Review/Study Guide for Biology I Semester Exam – Spring 2015

***DUE on the day of YOUR Exam***


1.  What is genetics? Who is the Father of Genetics?

2.  Give the possible gametes for each genotype: Aa BB cc

3.  Define heterozygous and homozygous.

4.  The gene for tongue rolling is dominant. A man that cannot roll his tongue marries a woman that can and she is homozygous for the trait. List all possible genotypes and phenotypes for future offspring.

5.  Joe has Type AB blood, and Mary is heterozygous dominant for Type B blood. What are the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of their offspring?

6.  Describe what is meant by a sex-linked trait?

7.  Do the pedigrees on the right show a dominant
type of pattern of inheritance or recessive?
Define a genotype for each person.

8.  How many generations does each pedigree show?

Evolution and Classification

9.  What are the 5 parts of Darwin’s theory of natural selection?

10.  Be sure to know the following terms:

a.  Evolution

b.  Fitness

c.  Adaptation

d.  Natural Selection

e.  Homologous structures

f.  Vestigial structures

g.  Gene pool

h.  Population

i.  Allele frequency

j.  Genetic equilibrium

k.  Speciation

l.  Taxonomy

m.  Binomial nomenclature

n.  Cladogram

11.  Know how to use Dichotomous Keys.

12.  What are the two sources of genetic variation?

13.  What does natural selection act upon: genotypes or phenotypes?

14.  What happens when the allele frequency in a population changes over time?

15.  List AND explain the five things necessary for genetic equilibrium.

16.  Define directional selection, stabilizing selection, and disruptive/diversifying selection.

17.  ______isolation must occur for speciation to happen.

18.  Fill in the table below to compare the different patterns of evolution:

Extinction / Adaptive Radiation / Convergent Evolution / Coevolution / Punctuated Equilibrium

19.  List the taxa in order from largest to smallest. Come up with your own mnemonic to remember this order (a way to remember the words).

20.  Know how to compare different kingdoms. Use this chart as a guide:

Kingdom / Prokaryote or Eukaryote? / Unicellular, Multicellular, or Both? / Autotrophs, Heterotrophs, or Both? / Cell Walls? If yes, what do they contain? / 3 examples

Viruses and Bacteria

21.  What is a bacteriophage?

22.  Compare and contrast bacteria and viruses.

23.  What are viruses composed of?

24.  How do viruses cause disease?

25.  Explain the steps of the lytic and lysogenic cycles.

26.  How are viruses transmitted?

27.  How can we prevent the spread of viruses?

28.  Can viruses be treated with antibiotics?

29.  What is the importance of bacteria?

30.  Draw and name the shapes of bacteria.

31.  How do bacteria reproduce?

32.  List the differences between the two prokaryotic kingdoms.

33.  How do the names of viruses and bacteria differ?

Protists and Fungi

34.  Know how to compare protists and fungi. Use this chart as a guide:

Prokaryote or Eukaryote / Uni – or
Multicellular / Cell wall contains / Mode of Nutrition / Locomotion / Reproduction / Examples

35.  Know the structures of amoeba.

36.  Know the structures of euglena.

37.  Know the following terms: hyphae, mycelium, mychorhizzae, lichen.


38.  What are general characteristics of plants?

39.  What do plant cell walls contain?

40.  Put the following organisms in the correct order according to evolutionary progression:

gymnosperms, angiosperms, bryophytes, algae, ferns

41.  How does water flow in the plant? Sugar?

42.  What is the purpose of stomata? Sketch a diagram of it.

43.  What is the difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms?

44.  What adaptations do flowering plants have that attract insects for pollination?

45.  Draw and label the parts of a flower: anther, pollen, eggs, filament, style, stigma, stamen, carpel, sepals, petals. Know which structures make up “male” parts, and which ones make up “female”.

46.  Write out the equation for photosynthesis. Identify reactants and products.

47.  Label the following cross section of a leaf
and explain the functions of each part:


48.  Explain how energy flows in an ecosystem.

49.  List the 5 types of consumers, define and give an example.

50.  Know how to identify the following in the given food web:

Decomposers, Producers, Consumers

51.  Give a scenario for each of the following relationships: commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, predation.

52.  List the levels of organization starting with species in order.

53.  Explain the difference between a biomass pyramid and a pyramid of numbers. Draw an example of each. Explain why a pyramid sometimes may not look as a typical pyramid.

54.  What is ecological succession? Give an example.

55.  Give 3 examples of biotic factors and 3 examples of abiotic factors.

Human Body Systems

56.  Define the process of ossification? What type of tissue is usually ossified to form bone tissue?

57.  Define the following terms: Tendon, Ligament.

58.  List the 3 types of muscle tissue. Then, for each listed, give the following information

a. Voluntary/Involuntary b. Location in the body c. Striated/Nonstriated

59.  List 3 functions of the integumentary system.

60.  List the 3 main layers of skin and for each –list the structures that are found in the layer.

61.  What is the main function of the circulatory system?

62.  What does the word “pulmonary” refer to?

63.  Understand the blood flow through the heart.

64.  Fill in the blanks:

a. All arteries carry blood ______the heart. All veins carry blood ______the heart.

b. All arteries except for the ______carry ______blood.

c. All veins except for the ______carry ______blood.

d. The right side of the heart is responsible for pumping ______blood to ______.

e. The left side of the heart is responsible for pumping ______blood to ______.

65.  What is the difference between pulmonary and systemic circulation?

66.  Blood pumps out of the heart through the aorta to arteries eventually reaches capillaries of tissues in the body.

a. What are the oxygen levels (high or low) of this blood?

b. Capillaries are blood vessels where ______occurs.

c. At the tissues, blood in capillaries drops off ______and picks up ______.

d. What are the oxygen levels now?

67.  Blood returns to your heart (from tissues) through veins.

a. What are the two large veins that transport blood to the heart?

b. What chamber does the blood empty into?

c. What are the oxygen levels now?

68.  What is respiration?

69.  How is respiration controlled?

70.  During inhalation, air goes ______when the diaphragm ______.

71.  During exhalation, air goes ______when the diaphragm ______.

72.  Place the following in the order in which oxygen entering your body would travel:

Bronchiole Alveolus Blood Bronchi Pharynx Oral/Nasal cavity Trachea

73.  What is the function of the alveoli?

74.  Place the following in the order in which food travels through the digestive system:

Mouth Rectum Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine/Colon

75.  Which organ is responsible for most of the absorption of nutrients?

76.  Explain the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion.

77.  What are the functions of the kidney?

78.  Urine is formed in the ___, flows through the ___into the ___which stores it. Urine exits body through the ___.

79.  What does urine contain?

80.  What is the difference between an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland?

81.  Describe feedback mechanism that maintains homeostasis. Give an example of positive and negative feedback.

82.  What is the relationship between an antibody and an antigen?

83.  Explain 2 forms of active immunity.

84.  Describe the following parts of a neuron, including what occurs at each part: Axon, Dentrite, Cell Body

85.  Compare and contrast signals from the endocrine system with the nervous system.

Thank you for being such a great student!