Confirmation: General Information2016-2017

Service/Ministry Projects

The purposes of the projects are to help prepare our children totake on greater responsibility for the mission and ministry of the Church.

There must be a minimum of 20 hours.

They must take place between September 2016 and August 2017.

Money may notbe earned for these projects.

The adult that supervisesMUST sign off on each project completed.

What KINDof projectsshould I do?

We invite you to be creative, but they should be one or more of the following:

Service projects-where we serve our community and help othersin the community with their material and physical needs (i.e.Corporeal Works of Mercy: feed the hungry, visit the sick and the imprisoned).

Ministry projects- activities that help us/others grow spiritually(i.e. Spiritual Works of Mercy: instructing the ignorant, comforting the sorrowful, praying for others).

Parish Projects –those for the benefit of our parish community

1. Service and Ministry projects: (No hour limitations)

Examples of worthy projects would include:

  • Helping at a local soup kitchen
  • Assisting children who have special needs at their sports events. Contact Kurt Beale@:
  • Visiting nursing homes to Christmas carol, etc.
  • Preparing carepackages/cards for servicemen/servicewoman
  • Collecting food or clothing for the needy
  • Sending out prayer cards to those who are ill
  1. Parish Projects: (Do have hour limitations)

The following upcoming parish activities have recently been approved. ( Note the maximum amount of hours that can be gained for each)

  • Maintaining the Blessed Mother grotto – contact Diana at rectory: (can earn full 20 hrs. if taking this project on)
  • Regular participation in Youth Ministry - Contact Nicole: . (can earn 20 hrs. if attend ALL meetings, prayer services and service projects – excludes dances).
  • Youth ministry- related service projects- Contact Nicole: (no more than 5 hours)
  • Bereavement mass breakfast: Nov 5th. Contact Diana: at (no more than 5 hrs.)
  • Veteran’s breakfast: Sunday, November 6. Contact Phil Oldiges @ = (no more than 5 hrs.).
  • Clerical work – Assisting with variousneeds at parish office: Contact Diana at rectory (no more than 5 hrs.)
  • Hospitality - Assisting with various hospitality needs at church. Contact Amanda Conlan @ = (no more than 5 hrs.)
  • Live Stations of the Cross: January-March. Contact Denise Dunn @ =(no more than 10 hrs.).
  • Parish clean up- Spring: TBA. Contact Diana at (no more than 5 hrs.)
  • School Blood Drive: May. Contact Mrs. Utter, 8th Gr teacher at the school= (no more than 5 hrs.)
  • Parish Festival: June 1-4. Assist with set up/take down and other needs. Contact Mike Boszysko at:

= (no more than 5 hrs.)

  • Clothing Drive: July or August (see bulletin/website). Contact Denise Dunn at or Annette Boyle =(no more than 5 hrs.)
  • CYO help: Concessions/score keeping neededhere at Holy Trinity. Contact Bob Legacy at: (no more than 5 hrs.)
  • Childcare -Helping with various childcare needs during parish-related activities. = (no more than 5 hours)
  • Altar serving: =(no more than 5 hours)Fr. Mizzi-gili must sign off on all altar server hours.
  • Music ministry: = (no more than 5 hours) Contact James Sturomski:

Perhaps some will want to brainstorm with their class and come up with a group project- or two!

  1. Other:
  • Any other projects that Mrs. Timm or Mrs. Dombroski approve !

Please Note: Some project may require parental assistance. UNSURE ABOUT A PARTICULAR SERVICE IDEA? Email usat

Choosing a Sponsor

Each candidate must choose a suitable sponsor. A godparent is preferable, insofar as they lead a life of faith and their lifestyle is that of a true Christian witness. If these requirements cannot be met, one should choose another to be a sponsor. A sponsor must:

  • Be at least 16 years of age
  • Be fully initiated into the Catholic Church (having received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist)
  • Be a regular, practicing member of the Catholic Church and lead a life that is consistent with that of a true follower of Christ.
  • Not be a parent

The Church sees 3 roles for Confirmation Sponsors:

1. As a role model in the faith

2. As a companion on the candidate’s faith journey

3. As a witness for the candidate before the Church

Confirmation Name

It is not necessary for a candidate to choose a new name if they have received a Christian name at baptism, in fact the Church encourages us to keep our Baptismal name –in order to show the close connection between our Baptism and Confirmation.


If the candidate does NOT have a Christian first name but has a Christianmiddle name he/she can choose that name.

If the candidate does not have any Christian first or middlename,they should choose a new namethat is the name of a saint orbiblical hero who can serve as a patron saint and an example of a lived faith.


Thursday, September 21, 2017 7-9 PM (church)


Saturday, September 23, 2017 (10AM-2 PM) (BMH)

Confirmation Date:

Friday, September 29, 2017 @ 5 PM (church)