1-on-1 Assistance Package Application

  1. About ready4

Ready4 is a program centred on NDIS provider assistance and community organisations interested in exploring the benefits of partnerships and collaboration. It provides targeted information and support for existing and new disability service providers, and also provides information and assistance to strengthen the capacity of all community sector organisations during a time of transition and adjustment. Ready4 brings together resources, information about sector supports and will offer a variety of free workshops and forums throughout 2016.

Ready4 is a consortium of National Disability Services (NDS), the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) and RSM. The program was commissioned by the ACT Government with funding from the Sector Development Fund and the Community Sector Reform program and will run until December 2016.

  1. 1-on-1 Assistance Packages

The right support at the right time is a critical element of success. Ready4’s 1-on-1 assistance packages offer NDIS service providers tailored advice in areas such as financial management, costing, strategic planning, marketing, change management, and person-centred service planning. Organisations may elect to apply for either business coaching or technical expertise support. These packages are designed to help disability service providers navigate the new changes and demands placed on the sector by the introduction of the NDIS, setting organisations on a course for long-term success.

All community organisations are able to apply for 1-on-1 business coaching or technical expertise support where informal or formal partnerships and/or collaboration have been identified for them to achieve a strategic objective.

  1. Packages on Offer

Package A: 4 x 2 hour coaching for NDIS service providers

This package includes four separate two-hour coaching sessions spread over a period to be determined together by the ready4 and the approved applicant. Coaching supportmay be used by providers to receive start-up advice, or mentoring for senior managers and executives in relation to NDIS risks, impacts, and strategic planning.

Package B: Targeted assistance for NDIS Service providers

Targeted assistance may include in-depth, onsite assistance, and is offered in 1 day, 3 day, or 5 day packages. Targeted assistance may include technical expertise to assist an organisation with costing, NDIS revenue identification, high level financial viability analysis, marketing, and/or achieving other key outcomes.

Package C: 3 x 1 hour coaching for community organisations

This package includes three separate one-hour coaching sessions spread over a period to be determined by ready4 and the approved applicant. Coaching support may be used by executives, senior managers and/or Board members within an organisation to build their leadership capability to develop and/or implement strategic objectives which incorporate partnerships, or to assist collaboration with other community organisations or corporate entities. 1-on-1s will add value to the information that participants will be able to access through ready4.

Package D: Formal collaboration initiatives for community organisations

All community organisations are able to apply for assistance to help them explore opportunities for formal collaboration with other community organisations. This assistance may be in the form of a facilitated conversation with the organisations involved, and/or technical expertise to assist in developing a formal collaboration.

  1. Eligibility

1-on-1 Assistance Packages A & B are only available to disability service providers who are currently or plan to deliver services to NDIS participants within the ACT. This may include: sole-traders, associations, or companies operating on a for-profitor not-for-profit basis. The program is available to organisations of all sizes and scope, including those operating locally and nationally.

1 on 1 Assistance Packages C & D are available to all community organisations operating in the ACT.

The ready4 engagement survey (at )must be completed before or with your application before your application will be considered. The purpose of the survey is to give ready4 insight into your organisation so that we can better understand your strategic imperatives. It will also assist us in the delivery of ready4 initiatives in a way that will best meet your needs.

If you have already completed the survey you do not need to do it again for the purposes of this application.

  1. Application and Selection

To receive a 1-on-1 Assistance Packagethrough ready4, organisations must complete and return the attached/following application form to . Organisations will be selected to receive assistance based on program capacity and consideration of the factors listed below.

  • Return on Investment:The capacity of the expected or proposed contribution of the assistance to achieving a successful outcome.
  • Impact on the Market/Service System:The importance of the applicant’s service to (as applicable) ACT NDIS participants and/or vulnerable & disadvantaged ACT citizens, evidence of innovation or other impact, and the nature and extent of the risk to the market/service of a delivery failure.
  • Prior Investments and Commitment: The applicant’s capacity for, and interest in, change (including, in the case of packages A & B, what steps they have taken to prepare for the NDIS) and their participation in previous initiatives. Ready4 will not duplicate work already undertaken as part of previous ACT Government initiatives (e.g. the GFMI, BIP, and Community Sector Reform Packages).

Ready4 is dedicated to providing the sector with good value for money. Organisations may therefore be required to attend group training and/or undertake pre-reading or complete specific tasks prior to receiving a package for 1-on-1 support.

Please note that the packages outlined are a strong guide as to the support that will be provided. We will, of course, look to provide as tailored a service as possible. Ready4 aims to work with organisations to meet their individual needs to achieve their strategic objectives.

The first round of applications will be reviewed by 19 February 2016 and advice on the outcome will be issued shortly thereafter.

Submit the completed application form to:

For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact ready4 on (02) 6283 3204 or via email at

Ready4 Application Form for 1-on-1 support Page 1

Ready4 - 1-on-1 Organisational Assistance Package Application

(Submit to )

Name of Organisation:
Contact Person:
(Executive staff only)
Phone No:
Date of completion
Submitted by (name)
1 / Do you operate, or plan to operate within the ACT?
(Continue if Yes) / YES/NO
2 / Have you completed the ready4 engagement survey?
(You must undertake the survey to be eligible for 1/1 assistance. The survey is very short and will only take a couple of minutes to do)
We have completed the survey
We/I previously completed the survey
(tick the relevant box (double mouse click in the box if completing in ‘word’))
3. / Do you / are you planning to provide in in the near future disability services to people who are resident in the ACT? / YES/NO
4 / Please briefly describe your organisation.
4 / What assistance do you require from the 1-on-1 packages being offered(please select one or more of the most relevant package(s) outlined below e.g. Package A,B,C,D)? What are you aiming to achieve from receiving 1-on-1 assistance through ready4?(please complete this for each Package being requested)
A. / Would you like to apply for Package A?:
This disability service provider package includes four separate two-hour coaching sessions that can support people looking for such things as start-up advice, mentoring for senior managers and executives in relation to NDIS risks, impacts, and strategic planning. / YES/NO
Please outline below the type of support you are looking for and what you aim to achieve from this (approx. 200 words max):
B. / Would you like to apply for Package B?:
This disability service provider package is for targeted assistance which may include in-depth, onsite assistance, and is offered in 1 day, 3 day, or 5 day packages. This could include technical expertise to assist with costing, NDIS revenue identification, high level financial viability analysis, assistance with your HR or marketing, and achieving other key outcomes. / YES/NO
Please outline below the type of support you are looking for and what you aim to achieve from this (approx. 200 words max):
C. / Would you like to apply for Package C?:
This package is available to all community organisations and includes three separate one-hour coaching sessions which could be used by executives, senior managers and / or Board members to build their leadership capability to develop and / or implement strategic objectives which incorporate partnerships or to assist collaboration with other community organisations or corporate entities. / YES/NO
Please outline below the type of support you are looking for and what you aim to achieve from this (approx. 200 words max):
D. / Would you like to apply for Package D?:
This package supports community organisations interested in exploring opportunities for a formal collaboration with other community organisations. This assistance could be in the form of a facilitated conversation with the organisations involved and / or technical expertise to assist in developing a formal collaboration. / YES/NO
Please outline below the type of support you are looking for and what you aim to achieve from this (approx. 200 words max):

The following questions are for Disability Service Providers only

5 / What are the biggest risks and challenges you are currently facing in relation to the NDIS?
6 / How is the service/initiative you are offering important to ACT NDIS participants?
7 / What prior investments and initiatives have you completed for your NDIS readiness(including government NDIS support packages such as the GFMI and the BIP)?

Ready4 Application Form for 1-on-1 support Page 1