AGENDA continued November 16 2012




A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Grossmont Healthcare District will be held Friday, November 16, 2012, at 7:30 a.m., at the Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa, CA

AGENDA November 16, 2012

A.  Call to Order

B.  Pledge of Allegiance

C.  Approval of Agenda

D.  Public Comment:

Opportunity for citizens to speak on items of interest within subject matter jurisdiction of the District. For the record, please state your name. “Request to Speak” cards should be filled out in advance and presented to the Board President or the recording secretary. The Board has a policy limiting any speaker to no more than five minutes.

E.  Consent Action Items:

Consent Action Items are normally acted upon by a single vote encompassing all items within this section. Since the public may directly address the Board before action on any item, a member of the public may, upon request, speak to the item(s) before the vote is taken.

1.  Minutes of Special Meeting of October 13, 2012

2.  Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 19, 2012

3.  Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 5, 2012

F.  Reports/Discussion/Possible Action Items:

1.  Grossmont Hospital Corporation Report

2.  Community Grants & Sponsorships Committee—Director Chadwick

a)  Consideration of Grant and Sponsorship Requests (for Approval):

i.  East County Family YMCA, McGrath Family YMCA Wellness Expansion – (Request: $50,000; Committee Recommendation: $29,800)

ii.  La Maestra Family Clinic, Expanding Access to Dental Services in El Cajon (Request: $52,480; Committee Recommendation: $34,876)

b)  Grant Requests Recommended for No Funding by the Committee (No Action is required by the Board):

i.  Mountain Health & Community Services, Rural Health Partnership and Three Events (Request: $40,000 grant + $3,500 in sponsorships)

ii.  Survivors of Torture, Torture Survivors Health Services Access Project (Request: $20,100)

iii. Southern Caregiver Resource Center, East County Caregiver Respite Program (Request: $25,000)

iv. ElderHelp of San Diego, Concierge Club (Request: $45,000)

v.  CSA San Diego County, Healthy Homes Project (Request: $25,000)

vi. Community Health Improvement Partners, The Resident Leadership Academy Project in Spring Valley (Request: $50,000)

vii.  St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center, Nurse for Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Morning Glory Brunch (Request: $24,375 grant + $2,500 sponsorship)

viii.  Volunteers of America Southwest California, Hawley Center for Supportive Living (Request: $24,800)

ix. Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, ANGIO Mentor Simulator for Cardiovascular Technology Program – $83,979 requested.

x.  The Salvation Army, Senior Nutrition Program (Request: $47,910)

xi. Boys & Girls Clubs, Head to Toe Health Program and 47th Annual East County Children’s Ball (Request: $20,000 grant + $15,000 sponsorship)

xii.  American Lung Association, 2013 SCAMP Camp Scholarships (Request: $15,000)

3.  G.O. Bond Committee—Director Ayres (Verbal Report)

a)  Project Updates – October 2012

The following items to be considered by the Committee on November 14, 2012, and may be recommended to the Board for approval:

b)  Central Energy Plant: Board Memo #218 – Consideration of Supplemental Services with Syska Hennessy Group for Added Building Information Modeling (BIM) Services (NTE $40,000 – Contingency)

c)  Early Utilities Package: Board Memo #219 – Consideration of Change Order to Swinerton Builders Related to a Temporary Chiller at the Rehabilitation and Behavioral Health Centers (NTE $46,000 – Contingency)

d)  Early Utilities Package: Board Memo #220 – Consideration of Change Order to Swinerton Builders Related to Schedule Extension (NTE $236,000 – Contingency)

e)  Early Utilities Package: Board Memo #221 – Consideration of Change Order to Swinerton Builders Related to Unforeseen Thrust Block (NTE $86,000 – Contingency)

4.  Finance/Audit Committee

a)  Minutes of October 30, 2012 Joint Meeting with Legal/Legislative Committee—Directors Ayres, Emerson

b)  Verbal Report of November 14, 2012—Director Ayres

c)  Acceptance of General Fund Financial Statements for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2012—Tom Saiz, Assistant Treasurer

d)  Acceptance of Bond Financial Statements for the Months of July, August and September, 2012—Tom Saiz, Assistant Treasurer

5.  Facilities Committees—Director Long

6.  Policies & Procedures Committee—Director Chadwick (Verbal Report)

The following items to be considered by the Committee on November 13, 2012, and may be recommended to the Board for approval:

a)  Consideration of District Policy Addressing Nepotism

b)  Consideration of Changes to Employee Health Benefits

7.  Public Relations & Outreach Committee—Director Emerson (Verbal Report)

a)  Report on Kids Care Fest

b)  Public Relations Report of Monthly Activities—Rick Griffin

c)  Memorial—Rick Griffin

Health care in today’s East County has been shaped, built, and nurtured by the inspiration, sacrifice, and hard work of the men and women who have made East County a healthier and better place to live and work. Today we remember the contribution(s) of:

George Dillon

8.  Board Member Comments/Reports

·  October 19, 2012 – East County Chamber of Commerce, Women in Leadership Luncheon

·  October 19, 2012 – San Diego County Health Facilities Financing Joint Powers Authority, Annual Meeting

·  October 23, 2012 – Association of California Healthcare Districts Legislative Forum

·  October 30, 2012 – Grossmont-Cuyamaca College Foundation Donor Breakfast

·  November 2, 2012 – East County Chamber of Commerce, First Friday Breakfast

·  November 4-7, 2012, Estes Park Institute Conference

·  November 9, 2012 – San Diego County Taxpayers Association Breakfast Forum

·  November 15, 2012 – San Diego Regional Fire Foundation 2012 Awards

·  November 15, 2012 – Alpine Chamber of Commerce, Lunch with State Senator Joel Anderson

·  November 15, 2012 – California Special Districts Association Quarterly Meeting

·  Redevelopment Agency Oversight Committees

§  City of El Cajon – Director Chadwick

§  City of La Mesa – Director Ayres

§  City of Lemon Grove – Director McElravy

9.  Staff Comments/Reports

G.  Informational Items:

1.  Committee Assignments

2.  Grants and Sponsorships Budget Status/History

3.  Unpaid Grants and Charitable Events as of October 31, 2012

4.  Approved Grants and Charitable Events as of October 31, 2012

5.  Status of Grant Monitoring Reports Received

H.  Future Events

This section contains a list of upcoming events and includes individual event information.

I.  Closed Session

1.  Conference with Legal Counsel Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b)(1) – Significant Exposure to Litigation (two cases)

J.  Report after Closed Session

K.  Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting(s):

·  Monday, December 3, 2012, 7:30 a.m., Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa, California

·  Friday, December 21, 2012, 7:30 a.m., Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa

L.  Adjournment