Central High School


Ms. Victoria Krones

Course Syllabus 2014-2015

Course Description: This course includes the study of parallel lines, congruence, similarity, area and volume, right triangle trigonometry, transformations, circles and coordinate geometry. In addition, some formal geometric proof is integrated throughout the course. The Carnegie Learning tutorial software is an integral part of this course.

Required class materials: 3-ring binder, loose-leaf paper, pencils, eraser, 7 dividers, highlighter/colored pencil, scientific calculator, Metal Compass, Protractor

Text: Geometry (Carnegie Learning)

Course Outline: 1) Tools of Geometry

2) Introduction to Proofs

3) Perimeter and Area of Geometric Figures on the Coordinate Plane

4) Three Dimensional Figures

5) Properties of Triangles

6) Similarity Through Transformations

7) Congruence Through Transformations

8) Using Congruence Theorems

9) Trigonometry

10) Properties of Quadrilaterals

11) Circles

12) Arcs and Sectors of Circles

13) Circles and Parabolas

Grading: Daily homework, Facts in a Flash, daily quizzes, vocabulary/theorems, chapter tests, binder at the end of each chapter, attendance, Carnegie Online

Classroom Routine: Check the agenda on the board, have homework questions ready when the bell rings, answer homework questions and collect homework, present new material, Carnegie Online, assignment given, daily quiz, guided study.

Make-up work: It is the student’s responsibility to stop by my room and pick up make-up work when absent. The student must be prepared for the next class session, which includes getting notes and making up any missed quizzes/tests.

Contact Information: I arrive at school by 7:30 am and am available after school. My e-mail address is: and can be reached by phone at 815-694-2321.

Rules and Regulations

Ms. Krones


Rules and Expectations

  1. Be respectful of every classmate, teacher, and school property in the classroom.
  2. Raise your hand if you have a question.
  3. Don’t talk if another individual is speaking.
  4. Keep your hands to yourself.
  5. Leave the room the way you found it.
  6. Stay in your seat unless you were instructed to do otherwise.
  7. No swearing.
  8. Laptop usage can be revoked.
  9. Participate in classroom discussion.
  10. Maintain a positive attitude.
  11. Be on time.
  12. Be in your seat when the bell rings with all class materials out.
  13. Be prepared for class.
  14. Bring textbook, pencil, binder, homework, paper, calculator, reading book, and assignment book to every class.
  15. Use the bathroom during passing periods.
  16. Abide by all school policies.
  17. No food or drink in the classroom. Except water in a clear container.
  18. Don’t cheat! Zeros will be given to all parties involved.
  19. Have fun.

Action Slip

  1. This is a slip of paper that tracks your misbehavior. With every action slip given, you receive 10 minutes of time to be served at the time you specify BEFORE or AFTER school. After you receive 3 slips, you will be written up.
  2. Ex: talking in class- action slip 1= 10 minutes

Getting out of seat without permission- action slip 2= 10 minutes

Arguing with the teacher- action slip 3= written up and detention

  1. Time will be served before or after school.
  2. If you fail to show up for your time, you will be written up for failure to show up to a classroom detention.

Discipline Plan

Level 1- action slip 1

Level 2- action slip 2

Level 3- action slip 3, detention

Level 4- removal from room- office- written up, notify parents


  1. 5 Allowed absences per semester.
  2. 5+ absences will result in zeros on all graded work


  1. 2 tardies result in one after school detention

Cell Phones

  1. They are to be off and out of sight.
  2. If I see it, I collect it and write a referral.
  3. Cell phones are not acceptable calculators!

Grading Policy

You grade will be based upon the following:

  1. Facts in a Flash
  2. You get 5 points for each one.
  3. Effort and accuracy will be considered in the grade.
  4. Vocabulary/Theorems
  5. It will be assigned and graded each chapter.
  6. Each term will be 1 point ( ½ for summary, ½ for diagram).
  7. You will have a quiz on Review day over just the vocabulary of the chapter.
  8. Homework
  9. Graded using partial completion (5 pts.)
  10. 1 pt: Summary Sentence, 1 pt: Completion, 3 pts: 3 random graded problems
  11. Show ALL your work
  12. Must be done in PENCIL
  13. Answers must be circled or boxed
  14. Extra work done on Loose Leaf Paper and stapled to assignment.
  15. Worksheets
  16. Worksheets will be worth more than 5 points per assignment.
  17. They are used to build skills and can be helpful in building your grade.
  18. Quizzes/tests
  19. Quizzes will be done to check comprehension of previous materials. (Worth 10- 30 points)
  20. Quizzes will be every class.
  21. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter (Worth 100 points).
  22. Notebook
  23. Will be graded at the end of each chapter (Worth 25 points)
  24. Random checks are possible
  25. Must include the following sections:
  26. Notes
  27. Vocab
  28. Facts in a Flash
  29. Assignments/Skills
  30. Carnegie Rubric /Worksheets
  31. Quizzes
  32. Review Guides/Tests
  33. Must include the following materials:
  34. Must have all sections in the order assigned
  35. Must have all papers handed out
  36. Carnegie Online Grade
  37. It will vary based on the chapter, but graded with 2 categories.
  38. Effort
  39. Total of 15 points possible in Mastered Skills, Time, and Behavior
  40. Completion
  41. You get 5 points for each SECTION completed.
  42. You get 2pts for each correct answer on the Post-Test.

Make-up Work

  1. It is your responsibility to pick up your homework assignment BEFORE school.
  2. You are responsible for assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. the day of your absence.
  3. It is your responsibility to get any notes or to ask questions to understand the material.
  4. You are to be prepared for the next class period.
  5. Late work: 1 day= automatic 75% (D+)2 days= 0


  1. 3-ring binder (minimum of 2” thick)
  2. 7 dividers
  3. College ruled loose-leaf paper
  4. Scientific Calculator
  5. Pencil, highlighter/colored pencil, and erasers
  6. Metal Compass
  7. Protractor

Daily Order (subject to change)

  1. Check Agenda on Board
  2. Facts in a Flash
  3. Homework Questions
  4. Collect homework
  5. Present new material
  6. Assignment given
  7. Daily Quiz
  8. Guided study/Carnegie Online

Ms. Krones’ Rules to Survive

  1. Raise your hand to share.
  2. Give 100% effort all the time. (no WHINNING and POSITIVE attitude)
  3. Write in PENCIL (Pen = 0 pts)
  4. Show your work. (Answer only = 50%)
  5. Write in COMPLETE sentences.
  6. Label (graphs and solutions)Action Slip

Date______Class Hr.______




Date & Time to Serve:


Day 1 First Assignment



Write or type your answers on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to the back of this sheet. Answer the following questions about yourself and this class to the best of your ability. Use COMPLETE sentences and write a minimum of one PARAGRAPH about each question. (Paragraph means 4 sentences for each question.)

  1. What do you hope to learn in this course? What are your goals for this course?
  1. What are you the most worried about for this class?
  1. What else do you want me to know about you? (Activities, sports, random facts)


I, ______, understand the rules, regulations, and syllabus as presented to me. I am aware that if an action slip is given to me that I am responsible for serving the time before or after school. If I fail to show up for the time, I understand that I will be written up. My textbook is my responsibility and will be replaced at my expense if I lose or destroy it. I know that I get to keep the book at the end of the year. I will be using a school laptop and will treat it as my personal property. If the laptop assigned to me is damaged in any way, I will report it to Ms. Krones, or I will be personally responsible for the cost to repair the laptop. I understand that if I misuse my computer privileges, they may be revoked.


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate

NOTE TO PARENTS:Ms. Krones has the following on her webpage: Syllabus/rules, Carnegie Due Dates, Textbook resources, and notes from class. Please use them throughout the year.