- Collecting Money
- All money collected by staff members for school-sponsored activities (those that flow through the student activities account) must come over to the Board Office daily. No money is to be held by staff.
- All money brought over must be accompanied by the “money log” form
- Money must be hand-delivered to the Board Office. Do not send money through the inter-office mail
- Reimbursement for Purchases
If a need arises for a staff member to purchase something outside of the regular purchasing process (without a purchase order) and then submit for reimbursement, there are several steps that must be followed:
- You must obtain written approval from the principal or superintendent authorizing you to purchase the items with your own money and then be reimbursed by the Board (an e-mail is recommended as written authorization)
- Sales tax cannot be reimbursed, so you may contact the Business Office for a tax-exempt letter to take with you to the store
- A requisition must be done, made out to yourself for reimbursement with the following items attached: written authorization of approval; detailed receipt showing items purchased and showing proof of payment
This process should only be used when absolutely necessary. It is not the district’s practice to circumvent the normal purchasing process to buy things personally and be reimbursed. This is why a written authorization is necessary from the principal or superintendent to verify that a personal purchase is necessary.
- Travel
- Attendance at workshops/conferences/seminars needs to be Board-approved prior to the event. Board meetings are usually the 3rd Tuesday of every month, so please plan accordingly
- When you fill out the Absence Form to attend a travel event, you need to attach something describing the event (for example, a course description and the completed registration form). Where it says Cost to Board (if any) on the Absence Form, please indicate the cost of the event by either writing a dollar amount or the word Free. Also, please indicate if you will be submitting for mileage reimbursement
- A post-travel report must be submitted any time you attend a travel event that incurs a cost to the district. If there is a registration fee for the event, you must do a post-travel report. If the event is free, but you’ll be requesting mileage reimbursement, you must do a post-travel report. The only time you don’t need to do a post-travel report is if the travel event is free and you don’t request mileage reimbursement. “Regular business travel” also does not require a post-travel report (for example, monthly county meetings, state meetings, etc). The post-travel report is to be submitted to the Business Administrator within 15 days of the travel event. The post-travel report must include the following: primary purpose of the travel; key issues that were addressed; relevance to improving instruction or the operation of the school district. A blank copy of the post-travel report can be found on the district website, in the Staff section.
- Mileage Reimbursement
- All requests for mileage reimbursement must be submitted on a requisition (approved by the principal) with the required mileage log excel spreadsheet attached to the requisition.
- When a personal automobile is used for travel, copies of the following forms must be submitted once annually: automobile registration; automobile insurance
- Mileage is reimbursed at 31 cents per mile
- All mileage reimbursement requests for a school year (July 1 – June 30) must be turned in by July 5 of the following year, or they cannot reimbursed
- If mileage reimbursement requests also include tolls, parking fees, etc, detailed receipts must be attached to the requisition for these items