Schedule for MAP-21 Rulemakings

Rules Related to Performance Management Measures / Federal
Agency / State DOT Lead / Expected Release Date / End of
Comment Period / Date of Final Rule / State DOT Targets Due / MPO Targets Due
Performance Management 1:
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and Safety Performance Measures / FHWA / Traffic Operations / March 28, 2014 / June 30, 2014 / March 15, 2016
Effective Date
April 14, 2016 / August 31, 2017 / February 27, 2018
Performance Management 2: Assessing Pavement Condition for the National Highway Performance Program and Bridge Conditional for the National Highway Performance Program / FHWA / Asset Management / January 1, 2015 / April 6, 2015 / January 18, 2017
Effective Date
May 20, 2017 / May 20, 2018 / November 16, 2018
Performance Management 3: Assessing Performance of the National Highway System (NHS), Freight Movement on the Interstate System, and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) / FHWA / Transportation Planning / April 22, 2016 / August 20, 2016 / January 18, 2017
Effective Date
May 20, 2017 / May 20, 2018 / November 16, 2018
Performance Management 3: Assessing Performance of the NHS, Freight Movement on Interstate System, and CMAQ Improvement Program (Greenhouse Gas Measure) / FHWA / Transportation Planning / October 5, 2017 / November 6, 2017 / Effective Date
September 28, 2017 / TBD / TBD
Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Transportation Planning / FHWA and FTA / Transportation Planning / June 2, 2014 / September 2, 2014 / May 27, 2016
Effective Date
June 27, 2016 / N/A / N/A
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program / FHWA / Programming / August 4, 2014 / October 3, 2014 / --- / N/A / N/A
Additional Authorities for Planning and Environmental Linkages / FHWA and FTA / Environmental Analysis / September 10, 2014 / November 10, 2014 / --- / N/A / N/A
Tribal Transportation Program / BIA / Transportation Planning / December 19, 2015 / March 20, 2015 / --- / N/A / N/A
Asset Management Plan / FHWA / Asset Management / February 20, 2015 / April 21, 2015 / October 24, 2016 / --- / ---
National Bridge Inspection Standards / FHWA / --- / --- / --- / --- / N/A / N/A
Transit Asset Management / FTA / Rail and Mass Transportation / September 30, 2015 / November 30, 2015 / July 26, 2016 / --- / ---
Public Transportation Safety Program / FTA / Rail and Mass Transportation / August 14, 2015 / October 13, 2015 / August 11, 2016
Effective Date
September 12, 2016 / N/A / N/A
National Public Transportation Safety Plan / FTA / Rail and Mass Transportation / February 5, 2016 / April 5, 2016 / --- / N/A / N/A
Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan / FTA / Rail and Mass Transportation / February 5, 2016 / April 5, 2016 / --- / N/A / N/A
National Multimodal Freight Network / US DOT / Transportation Planning / June 6, 2016 / September 6, 2016 / December 2016* / N/A / N/A
Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform / FHWA and FTA / Transportation Planning / June 27, 2016 / August 26, 2016 / December 15, 2016 / N/A / N/A
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; V2V Communications / NHTSA / Research, Innovation & System Information / January 12, 2017 / April 12, 2017 / --- / --- / ---

N/A – Targets are not applicable or are not known to be applicable at this time.
