PHONE: 02077034967

WEBSITE: www.EnglishMartyrsWalworth.org


Parish Priest: Rev. Andor Thomas Udie

Assistant Priest: Rev. Henry Wamala Mukasa


Monday – Friday: 9.30am

Saturday: 6pm (Vigil Mass)

Sunday: 9am, 11.30am & 6pm

Reconciliation: Saturday: 9.30am – 11am and

Half an Hour before Mass on Saturday and Sunday


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 10am – 2pm

Thursday: Office Closed



“Let anyone with ears listen!” God’s word has been broken for us and we have listened to its teaching. Now we reflect on its meaning for us as we pray to the Lord who sows and harvests, that people may eagerly welcome his word and respond to its urgent call.


1.  May we grow in understanding the word of God revealed to us. May we learn to obey its teaching in the Church and in the world so that God’s will may be done. Lord, in your mercy.

2.  All creation witnesses to God’s purposes. May we always respect our universe and from its beauty, integrity and nature deepen our understanding of how God wants us to treat our world. Lord, in your mercy.

3.  May we be guided by the teaching of Jesus in all that we value and hold dearest; and by our living the gospel, may others be drawn to the truth of God. May pastors and missionaries, catechists and teachers keep sowing the word seed even when they see no harvest. Lord, in your mercy.

4.  The teaching of Jesus reveals to us God’s purposes for ourselves and for our world. May we be faithful followers of Jesus, listening to his teaching and bearing fruit by our obedience to God’s word. Lord, in your mercy.

5.  We pray for those who are not moved by the word of God, that the Church may hear their silent yearning and speak that word in such a way that they see that it pertains to their life and happiness. Lord, in your mercy.

6.  We pray for the sick, the lonely, those who suffer or mourn, that the word of God may bring them consolation, give them the courage to bear their pain and to keep hoping in a loving God. May our Christian community not let the cares of life choke the word of God in us. Lord, in your mercy.

Mary trusted the Lord completely. We pray with her: Hail Mary…

Let us trust our cares to the Lord.


God of compassion and love, may your kingdom come! May your word not return to you without carrying out your will in us, and our prayers not return to us without having been answered by you. We make our prayers through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives with you and the Holy spirit, one God for ever and ever.



MORNING PRAYER AND ROSARY: Every morning at 9am. All parishioners are invited.

LAST WEEK’S collection was £608 and the second collection was £111. May the good Lord bless you always.

THANKS to all who help in any way in the Church. Please we request more people to join in the cleaning of the Church after the 9.30am Mass every Friday.

PILGRIMAGE to the Holy Land from 4th - 12th September for £1,197 including all excursions, flying from London Heathrow.

BAPTISM PREPARATION: Forms for infant baptism are at the back of the Church. The next class will be on Tuesday 18th July. Baptism will be on Sunday 23rd after the 11.30am Mass. There are always two classes before baptism and parents and Godparents are expected to attend. Proof of catholicity of one of the parents is required by providing an original baptism certificate. One of the Godparent has to be a practicing Catholic with proof of baptism certificate and Mass attendance from the parish they belong. (All original documents to be presented in the Parish office with the sum of £50.)

PILGRIMAGE to Fatima celebrating 100 years of FATIMA from 26th November to 2nd December including all excursions for £689, flying from London Heathrow. Contact Mrs. Mozzi on 02084720843 or 07859027301 for all the above.

Summer Accommodation in London - Allen Hall: Allen Hall Seminary in Chelsea offer comfortable rooms in central London in July and August. Beautiful gardens and chapel. Rooms from £50 per night (including breakfast).
Website : www.allenhall.org.uk
Email :
Telephone : 020 7349 5600 (option 0)

THE SOUTHWARK BRETHREN is a long standing charity which helps sick and retired priests who are in need. We thank you for your continuous generosity in the past and ask for your help this year. Please take flyers at the back of the Church.

The Archbishop of Southwark Archdiocese, Most Rev. Peter Smith will be visiting the Parish on Sunday 30th July to confer the sacrament of Confirmation. Please, come and make him welcomed. Mass is at 1pm.


Eternal Repose: Caroline Tejumade Ogunmuyiwa, Mags Burke, Armand Franzini, Peter Arrey, Eyere Nyenty, Cecil Moran, Annocia Phyllis Cyrus, Maria Fatuma and Margaret Burke.

Special Intentions: Special Intentions: Caroline Ellamil, Vincent Murphy, Osewe Ann Chike, Arrisa Ellamil and People of the Parish.


Saturday 15th July 15th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A)

6.00pm: Caroline T. Ogunmuyiwa, RIP

Sunday 16th July 15th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A)

9.00am: Mags Burke, RIP

11.30am: Caroline Ellamil, Birthday

: Peter Arrey & Eyere Nyenty, RIP

6.00pm: Vincent Murphy, Sp. Intention

Monday 17th July Feria

9.30am: Annocia Phyllis Cyrus, RIP

Tuesday 18th July Feria

9.30am: Victor & Kenneth Cox, RIP

Wednesday 19th July Feria

9.30am: School Mass

: Maria Fatuma, RIP

Thursday 20th July Feria

9.30am: People of the Parish

Friday 21st July Feria

9.30am: Funeral of Margaret Burke, RIP

Saturday 22nd July 16th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A)

6.00pm: People of the Parish

Sunday 23rd July 16th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A)

9.00am: Cecil Moran, RIP

11.30am: Osewe Ann Chike, Sp. Intention

: Arrisa Ellamil Hague, Birthday

6.00pm: People of the Parish

JUMBLE SALE on Monday 17th July 2017 in English

Martyrs Church Hall, Wadding Street, SE17 1RA. Entrance fee: 30p. Sales start at 7pm till midnight.