Part of the Edmund Rice Family

9th September 2015

Dear Prep Parents,

I am writing with regard to our visit to “Tate Britain” on 17th September to see the Barbara Hepworth Exhibition.

During the holidays Mrs Pickford and I visited the Exhibition to undertake a Risk Assessment. We met some of the team who will be leading us on the day and we were able to discuss the programme for our visit with them, which is bespoke for our requirements.

On arrival, our staff will accompany the children to a purpose built “Education Room” with lockers, toilets and eating facilities.

The children will work in two groups; one viewing the Exhibition and doing various tasks related to the exhibits; the other will be working with a Sculptor who originates from Stoke, especially brought in to work with our children. This will be a “hands on workshop”. After lunch the groups will swop over activities.

Children will need to be at school at the start of the day by 5-45am. I appreciate that this is very early but the coach company want to leave school by 6am promptly to avoid traffic. Please drop your child off at the main school entrance - do not drop your child/ren off until you are certain that a member of staff has taken them into their care.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to wait for any delayed children. If your child has missed the coach, then they will need to return to school at 8-50am for morning registration. The school cannot be held responsible for any child that arrives late and misses the coach.

Children are allowed to take small hand held games/cards/books for the journey if they wish, but will need to be responsible for the safety of their own items.

Children will need to bring enough food and drinks to see them through the day; we will ensure that additional snacks are taken for an enroute snack and to cover any emergencies. The coaches have toilets. Staff are aware of children with allergies, and inhalers and Epipens will be taken with us. If your child’s medical needs have changed over the summer break then please speak to Miss Gerrard, Lead First Aider as soon as possible.

Children will be required to wear their ‘FULL’ school uniform, blazer compulsory (raincoats are not required).

The coach will take us straight to the door of the Tate Britain and collect us from the same place.

The staff and I never undertake an educational visit lightly and as in all cases this visit has been planned and Risk Assessed as far as is practical. It is a huge responsibility to take children on an Educational visit; however, the staff and I see such a visit as a very important part of a child’s education.

We aim to leave London by 3-15pm.

I am aware that some parents were uncertain about this particular visit, I have, therefore, organised for Mrs Macdonald to be in school on that day to teach any children who will not be taking part. If you feel that you would prefer your child to stay in school please could you send in a letter stating this (letters in by 9.30am on Friday 11th September), and I will respond so that I can ensure that we are all clear re numbers.

The children will be allowed to visit the Tate Britain shop - I noted that the following items were available and if you would like your child to purchase a gift, then please place their spending money into their inside zipped blazer pocket;

·  Notebooks £3-50

·  Pencils £1

·  Mugs £7-50

·  Fridge magnet £3-50

·  Playing cards £5

·  There were a range of pens and erasers ranging from £1 to £3.

The children should have a very interesting day and I hope will enjoy the experience of going to London and visiting the Tate Britain.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S D Hutchinson BEd, Headteacher