Oldham Leadership Board
24th April 2014
Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham
9am – 11am
Present:Cllr Jim McMahon
Carolyn Wilkins
Cllr Howard Sykes
Cllr Jenny Harrison / Leader, Oldham Council (Chair)
Chief Executive, Oldham Council
Leader of the Opposition, Oldham Council
Cabinet Member for Commissioning & PSR, Oldham Council
Dave Smith / First Choice Homes, Oldham (representing Cath Green)
Denis Gizzi / Oldham CCG
Liz Windsor Welsh
Caroline Ball
Stuart Lockwood
Nigel Elliott
Jonathan Yates
Martin Roe / Voluntary Action Oldham
Greater Manchester Police
Oldham Community Leisure Trust
Greater Manchester Probation Trust (representing Sarah Jarvis)
Oldham CAB and Chair of the VCFP
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Catherine Hollingworth / Job Centre Plus(representing Diane Mills)
Steph Bolshaw / Positive Steps Oldham (representing Tim Mitchell)
John Wilkes / Pennine Acute NHS Foundation Trust
Ian Wilkinson / Oldham CCG
John Jesky / Pennine Acute NHS Hospital Trust
Elaine McLean / Oldham Council
Also in attendance: / Colette Kelly
Paul Cassidy
Mark Reynolds
Jeremey Broadbent
Vicky Sugars
Jackie Wilson / Oldham Council
Oldham Council
Oldham Council
Oldham Business Leaders Group
Oldham Council
Oldham Council
Jayne Clarke
Cath Green / Oldham Sixth Form College
First Choice Homes Oldham
Alan Higgins / Director of Public Health
Alun Francis
Sarah Jarvis / Oldham College
Greater Manchester Probation Trust
1 / Welcome to the inaugural meeting of the Oldham Leadership Board
Cllr Jim McMahon and Carolyn Wilkins welcomed Board members to the inaugural meeting of the Oldham Leadership Board.
- The Terms of Reference were approved with the inclusion of amendments to include reference to the ‘co-operative borough’ and ‘a focus on action and doing’.
2 / Commissioning clusters: a way forward for place leadership
Cllr Jim McMahon and Carolyn Wilkins introduced the concept of commissioning clusters as a potential model for place leadership. This included a map of public sector spend and a new partnership landscape mapped against the new cluster arrangements.
Board members made the following comments regarding the commissioning cluster model:-
- The Health & Wellbeing cluster reflected the current thinking in the field.
- The main challenges would be how the clusters would work differently and deliver better outcomes than the current partnership model.
- The commissioning clusters needed to commission outcomes and align resources across organisations, to those outcomes.
- The clusters could provide us with a model for breaking out of the systems we currently operate and deliver cyclical reform.
- The clusters (and a refreshed Oldham Plan) needed to focus on the ‘game changing’ areas for Oldham and not just ‘business as usual’.
- That the CCG budget should be £311 million
- That the Probation budget crosses both the Health & Wellbeing and the Neighbourhood’s & Co-operative’s cluster
- That VCS spend and volunteering be added to the clusters
- That the amendments (detailed above) be made to the model
- That a development session with all partners be held to progress the thinking behind the commissioning clusters and decide the focus and priority projects on or before the 5th June meeting.
- That the following Chair’s lead the cluster areas for the first 12 months:-
-Alun Francis, Economy & Skills Cluster and
-Cllr Sue Dearden, Health & Wellbeing Cluster
3 / Redefining our relationship with AGMA
Carolyn Wilkins provided an outline of the AGMA/GMCA priorities, governance and funding.
Dave Smith (FCHO) provided a summary of the work being undertaken by the GM Housing Providers, including the work undertaken by OHIPto align their priorities and ensure adequate representation and influence at GM.
Denis Gizzi highlighted the political nature of AGMA in respect of the health agenda and the need for political influence and competitiveness to secure resources.
Likewise, Cllr Jim McMahon provided an analysis of AGMA from a political perspective including thoughts on where Oldham is placed in terms of influence.
Board members commented that:-
- Oldham should consider developing a panel of partners to act as a clearing house for funding bids and decision making.
- That Oldham does have a good level of political influence at the AGMA level but could be better organised in terms of getting its share of funding.
- That we should consider developing a north east sub-city region group with Rochdale, Tameside (and possibly Bury) where we already share boundaries (e.g Pennine care and GMP) and where there is common ground.
1.For a working group to be established to undertake a tactical exercise on our collective approach to AGMA including the development of a sub-city region approach (for example, with Rochdale, Oldham and Tameside) and the development of a pan-agency clearing house for bids and decision making
2.To have a standing item on the Oldham Leadership Board to discuss what is coming up on the AGMA agenda including capital planning decisions and tactical issues.
4 / Action to reduce health inequalities in Oldham through GP clusters and district partnerships
Ian Wilkinson and Denis Gizzi, Oldham CCG, introduced the approach that Oldham CCG and Oldham Council are taking, through CCG cluster groups and districts partnerships, to meet the needs of a diverse population and reduce health inequalities in the borough.
Board members commented that:-
- The approach was not just about how much money is being spent in communities but how the money is being spent differently betweencommunities.
- A wider debate was needed with the community and voluntary sector and other local leaders to explore how we can capitalise on local assets as part of the approach.
- A collective view on data sharing between organisations was required at the local level in order for organisations to solve problems quicker (for example, the Troubled Families programme).
- For the CCG, the Council and VAO to hold a workshop/series of workshops with wider CVS, local leaders and partners to explore how we can capitalise on local assets as part of the approach.
5 / Actions and Updates
Cllr Jim McMahon notified the Board of the progress made on the following items and urged members to get in touch with the relevant officers if they had question or comment.
a)Innovation in Oldham Network
b)Transformation challenge awards
c)The Oldham dashboard
6 / Forward Planning
Cllr Jim McMahon invited Board members to submit agenda items for future meetings.
It was suggested that June meeting of the Board covers:-
- Our approach to Community Cohesion
- Our tactical approach to AGMA and
- Progress on the Commissioning Clusters
- For GMP and the Community Safety & Cohesion Partnership to prepare some analysis on community cohesion in preparation for Board meeting on the 5th June.
Date of next meeting
5th June 2014, 3-5pm, Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham