Share a Pencil Day Companion Overseas Link Dioceses Resources needed

To make the most of the opportunity to use Share a Pencil Day May 23rd, 2018 as an opportunity to look at life for school children in Companion/ Overseas Links Dioceses. Teachers and church children’s & youth group leaders and service planners will need information which can best be supplied by the diocese. Some of this information is available on some dioceses websites but it is often hard to find even when you know what you are looking for.

Consider asking someone to compile this information in good time to have it available for planning purposes. Teachers often make plans in the previous term so we would suggest having it ready by Easter if possible. See exemplars for format and presentation.

Share this information in a prominent way on your website for Share a Pencil Day and future use. You could disseminate the availability of resources through advisory teams e.g. DBE Schools and Children and Youth Work Advisors but also Discipleship, Fresh Expression or Mission Advisers.

Outline of what is needed:

For children to use - A story of a particular or generic child with photos

•A4 landscape format

•Photo of a child or children

•125 to 225 words in short sections

•Who they are




•Problem re schooling e.g. child labour, child marriage, discrimination, conflict

•Hopes and dreams

Teachers notes and background information

•Facts and figures about the country/diocese including map

•Links to information already on the diocesan website

•Information about Link Visits

•A typical school

•A typical school day

•Issues facing education in that place

•Jpeg photos that can be used in teacher created resources

•Songs for collective worship from the country

•Contacts and info about speakers for schools and what they might offer

NB although this is a helpful resource for any school or parish taking part in Share a Pencil Day it will be also be very valuable for any work in RE or Citizenship for church schools. They might like further information about typical homes, work, games and toys.