Blaine’s Namesake

Name: Score: /10

“Behind a City’s Name- Who Was James. G. Blaine?”

Directions: Read the newspaper article and answer the questions.

1)  This article was written to:

a)  instruct

b)  inform

c)  entertain

d)  persuade

2)  Who is the narrator?

a)  James G. Blaine

b)  Grover Cleveland

c)  Dean Kahn

d)  Second person

3)  Reread the first full paragraph that is in the second column of the article. What is being personified?

a)  letters

b)  property

c)  business

d)  investigation

4)  What does the word ‘crucial’ mean as it is used in this article?

a)  important

b)  single

c)  large

5)  What does the author mean when he writes, “…presidential campaigns back then were just as…mud-splattered…”?

a)  They were often held outside.

b)  Candidates verbally attacked the character of his opponent.

c)  Brown was the focus color of the suits of the candidates.

d)  Campaigns brought out the best in the candidates.

6)  What was the most significant difference between James G. Blaine and Grover Cleveland?

a)  Blaine never had any ‘bad press’ but Cleveland did.

b)  Blaine was from Pennsylvania and Cleveland was from Ohio.

c)  Blaine had a city named after him and Cleveland did not.

d)  Blaine was a Republican and Cleveland was a Democrat.

7)  What is significant about 1884?

a)  James G. Blaine was running for president.

b)  Ulysses S. Grant was running for president.

c)  The city to become Blaine was being platted.

d)  Both a and b

e)  Both a and c

8)  What is the most significant reason Blaine did not win the second presidential election?

a)  He was involved in a railroad scandal.

b)  He fathered a child out of wedlock.

c)  He failed to win the New York vote.

d)  He never actually visited his namesake city.

9)  Another good title for this article could be:

“A Failed Presidential Candidate = A Failed City”.

Provide two details from the article that could support this title.
