Erie Community College
Title III
English Writing Assignment
Biology Interdisciplinary Course Materials
Course: English 023 Developmental Writing
Topic: Basic Essay Structures and the Scientific Method
Project Description: This project is designed for students to actively participate in the use of the scientific method while learning the importance of writing an essay using the basic essay structures.
Author: Sherrie Lilleck (North Campus English Department)
Curriculum Expert: Thomas J. Franco (North Campus Biology Department)
Semester Created: Spring 2009
A. Essential Question: Is using a mnemonic device effective in transferring information from the short-term memory into the long-term memory?
B. Introduction: The instructor can begin the lesson with reading the class the definition of a mnemonic device. According to The American Heritage Dictionary (1994) a mnemonic device is, “…[A device] assisting or intended to assist the memory. A device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as a mnemonic mindful aid”(p.535). We are going to conduct an in-class experiment using the scientific method to remember an important aspect for English class. We will experiment with a mnemonic device on how to organize an essay
C. Basic Directions: Pass out sheet, (attachment titled The Scientific Method) on the aspects of the scientific method and go over each section. Complete the entire first step of the scientific method including letters a., b., and c. The letters can be completed in the following way: a. make simple observations about mnemonic devices b. take notes on student examples of mnemonic devices they are familiar with c. current problem is stated (The current problem: Important information can easily be forgotten.) The latter part of this section titled, previous data is studied, will be assigned for homework. Complete together the next section of the scientific method, hypothesis. The hypothesis section has two letters, a. and b. The letter a. says that a testable statement is formulated (That testable statement should be developed based on observations made from 1a.) An example of a testable statement that would be appropriate for this project would be, using a mnemonic device will help transfer important information from a persons short-term memory to a persons long-term memory. Next, the instructor and students should complete section 3 of the scientific method, titled experiment, by creating a mnemonic device for the basic essay structures. Pass out sheet (attachment titled Basic Essay Structures) on the basic essay structures and go over the terms. Only go over the terms. A subsequent lesson on how to apply the terms in an essay should be completed at a later date. After going over the terms of the basic essay structures complete sections b., c., and d. of the experiment section of the scientific method. The steps of the experiment include the following: step one – the class will be divided into two groups, one test group and one control group. Step two – the test group will spend time together to create a mnemonic device to help them remember the basic essay structures. If the group cannot come up with one, examples can be provided from the instructor. (See section E. of this lesson.) Simultaneously, the control group members are expected to study the basic essay structures using traditional study habits. Study habits such as copying over notes from worksheet and memorization, or whatever habits the students have used thus far in their educational career. Step three – both groups will be expected to use the methods discussed in class for homework. Step four – at the start of the next class both groups will be asked to recall the basic essay structures in a test setting. Step five – students can self-correct their tests as the instructor reads the correct answers. The students can then record the score at the top of the test. Step six – the instructor can collect papers and report the findings in-class the report can be done anonymously using the terms control group and test group as to limit any embarrassment. The reports should be favorable toward the test group, the students who learned a mnemonic device. At this point the test group should teach the created mnemonic device to the control group as to be sure that they have effectively learned all the basic essay structures. Step seven – the instructor will explain how to analyze the data found from the in-class experiment using the model for middle paragraphs from the basic essay structures. Step eight- students will be asked to practice writing a middle paragraph reporting the data from the in-class experiment. Student’s work will be graded using the EN023 rubric that is at the end of this project.
D. Things to Learn or Consider Before Starting the Project:
*The instructor should come up with some simple mnemonic devices for examples in case the test group students are stuck. Some examples could be to make a song matching the terms from the basic essay structures and link the terms to a popular song from the radio. Another example would be to make a word using the first letter of each term from the basic essay structures.
*Make duplicates of the attachments for the students.
E. Project Assignment:
*The instructor can start with reading the definition of a mnemonic device.
Reviewing and Modeling:
*Review takes place in reciting the mnemonic device.
*Modeling should take place for what a mnemonic device is and for how to write a middle paragraph while reporting analyzed data.
Survey of the Field:
*The instructor should bring in general information on the long-term and short-term memory, as well as any information on the effectiveness of using a mnemonic device as a study method.
Guided Work:
*Students will be guided as to how to apply all the steps of the scientific method.
Independent Work:
*Students will be asked to independently study using assigned study methods.
F. Student Resources:
*Scientific method worksheet, attachment titled The Scientific Method.
*Test form, attachment titled Test on Basic Essay Structures.
*Basic essay structures worksheet, attachment titled Basic Essay Structures.
G. Teacher Resources:
*Website on long-term and short-term memory
H. Grading Rubric:
Mark your ratings according to how fully you agree with the statement describing the essay.4: Agree / 0: Disagree
Awareness and Usage of Essay Conventions / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Essay’s rhetorical accomplishment meets audience expectations.
Thesis statement is identifiable and effective.
Idea development meets audience expectations.
Conclusion is a logical, interesting, extension of introduction.
Critical Thinking and Writing Abilities / Essay reflects a full, complex, understanding of the main consideration implied by prompt.
Essay’s examination of relevant points meets audience expectations.
Paragraphing & other organization are effective for essay’s argument.
Amount of outside information or support referenced (examples, etc) by essay meets or exceeds audience expectations.
Command of Language / Essay uses language well suited to audience and to the main consideration implied by prompt.
Writing reflects ease and versatility in usage of language and sentence structures.
Raw Score (sum of scores from all 10 rows): / KEY TO SCORING:
Raw score of 30 or above: 4
Raw score of 20 – 29: 3
Raw score of 10 – 19: 2
Raw score of 0 – 9: 1
Evaluation Score (see key):
Erie Community College
Title III Grant