October Newsletter
Principal Points
- A very special thanks to PTASchool Book Fair coordinator, Amanda Radford, and the many volunteers for their hours of service in behalf of our school. Not only do children get new books to read, teachers receive classroom books purchased by parents and the PTA also gifted books to each teacher. Thank you so much!
- We are having some trouble with parents not using the crosswalks and parents calling their children to their cars causing the children to walk between potentially moving cars. Please use the crosswalk thereby helping your children understand that it is the safest way to cross to the other side. In addition, we are asking thatyou not sit with your car idling, creating unnecessary exhaust fumes, while you wait for your children to get out of school. It is surprising how much air pollution is concentrated around schools and thus around your children, in the parking lot,at the end of a school day.
- Looking ahead to Halloween Costume Guidelines for October 29th. We start our day off with a Halloween Assembly supported by our wonderful PTA.
Children may wear costumes to school on that day. Face paint and hair color are permitted on this day only. Because the children are coming ready, no child should arrive with face paint or cans of hair color or make-up of any kind. I am sure that we have your understanding as to why this could be a problem at school.
Not permitted:
- Halloween masks
- Sheer, see-though or inappropriate costumes
- Plastic swords, knives, plastic guns, etc., are against Granite School District Safety Policy and must not come to school at any time.
Thank you to our parents for your support of the school fundraiser. We plan to enhance the technology in our school by adding more chrome books.
Principal Yvonne Pearson