor Jennifer J

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr.


Easter Sunday (April 4th) we will be “Flowering the Cross.” We ask that you bring a handful or at least one WHITE flower to worship on Easter morning as we join in the celebration of the Resurrection. As we sing our praises to the Lord we will Flower the Cross with new life as we rejoice in the power of God in the resurrection.

Good friday community worship

Wimberley pastors are coming together to “walk the way of the Cross” this Good Friday. At Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church on Friday, April 2 at 1 PM, area pastors will lead the community in this most ancient Holy Week observance.

“We have evidence that Christians walked the Way of the Cross in Palestine as early as the 3rd Century,” says Patrick Gahan, Senior Pastor at Saint Stephen’s Church. “The faithful would gather in Jerusalem and walk in the steps of Jesus from the time and place of his condemnation before Pontius Pilate to Calvary where he was executed.”

Pastors from Cypress Creek Church, Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church, the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, and Wimberley United Methodist Church will all be participating in leading this walk within Saint Stephen’s main sanctuary. A repertoire of traditional Holy Week hymns led my Maestro Anne Jones will accentuate the walk.

Area teens play key parts in the observance, which extends the worship experience across the generations. The entire monetary offering taken at the Good Friday worship will be given to Operation Good Shepherd to help those most needy in our community.

“Make no mistake, this is an emotional engagement with scripture,” says Gahan. “You will not exit this service untouched.”


We will meet from 2:00-5:00pm on April 11th at Living Word, Buda. See you there!

Results of Congregational Meeting

LCR’s Special Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, March 21st to allow everyone a voice in determining the future of the church. 93 eligible voting members (along many other interested parties) were in attendance. The vote required a 2/3 majority of voting members present (62 were needed for withdraw from the ELCA motion to pass). 1 voter abstained, 26 voted to withdraw from the ELCA and 66 voted to remain within this denomination. The motion failed and the congregation remains a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.

Looking ahead

Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 23rd for an Authentic Hispanic Meal. The youth that will be heading to Costa Rica in August (Carlie & Parker Tise, Tripp Temoney, Holley Hickman and Pastor Jennifer) will be hosting this fundraiser to help cover the cost of the mission experience. We have recruited dear friends of the church to help make this a truly “authentic” meal. Don’t panic --- if you don’t like spicy --- we will accommodate you!

Be watching for announcements and ticket sales for this Noontime Meal on May 23rd. Hope to see many of you there!

Women’s Retreat

The women of LCR have been invited to a Women’s Retreat Weekend at Camp Lone Star in LaGrange, TX. This retreat is being hosted by Abiding Love Lutheran Church in Austin. Our very own Pastor Jennifer will be leading the retreat titled “Consider the Lilies” based on Matthew 6:28. God assures us that in all the glory of creation we are taken care of. We need not worry, nor fret for God loves us! Just look at the flowers and know that God loves you even more!

April 23rd-25th, Friday through Sunday. Arrival time is between 6:30-7:00pm on Friday and departure is at noon on Sunday. You may come for all three days, Saturday only, or Saturday and Sunday. Total cost includes the retreat, housing, and/or meals as you select. Meals begin with Saturday breakfast and end with brunch on Sunday. Costs are:

Plan A: Friday night – Sunday noon (4 meals), $110

Plan B: Friday & Saturday (3 meals), $85

Plan C: Saturday & Sunday (3 meals), $85

Plan D: Saturday only (2 meals), $40

To register please fill out the form on the Welcome Table at church or contact Pastor Jennifer for an email copy of registration materials. You are responsible for your own registration requirements. Registration is due April 11th! If you are interested in attending any part of this retreat but need assistance financially – PLEASE talk to Pastor Jennifer. We have some scholarship money available. More information is available on the Welcome Table as well as on posters in the Narthex.

March Issue of the Vista

Is available on the web ---

Lutheran World Relief (LWR) packing

The Ingathering date for the Lutheran World Relief kits and soap is set for April 7th in Seguin. All LCR donations will be packed up on March 29th, starting at 9AM. If you would like to help with this please talk to Colleen Kaye or Doris King. Thank you in advance to Mike and Shirley Schliessmann who will be delivering our donations to TLU in Seguin.

WELCA MEeting @ lcr!

It is our turn to host the Hays County WELCA group! Wednesday, April 21st from 5:30-7:00pm. Yes it is a Wednesday and not Sunday this time around. Any woman of the church is welcome to be a part of this group. Since we are hosting it would be great to have more women in attendance. We will be preparing a light dinner and leading a small program. If you are interesting in helping to host this event, please talk to Pastor Jennifer or Shirley Schliessmann.


Ryan and Jenny Durkin were blessed with the birth of beautiful twin daughters on Wednesday, March 3rd. Emma Claire and Abby Grace joined the family in great style. Babies and new parents are doing well and full of great joy. Congrats to you both! We look forward to seeing the girls in church (and you too Ryan!).

Change of Contact Information

Beginning April 1st the phone numbers for Mike and Shirley Schliessmann are as follows:

Mike: 512-878-7326

Shirley: 605-695-3168

Nancy Volotko

18010 Autumn Trails Ln

Katy, TX 77443


832-512-1045 (cell)

We continue to pray for all who are ill and recovering and receiving treatments or testing and for Pam Longoria, Hugh & Bobbie Ellington, Sandy Thomas, Evelyn Suggs, Betty Spickler, Pat Strobel, Pat Krupinsky (cousin of Harriet Powell), Doris Kowalski, Suzie Vincina (cousin of Felicia Neigut), Susan Loosen (friend of Jim and Sandy Thomas), Zee Hickman (mother of Danny and Lois Hickman), Dot Currie (sister of Dirk Dierking), Michael Hill (son of Estelle Hill), Paul Velta (friend of Beverly Ladzinski), JoJo Vincina, Jean Toppett (friend of Beverly Ladzinski), Dora Moellenberg (Memaw of Brenda Tise), Jill Vantine (daughter of Bobbi & Jim Vantine), Lorrie Timmer (sister of Al Strobel), Susan Isgrig (daughter of Felicia Niegut), Sandi Ramirez (friend of Lois Hickman), Yogi Ibarra (relative of Bunky Layton), Bunny & Ray Jepson (friends of Jan Erlandson), Gary Hill (son of Delores and John Hill), Jim Armstrong (son-in-law of Harriet Powell), Katie (friend of Jill Vantine’s – daughter of Jim and Bobbi), Kym Oltrogge (former LCR member, now at New Life in Dripping Springs), and all care givers that devote their time to care for those they love.

Please be in prayer for our family and friends who are serving our country either stateside or overseas. Please pray daily for peace in our world, particularly in the Middle East, and for all who suffer the consequences of war. Please pray daily for those who are hungry and for those who serve them. Please be in prayer daily for the Lord to replenish the earth as He sees fit.


Thank you to……

Dianne Kilpatrick, JoAnne Miller, Pat Strobel, Bunky Layton, Shirley Schliessmann, and Whitney Cargill for your attendance and help at Deer Creek Devotions in February.

Emily Merkord and her secret crew (her family!) for the great additions to the youth room. Stop on by and check it out as changes keep taking place!

All who helped with the Spring Clean Up – indoor, outdoors, rock pickers, and haulers to the Village Store and Wimberley Recycling. The place looks great!

All who served during Lent and Holy Week to make worship meaningful and uplifting.

All who gave of their time, talent, and financial contributions to Lutheran World Relief. The quilting, kit collecting (health, layettes, school), and soap gathering projects were a great success. Thank you all!

All who prepared and served food at the weekly Lenten Meal evenings. As always, it was WONDERFUL!

All those who said yes to help in worship as last minute Ash Wednesday helpers, Sights and Sounds folks, Lenten singers, extra readers, decorators, and all other assistance during this Lent and Holy Week season: Mike and Shirley Schliessmann, Jason Valentine, Chester and Debbie Bammel, JoAnne Miller, Jim Ellisor, Dianne Kilpatrick, Madelyn Raska, Doris King, Beverly Ladzinski, Dirk and Carol Dierking, Lori Temoney, Jim Vantine, Jeanette Nelson, Carlie Tise, Melinda Ellisor, Benjamin Raska, Nick Merkord, Ben Raska, Hannah Raska, Harriet Powell, Bella Raska, Sue Fox, the Merkords, James Hollinger, Bunky Layton, Angie Rose, and Ron Weir.

Mission of the Month: Wimberley Valley Habitat for Humanity

This month we are invited to give some extra support to Habitat for Humanity.

Since its founding in 1976 by Millard & Linda Fuller, Habitat for Humanity has built and rehabilitated more than 300,000 houses with partner families, helping house more than 1.5 million people and becoming a true world leader in addressing the issues of poverty housing. Wimberley has been blessed since 1992 in building homes for those in need in our community. We are currently completing the building on House #13. What an accomplishment!

This could not be achieved without the help and support of local folks like us. Wimberley Valley Habitat is always in need of volunteers and donations to help build homes. If you are interested in volunteering please talk to Pastor Jennifer or Mike Schliessmann for more information. If you can help monetarily, please consider supporting our local Habitat. To make a contribution, please indicate on your offering envelope or check that is it designated for Habitat for Humanity.