Lighthouse College Preparatory Academy

January 2015

Dear LCPA Parents,

We have made it to 2015! Despite the snow days that crippled northwest Indiana in the beginning of January, we are back at it. As we continue to work hard second semester- LCPA remains committed to providing the best education for your child(ren) at our building.

Our upcoming events:

  • January 30th- Senior sponsored Blood Drive (7am-1pm). You must be signed up to participate and at least 16 years old
  • January 30th- 8th grade dance (location- 3rd-7th grade building)
  • February 13th- No school for students (PD for teachers)
  • February 16th- No school for students/staff (Observance of Presidents Day)
  • February 17-February 20th- Homecoming Week (Basketball games against HAST on Feb. 20th)

A special thanks to our school for participating in our Martin Luther King, Jr DAY OF SERVICE on Monday, Jan. 19th. We took about 30 students to see the movie “Selma” and then devoted an hour of community service at a local nursing home. LCPA is committed to providing this opportunity each year and anticipate this event growing to include more students!

Additional information provided in this mailing are necessary documents, not only for LHA but also for the Indiana Department of Education. Please fill out the survey, returning student information, and the Immigrant questionnaire. The information needs to be returned to the front office as soon as possible. If you filled this information out at the Parent- Student Conference Day- there is no need to complete the information again.

Finally, beginning in February, I will be available at each lunch period, every Thursday- to listen to what students have to share. I am simply calling this- “Lunch with Mrs. West”. This open period of time is intended to invite students to share ideas, discuss projects and ultimately become more involved in the positive culture of the school. ALL IDEAS WILL BE WELCOME!

Again, as we prepare to finish the year strong- please SAVE THE DATE:

(Saturday) May 9, 2015- Junior Prom at the Patrician

(Friday) May 15, 2015- Senior Prom at Myers Castle

(Sunday) June 7, 2015- Graduation at the Star Plaza- guest Speaker Mr. Khori Whittaker (CEO of Lighthouse Academies)

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me- 219-977-9583 (ext 1141).

Working on behalf of students,

Mrs. Angela D. West


725 Clark Road ∙ Gary, IN 46406 ∙ Tel219.977.9583 ∙ Fax219.977.9725