Confirmation: General Information2016-2017
Service/Ministry Projects
The purposes of the projects are to help prepare our children totake on greater responsibility for the mission and ministry of the Church.
There must be a minimum of 20 hours.
They must take place between September 2016 and August 2017.
Money may notbe earned for these projects.
The adult that supervisesMUST sign off on each project completed.
What KINDof projectsshould I do?
We invite you to be creative, but they should be one or more of the following:
Service projects-where we serve our community and help othersin the community with their material and physical needs (i.e.Corporeal Works of Mercy: feed the hungry, visit the sick and the imprisoned).
Ministry projects- activities that help us/others grow spiritually(i.e. Spiritual Works of Mercy: instructing the ignorant, comforting the sorrowful, praying for others).
Parish Projects –those for the benefit of our parish community
1. Service and Ministry projects: (No hour limitations)
Examples of worthy projects would include:
- Helping at a local soup kitchen
- Assisting children who have special needs at their sports events. Contact Kurt Beale@:
- Visiting nursing homes to Christmas carol, etc.
- Preparing carepackages/cards for servicemen/servicewoman
- Collecting food or clothing for the needy
- Sending out prayer cards to those who are ill
- Parish Projects: (Do have hour limitations)
The following upcoming parish activities have recently been approved. ( Note the maximum amount of hours that can be gained for each)
- Maintaining the Blessed Mother grotto – contact Diana at rectory: (can earn full 20 hrs. if taking this project on)
- Regular participation in Youth Ministry - Contact Nicole: . (can earn 20 hrs. if attend ALL meetings, prayer services and service projects – excludes dances).
- Youth ministry- related service projects- Contact Nicole: (no more than 5 hours)
- Bereavement mass breakfast: Nov 5th. Contact Diana: at (no more than 5 hrs.)
- Veteran’s breakfast: Sunday, November 6. Contact Phil Oldiges @ = (no more than 5 hrs.).
- Clerical work – Assisting with variousneeds at parish office: Contact Diana at rectory (no more than 5 hrs.)
- Hospitality - Assisting with various hospitality needs at church. Contact Amanda Conlan @ = (no more than 5 hrs.)
- Live Stations of the Cross: January-March. Contact Denise Dunn @ =(no more than 10 hrs.).
- Parish clean up- Spring: TBA. Contact Diana at (no more than 5 hrs.)
- School Blood Drive: May. Contact Mrs. Utter, 8th Gr teacher at the school= (no more than 5 hrs.)
- Parish Festival: June 1-4. Assist with set up/take down and other needs. Contact Mike Boszysko at:
= (no more than 5 hrs.)
- Clothing Drive: July or August (see bulletin/website). Contact Denise Dunn at or Annette Boyle =(no more than 5 hrs.)
- CYO help: Concessions/score keeping neededhere at Holy Trinity. Contact Bob Legacy at: (no more than 5 hrs.)
- Childcare -Helping with various childcare needs during parish-related activities. = (no more than 5 hours)
- Altar serving: =(no more than 5 hours)Fr. Mizzi-gili must sign off on all altar server hours.
- Music ministry: = (no more than 5 hours) Contact James Sturomski:
Perhaps some will want to brainstorm with their class and come up with a group project- or two!
- Other:
- Any other projects that Mrs. Timm or Mrs. Dombroski approve !
Please Note: Some project may require parental assistance. UNSURE ABOUT A PARTICULAR SERVICE IDEA? Email usat
Choosing a Sponsor
Each candidate must choose a suitable sponsor. A godparent is preferable, insofar as they lead a life of faith and their lifestyle is that of a true Christian witness. If these requirements cannot be met, one should choose another to be a sponsor. A sponsor must:
- Be at least 16 years of age
- Be fully initiated into the Catholic Church (having received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist)
- Be a regular, practicing member of the Catholic Church and lead a life that is consistent with that of a true follower of Christ.
- Not be a parent
The Church sees 3 roles for Confirmation Sponsors:
1. As a role model in the faith
2. As a companion on the candidate’s faith journey
3. As a witness for the candidate before the Church
Confirmation Name
It is not necessary for a candidate to choose a new name if they have received a Christian name at baptism, in fact the Church encourages us to keep our Baptismal name –in order to show the close connection between our Baptism and Confirmation.
If the candidate does NOT have a Christian first name but has a Christianmiddle name he/she can choose that name.
If the candidate does not have any Christian first or middlename,they should choose a new namethat is the name of a saint orbiblical hero who can serve as a patron saint and an example of a lived faith.
Thursday, September 21, 2017 7-9 PM (church)
Saturday, September 23, 2017 (10AM-2 PM) (BMH)
Confirmation Date:
Friday, September 29, 2017 @ 5 PM (church)