November 2016 / National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
Blanche Lane
South Mimms
Potters Bar
Hertfordshire EN6 3QG

Dear Colleague

Invitation to participate in the calibration of the SSC/ISTH

Secondary Coagulation Standard Plasma, Lot #5

Stocks of the Scientific and Standardisation Committee (SSC) / International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Secondary Coagulation Standard Plasma, Lot #4, are predicted to run out in 2019 and a replacement is needed. NIBSC is co-ordinating the project to calibrate Lot #5 and on behalf of the SSC/ISTH, we would like to invite you to participate in these studies.

Details of the analytes to be assigned to Lot #5 are provided in the enclosed questionnaire. We would be grateful if you could complete the questionnaire indicating the analytes you wish to calibrate, together with brief descriptions the assay methods you use. Four independent assays are required for each analyte and samples will be sent out between March and September 2017. We will request that participating laboratories return their results within 3 months of receiving the samples. Participants will receive a report of the study findings and be asked for their opinions before the results are reported to the SSC/ISTH at its annual meeting in Dublin, July 2018.

Please complete and return the questionnaire at your earliest convenience before 31 December 2016. If you are not involved in this type of testing, and there is a more appropriate contact within your organisation, please kindly provide me with their details or forward this invitation on to them.

Many thanks in advance for your consideration of this project; we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Craig Thelwell, PhD

Haemostasis Section

T +44 (0)1707 641230




Contact name:

Address for postal deliveries:



Please indicate which analytes you are willing to measure:

Analyte / Yes / No / Method details (e.g. kit name, method type, clotting, chromogenic etc.)
Factor II (Prothrombin) coagulant activity
Factor V coagulant activity
Factor VII coagulant activity
Factor VIII coagulant activity
Factor IX coagulant activity
Factor X coagulant activity
Factor XI coagulant activity
Factor XIII function
Factor XIII antigen
(A2B2 complex)
von Willebrand factor:
von Willebrand factor:
ristocetin cofactor
von Willebrand factor:
activity (rec GP1b methods)
von Willebrand factor:
collagen binding
von Willebrand factor:
propeptide antigen
Protein C function
Protein C antigen
Protein S function
Protein S free antigen
Protein S total antigen
Antithrombin function
Antithrombin antigen
Please return to:
Dr C Thelwell, Haemostasis Section, Biotherapeutics Group, NIBSC, Blanche Lane, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Herts. EN6 3QG United Kingdom