Family & School Partnership Act Contacts

District Contact Person Phone Email

Alachua Sharon Spreen 352-955-7628

Baker Robin Mobley 904-259-0427

Bay Nancy Boyd 850-872-4317

Bradford Lila Sellars 904-966-6018

Brevard Christine Davis 321-633-1000x796

Broward Paul Gress 754-321-1976

Calhoun Vicki Davis 850-674-8733x22

Charlotte Mary Jo Knarzer 941-575-5470x223

Citrus Gail Grimm 352-726-1931x2232

Clay Sharon Chapman 904-284-6506

Collier Patty Wilson 239-254-4627

Columbia Alex L. Carswell 386-758-4935

Dade Anne Thompson 305-995-1233

DeSoto Robert Hrstka 863-494-4222x132

Dixie Faith Hill 352-498-6143

Duval Ed Pratt-Dannals 904-390-2115

Escambia Debra King 850-469-5676

Flagler Betty Lathan 386-437-7526

Franklin Brenda Wilson 850-653-8831

Gadsden Audrey Lewis-Potter 850-627-9651

Gilchist James A. Surrency 352-463-3202

Glades Debbie Pressley 863-946-0323x120

Gulf Sara Joe Wooten 850-229-6940x114 [email protected]

Hamilton Rex Mitchell 386-792-0543 [email protected]

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District Contact Person Phone Email

Hardee Dot Bell 863-773-2600

Hendry Jodi Bell 863-674-4108

Hernando Roy Gordon 352-797-7009

Highlands Betty Ford-Smith 863-471-5571

Hillsborough Velia Pedrero 813-272-4487

Holmes Donnita Butorac 850-547-9341x236

Indian River Melinda Gielow 772-564-5944

Jackson Terry Jumper 850-482-1338

Jefferson Gloria Heath 850-342-0100

Lafayette Debra Land 386-294-4120

Lake Elizabeth Bourdon 352-383-0253

Lee Linda Montgomery 239-337-8175

Leon Paul Felsch 850-487-7835

Levy Jeff Edison 352-486-5231

Liberty Dr. Sue Summers 850-643-2275x233

Madison Julia Waldrep 850-973-5022x224

Manatee Dr. Lewis Robinson 941-708-8770 ext 2153

Marion Diana Greene 352-671-7705

Martin Dr. Frank Raffone 772-219-1200

Monroe Jesus Jara 305-293-1400x53323

Nassau Dr. Edward C. Turvey 904-491-9904

Okaloosa Diane Meredith 850-833-7614

Okeechobee Mary Hurley 863-462-5000x235

Orange Margaret Gentile 407-317-3200x200

Osceola Melba Luciano 407-870-4849 [email protected]

Palm Beach Ann Killets 561-434-8779

Palm Beach Cheri Young

Pasco Ruth Reilly 813-794-240

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District Contact Person Phone Email

Pinellas Valerie Brimm 727-588-6245

Polk Margaret Anne Wheeler 863-534-0636

Putnam Phyllis L. Criswell 386-329-0538

Santa Rosa Karen Barber 850-983-5001

Santa Rosa Joyce Kolb

Sarasota Tanice Knopp 941-927-9000x31500

Seminole Marjorie Murray 407-320-0244

St. Johns Meredith Strickland 904-547-7563

St. Lucie Mary Krause 772-429-5530

Sumter Debbie Moffitt 352-793-2315x247

Suwannee Dawn Lamb 386-364-2624

Taylor Jan Walker 850-838-2500

Taylor Chris Olson

Union Deborah Dukes 386-496-2045x231

Volusia Geri Grafton 386-734-7190x38384

Wakulla Sue Anderson 850-926-0065x246

Walton Kay Dailey 850-892-1100x1514

Washington Gail Riley 850-638-6222x2226

FAMU Lab School Adrianne Peters 850-599-3325

Angelia Rivers

FAU Lab School Patricia Hodge 561-297-3970

Glenn Thomas

FSU Lab School Dr. Lynn A. Wicker 850-245-3911

UF Lab School Dr. Fran Vandiver 352-392-1554

David Holt

Florida School for the

And Blind Cindy Day 904-827-2220

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