-What were the top ten songs in 1967?
-Find the lyrics to each of these songs. What were these songs about?
-What were the demographics of the bands and singers of these popular songs (gender, race, age, etc.)?
-What are the top ten songs of 2007 to date?
-Find the lyrics to each of these songs. What are these songs about?
-What are the demographics of the bands and singers of these popular songs (gender, race, age, etc.)?
-What are the similarities and differences between 1960s and contemporary music? Can you find any examples of influences of 1960s music on contemporary music?
-Find pictures of popular fashions from the 1960s.
-What body types did models in the 1960s generally have?
-What hairstyles were popular in the 1960s? Find pictures of these styles.
-Find pictures of popular fashions today.
-What body types do models generally have today?
-What hairstyles are popular today? Find pictures of these styles.
-What are the similarities and differences between 1960s and contemporary fashion? Can you find any examples of influences of 1960s fashion on contemporary fashion?
-Find pictures of prominent paintings, sculptures and/or photographs in the 1960s.
-What styles, techniques, themes, etc. were popular in this time period?
-What artists were famous in this time period?
-Find pictures of paintings, photographs and/or sculptures that are prominent today.
-What styles, techniques, themes, etc. are popular today?
-What artists are famous today?
-What are the similarities and differences between 1960s and contemporary fine art? Can you find any examples of influences of 1960s fine art on contemporary fine art?
-What films were popular in 1967 and the surrounding years?
-What themes were explored in these films?
-What filmmakers were popular in the 1960s, and what where these filmmakers known for?
-What films are popular today?
-What themes are explored in these films?
-What filmmakers are popular today, and what are these filmmakers known for?
-What are the similarities and differences between 1960s and contemporary film? Can you find any examples of influences of 1960s film on contemporary film?
-Find ten notable books, poems, speeches, quotes, and/or magazines and their authors/speakers/editors from the 1960s.
-What were these pieces about?
-What styles were these pieces written in?
-Find ten notable contemporary books, poems, speeches, quotes, and/or magazines and their authors/speakers/editors.
-What are these pieces about?
-What styles were these pieces written in?
-What are the similarities and differences between 1960s and contemporary writing? Can you find any examples of influences of 1960s writing on contemporary writing?
-What shows were most popular in the 1960s?
-What were these shows about?
-How did these shows reflect and/or comment on the culture of the 1960s?
-What shows are most popular today?
-What are these shows about?
-How do these shows reflect and/or comment on today's culture?
-What are the similarities and differences between 1960s and contemporary television? Can you find any examples of influences of 1960s television on contemporary television?
-List five of the most important political issues from the 1960s.
-Write a paragraph for each of these issues that includes different sides of the issue.
-Make a list of five important politicians from the 1960s.
-List five of the most important political issues today.
-Write a paragraph for each of these issues that includes two different sides of the issue.
-Make a list of five important politicians today.
-What are the similarities and differences between 1960s and contemporary politics? Can you find any examples of influences of 1960s politics on contemporary politics?