The Crucible Quiz: Act 3 & Act 4 STUDY GUIDE

[format: short answers]

Act 3

Why Giles and Francis go to talk to Danforth

What Hale realizes about the girls

What Mary can’t do in court & why

Why Elizabeth fired Abigail, according to Elizabeth

Elizabeth’s testimony about the alleged affair

3 things that happen to Proctor at the end of Act 3

What Hale does at the end of Act 3

Act 4

What happens to Abigail

Why Danforth won’t pardon the people

Why Hale returns to Salem

What Elizabeth tries to convince John

How Giles dies

What Elizabeth apologizes to John for

What happens to Proctor in the end


Why Giles and Francis go to talk to Danforth

  • Want to save their wives

What Hale realizes about the girls

  • Begins to realize maybe they are right that the girls are lying

What Mary can’t do in court & why

  • Wants her to faint in the court
  • Too nervous & alone

Why Elizabeth fired Abigail, according to Elizabeth

  • Says she thought Proctor liked Abigail so she fired her because she was jealous

Elizabeth’s testimony about the alleged affair

  • Proctor already confessed the affair

3 things that happen to Proctor at the end of Act 3

  • Mary accuses him of working with the devil
  • He confesses his affair
  • His arrest is ordered

What Hale does at the end of Act 3

  • Declares he is quitting the court


What happens to Abigail

  • Stole money from Parris & ran away

Why Danforth won’t pardon the people

  • He wants to be right [he was executed a lot of people already]
  • Can’t admit he might be wrong

Why Hale returns to Salem

  • Knows it is all lies and everyone is innocent
  • Wants to help save the innocent people

What Elizabeth tries to convince John

  • Wants her to convince John to confess [lie to save himself]
  • It is better to lie to save yourself than to die in God’s eyes

How Giles dies

  • Tortured to give up his source; doesn’t give up the name so he dies

What Elizabeth apologizes to John for

  • Asks him to forgive her for keeping a “cold house” [didn’t keep him happy before the affair started so she blames herself]

What happens to Proctor in the end

  • He rips up the confession; Doesn’t want the paper to get nailed up on the church with his name on it
  • Says he has lied, given his soul, said he loves the devil, but just wants his name/reputation -> judges don’t care -> he gets hanged