Minutes of the 9TH meeting of the
NMSU Faculty Senate
Health and Social Services Annex, Room 101
May 05, 2016, 4:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Chair Munson-McGee, Vice-Chair Rayson, Amatya, Andersen, Bawazir, Berning, Billings, Bishop, Blair, Boeing, Brown, Cibils, Corran, Creamer, Dawe, DeBoyrie, Goss, Guynn, Huhmann, Josselet, Kelly, Keys, Kline, Marin, McAteer, McCarty, Miller, Mora, Morandi, Ortiz, Prentice, Prince, Query, Ramos, Reinhart, Rickets, Roark-Diehl, Sassenfeld, Schirmer, Smith, Spencer, Stokowski, Turner, Van Winkle, Villaverde, Vazquez, Zemler, Zhao

ABSENT: Acharya, Alden, Campbell, Dean, Dhillon, Eisele, Huang, Jarry, Leon, Matthews, Misra, Mullen, Nakotte, Oesterreich, Rosendorf, Villa, Walker

GUESTS: Elsa Arroyos, CEP; Priscilla Bloomquist, ACES; William Gear, Education; Steve Hanson, ACES; Adam Heien, Library;

EX-OFFICIO: Provost Daniel Howard

1.  Call to Order

Meeting called to order by Chair Munson-McGee at 4:03 p.m.

2.  Recognition of Guests

·  Jayna Whitehead – Textbook affordability

o  Time frame to rent or purchase will begin 2 weeks prior and one week after classes have begun.

o  New, used, rental, and digital textbooks will be available.

o  Use of rental transactions is growing; students have saved over 470K by renting.

o  Book buy-back is available

o  NMSU was the pilot university for Barnes & Noble price matching

o  Students can also save by using XanEDU or the First Day solution.

·  Provost Daniel Howard

o  NMSU is trying to find $10.7 million in savings; aiming for transparency in the process.

o  Looking at long-term reorganizations. Paying attention to spans of control and levels of management.

o  Starting to reclassify positions as a result of the effort. Significant, long –term savings associated with doing that.

o  Short term ideas being considered

§  Furloughs: 3 days; Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring (for all staff and faculty) could be a stop gap measure to help savings kick in. Looking for feedback.

o  Discussion

§  Are other options being explored?

ð  Yes. Everything is, but furloughs are the major stop-gap.

§  Is there a model showing what we can expect for percentage of salary?
What about athletics?

ð  I&G money is transferred to a variety of programs. All transfers are being inspected and athletics will have to be part of the solution.

3.  Approval of Agenda

·  Move to add proposition 33-15/16 (Associate of Science –Alamogordo) as Emergency Legislation

·  Move to remove proposition 22-15/16 from the consent agenda and move to Emergency Legislation

·  Move to replace propositions 31-15/16 & 32-15/16 as next items of business

·  Move to approve amended agenda made and seconded. Committee votes 46 in favor, 1 opposed. Amended agenda approved.

4.  Presentation of Memorials

Proposition 31-15/16: A memorial recognizing the exemplary deeds of Professor Giancarlo Lopez and Activity Center Staff Members Josh Vazquez and Andrea Aragon.
Move to approve made and seconded. Senate votes unanimously in favor.

Proposition 32-15/16: A memorial recognizing the contributions of Senator and Chair-Elect Christopher Brown and wishing him a complete and speedy recovery.
Move to approve made and seconded. Senate votes unanimously in favor.

5.  Amended Consent Calendar
Proposition 21-15/16: A proposition to modify rule 4.05.50 Faculty Grievance Review and Resolution. (S. Munson-McGee (ACES); G.D. Rayson (A&S))
Move to approve made and seconded. Senate votes unanimously in favor.

Proposition 30-15/16: A proposition to authorize the Senate to elect a vice-chair pro tem.
Move to table made and seconded. Senate votes unanimously in favor. Legislation dies.

Proposition 33-15/16: Revision for Associate of Science – Alamogordo
Move to add as emergency legislation made and seconded. Senate votes unanimously in favor.

6.  Approval of Minutes of April 7, 2016 meeting
Minutes approved as submitted.

7.  Consent Calendar Continued

·  Move to remove proposition 22-15/16 from consent agenda and move to emergency legislation

·  Moved and seconded; all in favor. Item moves to new business

·  Move to approve revised consent agenda made and seconded; all in favor.

8.  Reports of Officers

a.  FS Chair, Stuart Munson-McGee

·  Continuing work on General Education

b.  FS Vice Chair, Gary Rayson

·  Letter being drafted for Board of Regents.

9.  Reports of Standing Committees

Faculty Affairs: Patrick Morandi

Report posted to website
Long Range Planning: Ram Acharya

Report posted to website

University Affairs: David Keys

Report posted to website

Scholastic Affairs: Becky Corran

·  Committee reviewed propositions 15-16/17 & 21-15/16. Both propositions received a vote of “Do Pass”.

·  Motion to accept report made and seconded

·  Report unanimously accepted.

10.  Emergency Legislation

Proposition 21-15/16: A proposition to modify rule 4.05.50 Faculty Grievance Review and Resolution. (S. Munson-McGee (ACES); G.D. Rayson (A&S))
Move to approve made and seconded; legislation unanimously approved.

Proposition 22-15/16: A curriculum proposal for minor revision of Associate of Arts degree. (B. Serban (NMSU-G); M. Cal (NMSU-A); G.D. Rayson (A&S); S. Munson-McGee (ACES))

·  Motion to eliminate supplemental document and move to proposition 34-15/16

·  Motion seconded. Committee votes unanimously in favor.

·  Motion made to approve proposition 22-15/16.

·  Move to approve made and seconded; legislation unanimously approved.

Proposition 27-15/16: A proposition to reduce the athletic training to 120 credits (E. Vazquez (CoE))
Move to approve made and seconded; legislation unanimously approved.

Proposition 33-15/16: Revision for Associate of Science – Alamogordo
Move to approve made and seconded; legislation unanimously approved.

Proposition 34-15/16: Reduction to 60 credits for an Associate of Arts - Alamogordo system wide
Move to approve made and seconded; legislation unanimously approved.

11.  Unfinished business
Proposition 10-15/16: Policy Statement for 5.90 – Promotion and Tenure Policy (P. Morandi (A&S))

·  Legislation is tabled.

Proposition 15-1516: MS Degree in Clinical Psychopharmacology (E. Vázquez (Education); M. Marin (ACES))
Move to approve made and seconded; legislation unanimously approved.

12.  Other business
No additional business.

13.  Remarks and Announcements

·  Welcome to new senators

·  Reminder to colleges to caucus after adjournment to elect representatives to Senior Leadership Committee. Formed committee then needs to caucus and elect 2016-2017 Vice-Chair.

14.  Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned by Chair Munson-McGee at 5:05 p.m.