To execute its operations and program delivery, the Fayette Chamber purchases goods and services from outside vendors. This policy is to ensure that all Chamber members have fair opportunity to vie for the Chamber’s business in a systematic way that does not impact the efficiency of the Chamber’s delivery of goods and services.
Qualifications to bid for Chamber services
Businesseseligible for consideration in a bid process must:
- Have been a member of the Chamber for at least one year
- Be a member in good standing
- Remain a member in good standing to maintain the contract
The Chamber reserves the right to use vendors that are not Chamber members if the goods and services are not available among the membership. For example, Chamber database and billing management systems are specialized with only a handful of companies in the country providing the service.
Scope of Goods and Services Considered
Goods and services currently under ongoing contracts include, but are not limited to: copier, cleaning, insurance, credit card processing, The Source publication, banking and office supplies. Goods and services purchased as needed on a rotating basis include but are not limited to: catering, printing, specialty advertising items and advertising.
From time to time, members seek business from the Chamber by presenting goods and services not currently used or sought by the Chamber. Members that wish to present new ideas not currently in the Chamber budget or program of work are required to have been a member for at least twelve months before consideration.
Process for goods and services not under contract
The Chamber’s primary needs for goods and services that do not include an ongoing contract are food vendors, hotel space and printing. Unless a trade or donation is used, the Chamber will put forth a bid to members to provide the service needed. Decisions on who to use will depend on services offered, price and timeliness. The Fayette Chamber will make every effort to spread its business among members as long as pricing variances among received bids are no greater than 10 percent. Otherwise, the best price is considered first.
Long-term contracts
Contracts for ongoing services such as cleaning, computer services, banking, etc. but do not have a time limit spelled out in a contract will be considered for a rebid if the following criteria are met:
- A member in good standing that has been a member for at least 18 months with no lapses or reinstatesin that time period and that has requested an opportunity to bid on providing goods and services to the Chamber.
- The existing contract has been in place for more than three years and the existing contract does not have a defined end
The current provider will be notified. The bid process will include deliverables expected and a timeline.
Contracts for ongoing goods or services that have a time limit in the contract will be bid out three to six months before the contract end, depending on the complexity of the bid process. Bids will be sent to members in good standing and that has been a member for at least 18 months with no lapses or reinstates in that time period.
Board approved 06.09.16