Ch. 9 Guided Listening Notes

The Louisiana Purchase

Settlers in the Northwest Territory used the ______and ______Rivers to get their farm goods to markets in the east. These were important because the roads that did exist were useless when ______. The Mississippi River met the Gulf of Mexico at ______. Goods could travel down the Mighty Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico to be loaded onto ______, where they could then reach ports in Europe.

In 1802, ______told ______that they could no longer use the Port of New Orleans. France owned the Port of New Orleans and the area ______known as Louisiana. Thomas Jefferson offered to buy the Port of New Orleans from France; the French leader, ______, agreed to sell the land. The United States bought Louisiana in ______for $______. It totaled about ______acres or about ______cents/acre. This purchase ______the size of the United States.

1.  Why was New Orleans such an important port? ______


Significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

The Lewis and Clark expedition strengthened the United States position in the struggle for ______. Their expedition also inspired many people to move westward (name 3 types of people who moved westward: ______, ______, ______.) This movement increased the number of ______-______living in the west; however it disrupted the lives of many ______already inhabiting that area.

Lewis and Clark contributed to geographical knowledge by determining the true course of the ______River. This allowed them to also produce ______which were valuable to later explorers. However the dream of a ______was shattered; they were able to prove the success of overland travel to the Pacific Ocean. They less successfully attempted to determine the ______and ______of significant geographical features of the west.

Through their explorations they were able to compile the first general survey of ______and ______of the tribes living in the ______, ______, and ______. They also made major contributions to the zoological and botanical knowledge of the continent; they described at least (#)______species of mammals, ______, ______, and fish as well as almost (#) ______plant specimens.

1.  Why were all of these accomplishments so significant to the United States (and our history)? ______


The War of 1812

Peace between America, ______, and ______did not last long. England and France started fighting again; both countries went back to ______, this time the United State stopped trading with BOTH nations. However, losing this trade hurt the ______more than it hurt ______or ______. The second problem between England and the United States was ______. The English backed the ______in their ongoing fight against American settlers; the Native American’s were against the ______moving westward because they were being ______.

In the summer of ______, President ______declared war on England; many American’s (circle oneà) did/didn’t want to go to war with England. The War of 1812 was fought in many battles along the border of ______and the ______. The ______regained control of the Great Lakes; they failed at invading and conquering ______. The War of 1812 ended in 1814 with the signing of ______; this restored all borders to where they had been before the war. None of the issues that had led to the war were solved; no country gained ______. It was the last time ______and ______were on opposite sides in a war.

1.  Why did America declare war on England in 1812? ______
