(EDF 672) Social and Cultural Foundations of Education
Common Course Assessment: Research Paper

(EDF 672) Social and Cultural Foundations of Education

Common Course Assessment: Research Paper

Course Outcomes: Foundational Perspectives

  • Apply cultural, normative, and critical perspectives.
  • Understand relationship of democracy and diversity to education.
  • Understand how moral and philosophical commitments affect evaluation.

Directions to the Student

Write a Research Paper on a topic/issue related to social and cultural foundations of education representing the construction of an informed position through the review, analysis and critique of the literature that also identifies of the topic/issue’s underlying assumptions and any competing ideologies. This should include the following components:

  • A brief review of theliterature on an educational issue/topic that addressesits competing ideologies or underlying assumptions.
  • Research the issue or topic in three types of literature: general interest, professional, and refereed—the latter as identified in Ulrich’s or equivalent source.
  • In the paper, 1) Explain the issue/topic, its competing perspectives, and its underlying ideologies or assumptions; 2)Evaluate the arguments based on their implications for the larger goals of education and schooling; 3) Meet professional expectations for structure, expression and APA manuscript/research format.

Rubric for Research Paper

Elements / Distinguished
(3) / Proficient
(2) / Progressing
(1) / Unsatisfactory
and Ideologies or Underlying Assumptions / Clearly identifies the issue/topic and its main arguments, competing perspectives, and underlying ideologies or assumptions. Shows full command of the issue or topic. / Identifies the issue or topic but may lack clarity regarding arguments, perspectives, or underlying ideologies or assumptions. Shows basic understanding. / Identifies the issue or topic superficially. Shows limited understanding. / Does not meet requirements.
and Analysis / Extensively and thoroughly analyzes literature and/or research including competing perspectives. Takes an informed view based on its implications for the larger goals of education and schooling rather than pragmatic reasons. Effectively contests competing perspectives. Identifies obvious gaps in literature and/or research. / Analysis is quite extensive and thorough. Inclusive of a range of relevant competing perspectives.Takes a position but may lack some thoroughness in relating it to the larger goals of education. Analysis includes attempts at contesting some of the competing perspectives (i.e., more than mere disagreement with them). / Analysis is limited in its breadth and thoroughness (i.e., narrow and superficial in scope). Includes limited or indistinguishable perspectives from the literature and/or research, none of which are competing (i.e., builds the case in support only). Does not take a clear position, or presents a superficial one. / Does not meet requirements.
Conclusions and Implications / Shows full understanding of the nature of underlying ideologies or assumptions and their influence on education. Conclusions andimplications are thorough, compelling and logically derived from the evidence. There is no incongruence or unstated assumptions.Position is well developed, reasoned and defended. There are no logical fallacies. / Shows considerable understanding of the nature of underlying ideologies or assumptions and their influence on education. Conclusions and implicationsare quite thorough, relatively compelling and logically from the evidence. There is no incongruence or unstated assumptions. Position is adequately developed and defended. There are no logical fallacies. / Shows limited understanding of how ideology or assumptions influences education.Conclusions and implicationslack thoroughness and are weak based on insufficient or limited evidence.
Incongruence with the evidence or unstated assumptions may be apparent. Position is poorly developed and inadequately defended. Some logical fallacies may be present. / Does not meet requirements.
Written Expression / Introduction briefly describes issue/topic, its historical context, and its relationship to education. Orients the reader to what will follow. Concluding section restates what the paper has covered and draws it to a solid close.
Organization throughout is orderly, with clear section headings and appropriate transitions.
Writing is clear, succinct, with appropriate wording and objective, professional tone. No more than 3 errors in standard grammar and usage. / Introduction or conclusion may not accomplish all that they need to. Overall organization may be unclear or lack discernible sections and helpful transitions.
Writing may be unclear, wordy, lack appropriate language or lack professional tone. No more than 5 errors in grammar and usage. / Introduction and conclusion do not accomplish what they need to. Overall organization lacks direction.
Writing is unclear, wordy, inappropriate, or unprofessional. Over 5 errors in standard grammar and usage. / Does not meet requirements.
Does not meet requirements.
Research Format / Conforms to APA guidelines in manuscript style, editorial style, headings, text citations, and references. No more than 3 errors related to APA format. / Usually conforms to APA guidelines. No more than 5 errors in APA format / Rarely conforms to APA guidelines. Contains more than 5 errors in APA format. / Does not meet requirements.