Steve Charleston
NPZA Membership Secretary
PO Box 94731
Lincoln, NE 68509-4731
Mark Your Calendar and Register for the Dates: March 28-30, 2012
2012 Nebraska Annual Planning Training Conference
March 28-30, 2012website:
Grand Island Holiday Inn – Midtownregistration/ membership/ scholarships
Thanks!!!!! 2011 Sponsors
2012 NPZA Scholarship Application Form
NPZA's mission statement
To provide quality education and training opportunities for individuals who make and impact land use decisions.
To provide a collaborative network for the exchange of ideas and issues to effect sound planning and zoning practices. To provide support for developing local and statewide planning policies and legislation.
Is your community/county taking on the responsibilities of planning issues/regulations? Do you have new members that could benefit from training on how to do their job? Is your budget tight and your community wants to send a person that has not had training in local planning? If you answered yes and want training for your planning commissioners, let NPZA know. NPZA is offering scholarships to the 2012 APA Institute’s Courses and the NPZA Conference.
DEADLINE for receipt of scholarship applications: March 21, 2012 receipt/post marked no later.
Scholarship Priorities given in this order. (please check the box that applies)First time attendee
Institute Planning Commission Fundamentals and NPZA Conference
Or Institute Fundamentals only
Or the other Institute courses (Wednesday only).
Complete an application and submit to Steve Charleston, Secretary-Treasurer NPZA, PO Box 94731, Lincoln, NE 68509-4731.
For more information on how to apply, contact (402) 471-3757 or fax (402) 471-8405 or email:
Community/County/Organization: / Phone
Person Nominated: / Title:
Community/County/Organization: / Phone
Experience in community planning:
Why does the person need the scholarship?
How would the training benefit the person and the community?
MARCH 28-30, 2012---registration fee 3 days $160 (lunch 2 days/banquet 1 day)
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 2012 Institutes(register for only one session for the day)
7:30 AM Registration Conference Institutes - Pre-Function Area
7:45-9:15 AM Hot Breakfast Buffet - Pre-Function Area
8:00 to 8:30 Welcome
8:45 AM to 4:45 PM APA Institutes—Lunch from 11:45 AM—1:15 PM
Institute One:*(MCLE credits 6.5)
Planning Commission Fundamentals and Legal Aspects of Planning Law: $85.00 (lunch included)
Speakers:Harry Milligan, former Hastings Community Development Director; and
Tom Huston, Attorney at Law—Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather, L.L.P.
*continuation Thursday, March 29, 2012)*individuals seeking certification for (continued education)Ethics, Conflicts of InterestMinutes and Findings of Fact andOpenMeetings Act: separate $85.00 registration---Thursday sessions.(refer to registration for MCLE credits…continuing education credits for NE attorneys)
Institute Two: (MCLE credits 6.5)
Legal Issues: Legislation/Case Law & A Smorgasbord of Topics: $85.00 (lunch included)
Speaker:DavidPtak,Attorneyat Law
Institute Three: Eco-friendly Industrial Parks/ Green Roofs: $85.00 (lunch included)
Speaker:Peter Lowitt, FAICP Massachusetts Chapter American Planning Association, Devens Enterprise
Institute Four: Transportation and Complete Streets for all Cities: $85.00 (lunch included)
Speakers:Michael Piernicky PE and others to announce
Institute Five: Floodplain Management Sessions: $85.00 (lunch included)
Speakers:Bill Jones, Certified Floodplain Manager, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources. Craig Wacker, AICP, Natural Resources Plan Coordinator, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
5:15 PM-Mobile Workshop
Sandhill Cranes, Migratory Routes and Planning
Crane Meadows - Exit 305 on Interstate 80
Cost: $35.00 includes box lunch
Limited to 24 people
THURSDAY, MARCH 29, and FRIDAY MARCH 30, 2012 ---$85.00 (lunch and banquet included)
Concurrent Session Guide 5 Tracks
General Basics:Comprehensive Plan and its Relationship to Zoning; Ethics/ Conflict of Interest; GIS and Planning; Zoning Administration-Questions and Answers.
Legal:(MCLE) Blight Substandard and Redevelopment Plan; Findings of Fact; Open Meeting Act; Board of Zoning Adjustment.
Environmental:Eco-friendly Industrial Park; Surface and Groundwater Quality; Land Use Planning and Flood Recovery; Dealing with those Tough Meetings.
Planning Issues in Nebraska: Public art and brick sculpture; Airport Zoning; Capital Improvement Planning; Dealing with those tough meetings.
Redevelopment:Housing Redevelopment in Nebraska; Community Redevelopment Authorities and BIDS; Downtown Redevelopment; TIF Grand Island neighborhood approach.
NPZA Scholarship applicants. To apply for a scholarship please complete and return two (2) forms. The first form is the NE APA/ NPZA scholarship application form. ( The second form is the United States Citizenship Attestation Form, on the State of Nebraska Department of Administrative Services website at .
You can also register for the conference at NPZA’s website
Your community /organization is encouraged to support NPZA as a 2012 member. Join NPZA
Additional Information…. Steve Charleston, NPZA membership secretary/treasurer. 402.471.3757
Lodging is the responsibility of the registrant.Grand Island Holiday Inn Midtown (308) 384-1330 Single/Double rate $70
General / ConcurrentSession / Sessions / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Friday / Friday
29-Mar-12 / Track / 29-Mar-12 / 29-Mar-12 / 29-Mar-12 / 30-Mar-12 / 30-Mar-12
8:30 / 10:15-11:45am / 1:45-3:15pm / 3:45-5:15pm / 8:30-10:00am / 10:15-11:45am
10:00 / 1 / Comprehensive Plan / Ethics and Professional *** / Planning Leadership in / GIS & Planning / Zoning
The Value / General Basics / Relationship to Zoning / Responsibility, (1:30-3:30pm) / the New Economy / Administrators
of Planning / Conflicts of Interest...MCLE / Questions & Answers
in the 21st / John Johnson, Madison Co / Sue Swartz, FAICP / Mitchell Silver, AICP / GIS Workshop / David H. Ptak,
David Potter, JEO Consulting / David C. Levy, Attorney / Attorney
Century / 2 / Blight/Substandard & the / Findings of Fact…MCLE / Open Meetings / Board of Zoning / General Questions
Legal / Redevelopment Plan…MCLE / Law..MCLE / AdjustmentMCLE / & Answers
Mitchell / Orval Stahr, Planer / David H. Ptak, Attorney / Charles A. Hamilton, / David H. Ptak, Attorney / Harry Milligan,
Silver, AICP / Michael Bacon, Attorney / Attorney / Planner
3 / Eco-Friendly Industrial Park / Surface & Ground Water / Land Use Planning, and / Energy Element…
Environmental / Quality / Flood Recovery / Comprehensive Plan
Peter Lowitt, FAICP / The Water Machine-UNL / Rick Cunningham, AIA / Keith Marvin, AICP
Joe Johnson / Steve Jensen, AICP
Don Gross, AICP
4 / Public Art & Brick Sculpture / Airport Zoning in Nebraska / Capital Improvement / Dealing with Those
Planning / Heartland Brick / Planning / Tough Speakers
Issues in / Brick Industry Division / Russ Gaspers, NE / Sue Swartz, FAICP
Nebraska / Aaron Steele, AICP / Aeronautics / Harry Milligan
Wade Wagoner, AICP / Chad Nabity, AICP
5 / Housing Redevelopment in / Community Redevelopment / Downtown / Tax Increment Financing
Redevelopment / Nebraska / Authorities & BIDs / & Redevelopment / in Grand Island---A
Neighborhood Approach
Lonnie Dickson, AICP, / Harry Milligan / Kevin Anderson, NE DED / Chad Nabity, AICP GI NE
Randy Chick, Hastings / Marty Schukert, FAICP
Nebraska CLE/MCLE attorneys
MCLE credits / continuing legal education (CLE) activity
approved courses/credits listed on registration
Harry Milligan, Planner & Tom Huston, Attorney…Institute I Planning Commission Fundamentals and Legal Aspects of PlanningAn interactive presentation and discussion focused on the basic knowledge of land use planning. The one day session is focused on the practical application of land use planning legislation carried out by planning commissioners, administrators, attorneys, and elected officials. Mr. Milligan is active as a consultant for community planning in Nebraska. He has several years serving the City of Hastings in land use, zoning, subdivision, and annexation in the capacity as staff planning advisor to the planning commission and city council.
Mr. Huston is a practicing attorney active in land use planning and represents clients in zoning and permitting processes. He represents clients in housing development, tax increment financing, and land use redevelopment.
This program provides an excellent opportunity for community representatives to gain a better understanding of their responsibilities; understand the legal principles of planning and its application; become better aware of the community planning decision-making process; and how to interact with community neighbors. Mr. Milligan and Mr. Huston have served as professional trainers for the Nebraska Planning Institutes for more than the past fifteen years. They were instrumental in the preparation and packaging of the practical planning and legislative law for the Nebraska Planning Handbook and training materials for the Fundamentals Institute.6.5 MCLE credits
David Ptak, Attorney…Institute II---Legal Issues: Legislation/Case Law & a Smorgasbord of Topics
Legislation & Case Law/A Smorgasbord of Topics will cover legal foundations of planning and zoning in Nebraska. Dave spent nearly 30 years engaged in the general practice of law including representation of the City of Battle Creek and the Village of Meadow Grove. Dave served as the Deputy Madison County Attorney and the Norfolk City Attorney. He is the past-president NPZA. Mr. Ptak has presented several workshops and institute courses for NPZA and APA the past 10 years. His working knowledge, understanding, and experiences working with land use law and its applicability will provide you an excellent learning experience. The discussion ranges from issues on zoning, subdivision, annexation, incompatible uses, non-conforming uses, responsibilities, conflict of interest, and more.6.5 MCLE credits
Sue Schwartz, FAICP, AICP…Institute II continuation Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
The Certification Maintenance (CM) Program requires that all AICP members attend an Ethics session. This session should be helpful to all professional and citizen planners, and attorneys who face many ethical dilemmas. An overview of the new AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will be given along with a description of ethics principles, rules of conduct and ethics complaint procedures. The session speaker will share “real life” ethical situations and scenarios. Come and learn about ethical situations that your peers face in the region and on a national basis.Ms. Swartz is the Community Development Director and former neighborhood planning manager for the City of Greensboro, North Carolina. She was the community planner for the city from 1987 to 2002.Ms. Schwartz, FAICP, AICP is also the immediate past president American Institute Certified Planners, and has spent 20 years in the planning profession as a practitioner and trainer.2.0 MCLE credits Professional Responsibility…Ethics
Charles A. Hamilton, Attorney…Institute II continuation Open Meetings Law
The open meetings law session covers the legal responsibilities for the elected official body, the planning commission, and officials/staff representing the local county and municipal government in public participation responsibility under the open meetings law. Mr. Hamilton’s experiences include serving as the Adams County Deputy County attorney as legal counsel to the Adams County Planning Commission, the county Board of Supervisors, and the Board of Adjustment. Instrumental in the creation of rules and regulations in planning and zoning procedural processes and public participation for the Adams County Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, and Board of Adjustment. Mr. Hamilton represented clients at Hamilton Property through researching zoning issues for property purchase decisions.1.5 MCLE credits
2012 Nebraska Annual Planning Conference Registration Form: March 28-30, 2012
Community/County/Organization:Registrant Name: / Title:
Mailing Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
First Time Attendee / Sponsor / Speaker / Pre-Register
(Through March 19, 2012)
Please select all that apply. FEE
Wednesday/ Thursday with banquet/ Friday fee $160 / $160
Wednesday APA Institute (Select only one [1] of the following Institutes) / $85
Institute One: PART 1 Planning Commission Fundamentals: MCLE credits 6.5 activity 66550
Institute Two: Legal Issues and Case Law: MCLE credits 6.5 activity 66551
Check if continuing Education in: Ethics, Conflicts of Interest Findings of Facts or Open Meeting Act / $85
Ethics and Conflicts of Interest only (Thursday-no lunch) MCLE credits 2.0 activity 66727 Ethics / $40
Blight Substandard & Redevelopment Plan only (Thursday-no lunch) MCLE credits 1.5 activity 66718 / $40
Findings of Facts and Open Meetings Act(both sessions Thursday) MCLE credits 3.5 activity 66552 / $55
Findings of Facts only (Thursday-no lunch) MCLE credits 1.5 activity 66552 / $40
Open Meetings Act only(Thursday-no lunch) MCLE credits 1.5 activity 66552 / $40
Board of Zoning Adjustment (only Friday) MCLE credits 1.5 activity 66555 / $40
Institute Three: Eco-friendly Industrial Parks/Green Roofs
Institute Four: Transportation and Complete streets for all cities
Institute Five: Storm Water Management
Wednesday Evening Mobile Workshop (limited to 24 people) / $35
Thursday and Friday Sessions with Banquet(includes attended MCLE sessions) / $85
NPZA Thursday only (no Banquet)(includes Thursday attended MCLE sessions) / $55
NPZA Thursday Banquet Only / $25
NPZA Friday only(includes Friday attended MCLE session) / $40
Extra luncheon (guest) ticket(s) – Thursday / X $12 =
Extra banquet (guest) ticket(s) – Thursday / X $25 =
Total Amount Due
Example-(Attending Wednesday, Thursday (including banquet), and Friday equals $160)
Payment Enclosed
Scholarship Requested: (Please complete Scholarship Form)…
Registration late fee: $90 (after March 19, 2012) – Refunds for cancellation not accepted after March 21, 2012
Conference Registration and Information call: Steve Charleston (402) 471-3757…fax (402) 471-8405
Billing Requested: (Please complete the following information to provide for accurate billing)Community/County/Organization: / Member Sponsor
Bill to Contact: / Title:
Mailing Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
Make checks payable to: Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association Mail to: Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association
% Steve Charleston, Secretary /Treasurer, PO Box 94731, Lincoln, NE 68509-4731
NPZA Membership Application for 2012 …………………………………………………………
NPZA invites you and your community/county/organization to join us a 2012 member.
Who is NPZA? NPZA is an active association of communities, counties, professionals, and organizations that are dedicated to community planning and development in Nebraska.
NPZA's mission statement
To provide quality education and training opportunities for individuals who make and impact land use decisions.
To provide a collaborative network for the exchange of ideas and issues to effect sound planning and zoning practices.
To provide support for developing local and statewide planning policies.
Membership Classification (check one) / Application Date: / , 20Student / $5 / Individual / $15
Private Planning Consultant / $40 / Joint Planning Agencies / $50
City or County under 5,000 population / $35 / State/Planning Agencies / $40
City or County above 5,000 population / $40
Contact Person:
Mailing Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
List Planning Commission members name and address. Include one staff person who works with planning commission, i.e., planning director, building inspector or clerk. If consultant or other agency, list staff.
Name / Address / Title1. / Chair
Please list the Board of Adjustment members, if applicable on the following lines.
Make checks payable to: Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association
Mail to: Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association
% Steve Charleston, Secretary /Treasurer, PO Box 94731, Lincoln, NE 68509-4731