How to Apply for National & Chapter ESP Scholarships, Grants, and Awards

Most on-line application forms and additional information on scholarships, grants and awards can be found on these websites:

All scholarships, grants and awards (except the Friend of Extension Recognition and Meritorious Support Service Recognition) are available to ESP members whose dues are paid for the previous year and the current year (by February 1).

National ESP Scholarships and Grants: (*Note Date Changes)

ESP Public Issues Leadership Development Conference Scholarship (PILD) (due* December 1)

ESP McKinney Public Issues Scholarship (due *December 1)

ESP Professional Development Mini Grant (due *December 1)

ESP Richard R. Angus Professional Development Scholarship Application (due March 1)

ESP Administrator / Leader Scholarship (due March 1)

Chapter scholarship:

Chapter Scholarship Application for Professional Improvement (due *APRIL 1, 2016)

National Recognition Categories:

National Distinguished Service Ruby Recognition (due March 1)

Chapter Recognition Categories (due *APRIL 1, 2016):

*Distinguished Service Recognition

*Friend of Extension Recognition

*Administrative Leadership Recognition

*Diversity/Multicultural Recognition (Individual and Team)

*Mid-Career Service Recognition

*Early Career Service Recognition

*International Service Recognition

*Team Recognition

*Continued Excellence Recognition

*Visionary Leadership Recognition

*Chapter winners are eligible for Regional and National recognition the year following their Chapter Award.

Alpha Delta Chapter only Recognitions (due *APRIL 1, 2016):

Meritorious Support Service Recognition (for support staff)

Retiree Service Recognition

25 year Tenure Recognition

Retirement Recognition

National ESP Scholarships and Grants

On-line application forms and additional information on scholarships and grants.


Deadline: December 1

For eligible members to attend the Public Issues Leadership Development National Conference in order to become informed about and develop skills in responding to public issues and legislative matters affecting Extension programs and personal needs. The scholarship is to be used to defray the cost of attending the Public Issues Leadership Development Conference. Four scholarships of $600.00 each will be awarded annually.

Criteria: ESP members who have not previously attended the Public Issues/Leadership

Development Conference are eligible. Recipients must agree to attend the entire conference, including specific ESP events.


Deadline: December 1

For eligible members to gain or enhance education or skills in any area of public policy/public issues. The scholarship is to provide financial assistance to attend a public policy / public issues professional conference or meeting, or to take formal coursework toward an advanced degree in a public policy/issue area. One $500 scholarship will be awarded annually.

Criteria: ESP members who have not previously received this scholarship are eligible.


A completed application includes the following: Application Statement of Support from Chapter President, Statement of Support from Extension Director or designee.

Deadlines: December 1 (An additional August 1 call for applications may be made pending funding and board approval.)

ESP will provide up to four (4) grants not to exceed $1000 each to stimulate the professional development of Extension faculty.

Criteria: The project must be submitted by a team. The project must address professional development of Extension personnel. Fifty percent of persons on the project planning team must be ESP members. The planning team must be interdisciplinary. The project should provide a model for professional development events/materials that could be replicated by other ESP chapters. Additional information on mini-grants are here


Deadline: March 1 (An additional August 1 call for applications may be made pending funding

and board approval.)

ESP funds scholarships not to exceed $500 per member to encourage, stimulate, and support professional development through participation in courses, seminars, conferences or workshops.


Deadline: March 1

This scholarship is designed to promote continued professional development for eligible members to attend the National ESP Conference. The scholarship is to be used to defray the cost of attending the National ESP Conference. Four scholarships of $500.00 each will be awarded annually to outstanding administrators/leaders based on accomplishments.

Criteria: ESP members who are first-time attendees at the National ESP Conference are eligible. Eligible recipients include county, regional, state, national and program administrators / leaders. Recipients must agree to attend the entire National ESP Conference.

Chapter Scholarship

The following ESP Alpha Delta (Florida) scholarship application is not on the national website. Applicants/ nominators must download and complete the respective application form, then email the forms directly to Rebecca Jordi () or Lara Milligan () by APRIL 1, 2016

·  Chapter Scholarship for Professional Improvement Award - Chapter Scholarship Application Form (273 KB, MS Word doc)

Chapter Scholarship Application for Professional Improvement

This scholarship provides financial assistance to Agents in pursuing a project, class, event, courses or conference that will benefit the applicant’s Extension programming. There are two $400 scholarships that may be used toward graduate school or other educational expenses. The funds will be dispersed at the completion of the educational program and after the Scholarship Report Form (second page) is submitted with proof of expenditures. To be eligible for state ESP scholarships, members must have contributed to the ESP High Five Campaign. It is not too late to send in a $5.00 contribution to the ESP treasurer.


To recognize Epsilon Sigma Phi members for outstanding professional achievements, ESP members can nominate a deserving member, colleague or themselves in one of several categories.

National ESP Recognition

On-line application forms and additional information on awards.

Applicants are urged to review the Instructions before completing these on-line applications.

On the National website -

Choose tab “Service Recognition” for:

• Distinguished Service

•  Mid-Career Service

•  Early Career Service

•  Continued Excellence Service

•  International Service

Choose tab “Leadership Recognition” for:

•  Administrative Leadership

•  Visionary Leadership

Choose tab “Other Recognition” for:

•  Diversity / Multi-Cultural - Individual

•  Recognition Diversity / Multi-Cultural - Team Recognition

•  Distinguished Team Recognition

•  Chapter Friend of Extension

•  Extension Director's Letter of Support for Friend of Extension

Choose tab “National Recognition” for:

•  National Distinguished Ruby

Distinguished Service Ruby Recognition

Deadline: March 1

This is the most prestigious recognition presented by ESP and is designed to recognize truly outstanding thinking, performance, and leadership in Extension. It is understood that the recipient has made highly significant contributions on the state, regional, national, and (when applicable) international Extension scenes in a variety of ways and over a career that spans a lifetime. One nominee per chapter per year is allowed; one recognition annually to an ESP member.

The recipient is responsible for travel and lodging at the conference. ESP encourages attendance at the entire conference.

The recipient gives the Ruby Lecture at the National ESP Conference. The National Organization provides a registration to the conference and two banquet tickets.

Alpha Delta Chapter Recognition

All Chapter award applications are due APRIL 1, 2016. On-line application forms and additional information on awards

You MUST include the following information in boxes on the application as follows:

• Chapter Recognition Contact Rebecca Jordi () or Lara Milligan ()

• Chapter Recognition Email Rebecca Jordi () or Lara Milligan ()

Note: Our Chapter submits applications for those recognized at the state level (during EPAF) for Regional/National recognition the following spring, with regional and national winners being recognized at the fall National ESP Conference.


The highest chapter tribute to an experienced Extension professional who has consistently exhibited continuing leadership and excellence in Extension program planning, delivery, evaluation, in program and/or administration over a career of 20 or more years. Data supporting measurable impacts of the candidate's work in meeting needs of clientele will strengthen the nomination.

All Chapter Distinguished Service recognition recipients who were selected between May 1 (previous calendar year) and April 30 (current calendar year) will be recognized during the National ESP Conference Recognition Event.

Friend of Extension Recognition

This is the highest recognition presented by ESP to a non-Extension (lay) person, business or organization and is designed to recognize truly outstanding support and personal involvement in Extension efforts.

Concentrate on how the candidate uses expertise in a chosen field of work to enhance, broaden, and enrich Extension programs at the state, and possibly on the regional, and national levels.


1. Elected official

2. Extension Volunteer/Lay Leader

3. Professional/Business leader

4. Businesses/Organizations

Administrative Leadership Recognition

This awards recognizes an Extension Professional who has shown noteworthy administrative enthusiasm, performance, and accomplishment during their Extension careers (10 years or more). Administrative leadership may be at county, regional, chapter, program, department, or national level. Documentation of the candidate's work in meeting the needs and furthering the efforts of supervised faculty, staff and/or program should be primary in this recognition.

Diversity/Multicultural - Individual and Team Recognition

This team award acknowledges outstanding efforts and accomplishments in developing, achieving and sustaining Extension programs and/or audiences in our diverse and multicultural society. One team (two or more individuals) and one individual recognition per chapter per year may be recognized annually.

A team or individual may submit applications. The team nomination should include all staff (full-time and part-time academic professional and classified) that had a primary role in planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating the program. The diversity/multicultural program must have been implemented in the past three years. At least 50% of team members eligible for ESP membership must be ESP members whose dues are paid for the previous year and the current year (by February 1).


To recognize an experienced Extension professional (with 10-20 years of service) that has exhibited continuing leadership and excellence in State Extension program planning, delivery, and evaluation in program and/or administration.


To recognize the achievements of rising young professionals who have shown noteworthy enthusiasm, performance and accomplishment during their early Extension careers (less than 10 years) in program design and delivery.


This awards is available to ESP members who have contributed significantly to the development and/or expansion of an Extension program in another country or countries through in-state and/or overseas work.


This team award recognizes outstanding efforts of Extension staff teams (two or more individuals) for responding to and incorporating into a specific educational program one or more critical issues. Critical issues may be defined by local, regional, state or national need. National guidelines provide each chapter with the opportunity to recognize one team each year. At least 50% of team members eligible for ESP membership must be members whose dues are paid for the previous year and the current year (by February 1).

Continued Excellence Recognition

This award gives recognition to an experienced Extension professional with more than twenty years of experience who has exhibited continued leadership, initiative, and excellence in Extension program planning, delivery, evaluation in program or administration, on a state, regional and/or national level in the years after receiving the state Distinguished Service recognition. Data supporting measurable impacts of the candidate's work in meeting the needs of clientele will strengthen the nomination.

An Extension professional will become eligible for this recognition after five years of receiving the Chapter Distinguished Service recognition.

Visionary Leadership Recognition

This leadership award recognizes Extension professionals whose significant accomplishments have resulted in leading Extension forward in new directions. This person's visionary leadership enabled Extension to anticipate a significant new opportunity and developed support to implement program organizational changes necessary to achieve success.

Local Alpha Delta Chapter Awards

The following ESP Alpha Delta (Florida) award applications are not on the national website. Applicants/ nominators must download and complete the respective application form, then email the forms directly to Rebecca Jordi () or Lara Milligan () by APRIL 1, 2016.

·  Chapter Meritorious Support Service Award - (256 KB, MS Word doc)

·  Chapter Retiree Service Recognition Award - (257 KB, MS Word doc)

·  Chapter 25 Year Tenure Recognition Award - (247 KB , MS Word doc)

·  Chapter Retirement Recognition Award - (251 KB , MS Word doc)

Meritorious Support Service Recognition

Designed to pay tribute to the many staff in our system that, over time, have shown support for the mission, program, and professional staff of Cooperative Extension. Such persons include secretaries, program assistants, camp directors, motor pool managers, public distribution clerks, print shop operators, budget analysts, computer operators and others. Since each Chapter designs the specific criteria for this recognition, there is considerable flexibility in how a Chapter uses this recognition. There can be several recognitions each year.

Retiree Service Recognition

Designed to recognize continuing contributions and outstanding service by retired Extension professionals. Only one Retiree Service Recognition annually.

25 Year Tenure Recognition

The 25-year milestone has been spotlighted and has been sanctioned by the National ESP Board as one worthy of certificate recognition. This recognition is for 25 years of Extension service (not to include other governmental (Civil Service) employment and military service time. There can be multiple candidates who qualify for this tenure level each year. Recipients must be current ESP members whose dues are paid for the previous year and the current year (by February 1).

Retirement Recognition

This award is designed to recognize ESP members who have retired from the Florida Extension Service since the last EPAF meeting.