Global Learning (03/15)

·  Question: How do we make campus as a whole feel connected to the idea of global learning, study abroad, etcand preparing YSU students as global citizens?

o  Overcome the myths that we are a commuter campus and therefore our students aren’t interested in studying abroad

o  Achieving a common mindset towards internationalization

o  Ignite and other early introductions to global (opportunities (fun run, etcetc.)

o  Connect to career services – help students understand that global perspectives/experiences enhance their employability

·  Suggestion: Creating a less formal space for students to hangout. There are places to eat and hold events, but no spaces to just hangout. Where are there spaces for international and domestic students to hang out together?

·  Suggestion: Marketing to students who normally would not consider studying abroad. How?

o  Study toursFaculty Led Study Abroad Trips Marketing Ideas

§  Start early to give students time to plan—at least a year in advance

§  Send postcard with information to student home (addressed to student, but parent’s will see)

§  Hold Set up table with coffee/doughnuts sessions for students to talk about the opportunity or and encouragejust to leave their contact information for information sessions..

§  Share sStudent stories: previous students/alumni that did study abroad

§  Ensure that the group is large enough to bring the cost down to a manageable level (for example, one participant experienced difficulty getting students to go if the total cost of trip was more than 4K)

§  Suggestion: Interdisciplinary study tours. Explore the opportunities for departments to collaborate on offering study abroad trips. This will both enrich the learning and widen the potential pool of participants

·  Suggestion: Celebrating Host events that celebrate different cultures’ holidays across campus and hold where students are (come to them)

o  EX: Chinese New Year lion dance in different college buildings

o  Challenge: difficulty in getting all of campus to rally around an issue (like globalization), which is needed to shift campus focus

·  Suggestion: Having the idea of globalGlobal studies should be incorporated into all FYE courses or through General Education requirements.

·  Suggestion: Through CRASH day and other high school student geared events, incorporate more about global studies perspectives and study abroad. Make global opportunities be a selling point for a student coming to YSU.

·  Suggestion: Year long, intensive Cross campus evaluation/task force of howof how diversity global perspectives areis incorporated into academic programs and events on campus. Find out what we are/aren’t doing and where we need to go.

·  Suggestion: In STEM, hold panels where businesses talk about the importance of global perspectives and diversity in STEM fields. This would work in all colleges. Having alumni and businesses share the benefits of students having global knowledge.

·  Suggestion: Mandatory course centered aroundon global topics for first year students. Later then have deans curriculum incorporate diversity/global issues in all the coursesin a series of courses – so students cannot avoid global perspectives.