Atlantic College Model United NationsA/RES/2011/1
Security Council
2011 Session
Agenda Item 1
Resolution adopted by the Security Council
Observing that a single person, known as a cyberterrorist, can potentially cause strife and havoc to the world of information technology, with relatively little funds, equipment or experience;
FurtherObserving that most cyberterrorists act and plan either individually or in groups on the internet;
Believing that it is crucial to warn member states on potential cyberterror threats that may be directed at them from radical or violent groups or individuals, so they can take action to defend themselves from such attacks;
Furtherbelieving that member states should also respect, as best as possible, civil liberties and the individual right to privacy when tackling cyberterrorism;
Stating that the body believes cooperation of countries can be better developed by resolving existing disagreement between one another – in the context of the internet,
- Defines for the purpose of this resolution:
- Information technology, as the development, implementation, and maintenance of computing devices and software systems to organize and communicate information electronically;
- Cyberterrorism: as any premeditated, politically or ideologically motivated attack, or threat thereof, through the use of information technology, against information or telecommunication networks, computer systems, computer programs, and data, which results in significant disruption, distress or losses of physical, economic, or infrastructural nature to targets, by sub-national groups or agents;
- Internet Service Provider(ISP): as any person or entity that operates or resells and controls any facility used to provide Internet access directly to the public;
- Declares that conspiring, planning, carrying out, funding or aiding acts of cyberterrorism shall be outlawed in all member states, and that member states will commit to prosecute violators to the fullest extent possible in their jurisdiction;
- Discourages member states from conspiring, planning, carrying out, funding or aiding acts of cyberterrorism, and requires member states who carry out such activities to cease and desist immediately;
- Requires member states and ISPs to do as much as possible within their jurisdiction to prevent and combat cyberterrorism at home and abroad, with respect given to civil liberties and the individual right to privacy under applicable national and international laws;
- Urges member states to share information with each other on individuals and organizations who are suspected or known to have a history of cyberterrorism to combat the spread of cyberterrorist activities on to the international level, while respecting applicable national and international laws regarding privacy;
- Further Urges member states to coordinate counter-cyberterrorism activities against such cyberterrorist groups;
- Requires member states to freeze the assets of cyberterrorist individuals or organizations which may be used to support international cyberterrorist acts - including but not limited to: funds, computers or storage devices;
- Calls for member states to shut down ISPs that knowingly host and allow cyber terrorist activities to originate from their servers;
- Demands member states ban or restrict convicted individual cyberterrorists from computer activity;
- Further requires member states to raise awareness about cyberterrorism and educate the general populace about protecting themselves from such attacks.
- Requests that developing member states may request monetary and technological assistance from the Counter Terrorism International Taskforce in the case of cyber terrorism
- Strongly Urgesthe creation of regional information security systems (membership is voluntary). We insist that these regional blocs should include international legal norms and threat monitoring continuing identification and assessment centers within the framework of existing bodies, such as the Collective Security Treaty Organization. (International legal norms should be drawn up by the Security Council, which we all agree on).
- Recommends consultations on most complex problems regarding international information security. We would like to initiate joint research on ways to solve the most pressing problems of IIS, and the publication of a report which updates us upon the status of existing and newly developing cyber threats. This would be in the form of a journal under the UN aegis.
Committee Session 1
22 January 2011