Jawad A. Fatayer, PhD,CCS,LCDC

Clinical Sociologist at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Deputy President for Graduate Affairs.An-Najah National University

Nablus- Palestine. Email:

Y.O.B: 1954. Married with three children. Holds dual nationality

US /Jordan. Contact 970 59 715 0325 and 962 79 663 0152 Jordan


The University of North Texas at Denton, Texan. USA. PhD 1991

Major: Applied Sociology.

Dissertation Title: Factors Related to the Perceived effectiveness of the Adult Probation DWI Program.

The University of Texas at Arlington. Texan. USAM.A 1982

Major: Applied Sociology

M.A Title: Female Delinquency and Hirschi's Internal Social Control Theory.

Ain-ShamsUniversity Cairo-EgyptB.A 1977

Major: Sociology and Psychology

Post-Grad Studies{ Diploma}1977-1979

Ain-ShamsUniversity Cairo-Egypt

Major: Applied Sociology

Pre – Academic Employment1987-1991

Dallas County Probation Department

Major: Probation Officer in Applied Sociology Settings

Retail Business Management in Dallas, Texas 1980-1987

Current Academic and Professional Employment

  1. Faculty member-college of Medicine.
  2. Deputy to the President of the University.
  3. Director of the Competency Development Board. Please visit An-NajahNationalUniversity. Nablus- occupied Palestine. Jan 2010-present.
  4. Consultant Psychologist at Al-Istiqlal University. Jericho. Occupied Palestine. June 2010- present.
  5. Private practice as Clinical Sociologist in Nablus and Amman

AlnoorHospital, UAE 2005-2008

Professional Development and Lifestyle Development Consultant (JCIA approved)

United Arab Emirates University 2001-2007 Sociology/PsychologyProgram. (2001 – 2007.)

Associate Professor of Sociology ,

Division of Society and Behaviour, College of Humanities and Social Sciences,Al Ain, UAE. Teaching various courses in Sociology ,Psychology and Medicine.


  • Applied Sociology
  • Social Projects Evaluation
  • Programs Evaluation
  • Social Psychology
  • Sociology of Development
  • Sociology of Addiction
  • Organizational/Industrial Psychology ( at the IT college)
  • Sociology of the Family
  • Introduction to Society and behaviour
  • Leadership and Group Works
  • Contemporary Social Issues
  • Medical Sociology ( at the College of Medicine )

. The AmericanUniversity in CairoAUC 1994 – 2001

Assistant Professor of Sociology and psychology, Department. Teaching various graduate and undergraduate courses in Sociology and Psychology


  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Criminology
  • Psychology/Sociology of Addiction
  • Contemporary Social Theory
  • Social Class and Inequality
  • Arab Society
  • Social Psychology
  • Religion, Ideology and Society{ Graduate Level}
  • Practicum: Internship
  • Special Topics { Applied Sociology}

Administrator 1997-1999

Unit Head of Sociology

American University in Cairo

Chairman of Sociology Dept.

United Arab Emirates Univ. 2003- 2007

Deputy to the President for Graduates Affairs 2010 – present

Al-Najah National Univ.

Director of the Competency Development Board 2010-present

Al-Najah National Univ.

Clinical Sociology Practice: 1995-2001

Consultant at Behman Hospital Helwan Egypt.

Clinical Sociologist and Ain-ShamsUniv. Psychiatry Dept.

  1. 1991-1994

Clinical Sociologist at PaluDuroHospitalCare Unit. Canyon Texas. USA.

West Texas A @ M University in Canyon, Texas, USA1991-1994

Faculty memberat the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice.

Taught various graduate and undergraduate courses in Sociology and Criminal Justice

  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • Sociology of the Family
  • Social Psychology
  • Criminology
  • Probation and Parole
  • Prison System in USA
  • Social Theory
  • Drug Abuse
  • Penology { Graduate level }
  1. Professional Development Training
  2. Winners Consultancy 2008-2010
  3. Osool Consulting and Training 2009-2010
  1. Offering Training courses:approved by Texas Commission as CEU for various professionals and counsellors such as CDAAC and NAADAC.
  2. Offering Professional Training Workshops 2008-2009


Professional books:

“A Life in Crisis: Addiction’. Book published in English by Horas International. Please Reviewat

Hayaton fe Azma: alIdman . Book published by Dar ElShorouk. Egypt 2000


  1. “The Chance for Peace: An Analytical Perspective on the Arabic and Israelis Minds’ Arab Psychologists Journal. Vol. 1.Egypt.2000.
  2. “The Arabian Family in the lights of Minchin's systematic theory.” Social Behavior and Personality an International Journal. Volume 31, Number 5. 2003.
  3. “FLAGS: A new Assessment of Mental Health Status” .Social Behavior and Personality an International Journal. Volume 31, Number 6. 2003.
  4. Addictive Culture: Clinical Sociology Perspective. Journal of College of Arts. CairoUniversity. Egypt 2004.
  5. Gender Differences among UAE Univ. student due to globalization. Journal of humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 20.Number 2. 2004
  6. Cognitive-Emotive Fission: Citation published in International Advances in Self Research. New Frontiers for Self Research. By Herbert W. Marsh, Rhonda G. craven and Dennis M. Mcinerney. Volume 2. Library of Congress.P.167. 2005
  7. Stages of Addiction: Sahrjah-UAE Police Journal 2007
  8. Types of Addiction: Applied Social Science Journal. Volume 2.number 1: 2008

Published book Reviews:

  1. “Power in the highest degree: professionals and the rise of a new mandarin order”. Clinical sociology Review .Volume 13.1995
  2. “The Generality of Deviance”. Clinical sociology Review. Volume 14. 1996
  3. Emotional Intelligence in the workplace: a sample of Clinical Sociology Practice in Professional Development.Published on the internet by Osool Training Agency.2009

Research Article Referee:

Contributed to Number of Research works requested by various Journals such as Journal of Social Affairs and the Cultural and Scientific Association ,UoS Journal for Social Sciences and Humanities.

For more details please check jawad fatayer at Google.com

Presentations at International Research Conferences:

Contributed to over 30 International and National Research Conferences over the years since 1981 to 2006. The followings are a sample:

1)The Social Schizophrenia: A Sociological Practice in Micro and Macro Focus. Paper presented at the American Sociology Association teaching service program. Dallas, Texas. November 1985.

2).Female delinquency : Paper presented at the American Criminology Association Annual Meeting. Commerce, Texas. March 1983.

3)Does Probation Work: A Program Evaluation from the Client's Perspective. Paper presented at the South Western Sociology Association. Fort Wroth ,Texas. March 1990.

4)The CASCO treatment program: a Clinical Sociology Model in Substance Abuse. Paper presented at the Sociological Practice Association Annual Meeting. Alexandria, Virginia. USA. June 1998.

5)Cross – Cultural Addiction Counselling. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Sociological Practice Association Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. USA. Aug.2003

6)NBCTV : A new Sociological Paradigm in Human Development. Annual conference for Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology. Oct.2010.St.Louis,MI.USA.

7)CEF and Global Personality. EMUNI annual conference via videoconference presentation at Najah Univ.. April 2010.

8)Types of Addiction: Vulnerability among adolescents and youth in Palestine. Third medical conference. College of Medicine. Oct. 2010. An-Najah national University. Nabl;us. Palestine

9)Communication Technology and Violence. Paper presented at Sawa International Conference. RamAllah. Palestine. Nov.2010

10)Competency Building of College Graduates: Challenges and Possibilities. Presented at the 3rd EMUNI conference via videoconference from Najah Univ. 21March 2011.

Selected Published Conference Proceedings

  1. “Selected Sociology Contributions to an analysis of the Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 1993.
  2. “Challenges and the Future Generations: The Chances for Peace” 1997.
  3. “Arab Identity: Global-ability Between Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism” .The AmericanUniversity in Cairo. Proceedings of the Fifth Research Conference 1998.
  4. “On the Ethical Code of college professor” Cairo University Conference 1999.
  5. “The effect of Family and Religion on Preventing Drug Abuse in Children and Adolescents in Kuwait” National Conference on Drug Abuse in Kuwait. Conference Proceedings1999.
  6. “Human Development Index: An Alternative Critical Paradigm for the 21st Century” Conference proceedings of the American University Sixth Research Conference 1999

7. Democracy of Terror: Perspective on the Contemporary Political Reality. Conference on Violence held by the Society of Sociologists. Sharjah .UAE. Conference Proceedings.2004

Research in Progress

  1. CEF “Cognitive-Emotive Fission: The Phenomenon of Modern Society”. A Social-Psychological Perspective on Globalization and Personality.
  2. MLP: A Challenging Perspective on Mental Linguistic Programming.

University & Community Services:

Memberships in SeveralUniversity Committees since 1991.

A.University Level Committees:

1)Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Students at West Texas A@ M University. Served as Vice President.1992-1993

2)Drug Education Advisory Committee at West Texas A@ M University served as member.1992-1994

3)University Police Committee at Texas A@ M University served as Member.1992-1994

4)University Student Honor Committee at West Texas A@ M University served as a member 1992-1994

5)The University Senate Rep. for the Sociology and Psychology Department at the AmericanUniversity in Cairo served as a member1996-1998

6)Financial Aid Committee at the AmericanUniversity in Cairo served as member.1996-2001

7)Student Affairs Senate Committee at the AmericanUniversity in Cairo served as a member 1996-1997

8)Member of the Institutional Evaluation Program ( IEP). Najah University Commission. 9/2010- present.

9)Member of the Institutional Review Board ( IRB) at Najah Univ. May 2010-present.

10)Chairman of the Competency Development Board ( CDB) at Najah Univ. Oct.2010 – present.

B. College Level Committees:

11)M.A advisory Committee at the West Texas A@ M University served as a member 1993-1994

12)Faculty Search Committee at the West Texas A@ M University served as a member 1994

13)Graduate Faculty Committee at West Texas A @ M University served as a member 1994

14)Middle East Studies Committee at the AmericanUniversity in Cairo served as a member 1995-1997

15)Interdisciplinary Studies Committee at the AmericanUniversity in Cairo served as a member 2001.

16)Program Development Committee at the United Arab EmiratesUniversity served as a member 2003-2005

17)New Vision Committee at the United Arab emiratesUniversity served as a member 2004-2005

18)Student Study Abroad Committee at the United Arab EmiratesUniversity served as a member 2005-2006

19)Global Studies Committee at the United Arab EmiratesUniversity served as a member 2005-the present.

20)Team member of the learning Community Training Committee at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of the United Arab Emirates University 2004

C. Program Level Committees:

1)Chair Advisory Committee at the AmericanUniversity in Cairo served as a member 1996-1998

2)Course Development Committee on Applied Sociology at the United Arab EmiratesUniversity served as Chair 2001-2003

3)Department Self-Study Committee at the Sociology Department in United Arab EmiratesUniversity served as a member 2001-2002.

4)Sociology Program Interdisciplinary Committee at the United Arab EmiratesUniversity served as a member 2001-2002

5)Sociology Program Study Plan Committee at the United Arab EmiratesUniversity served as a member 2003-2004

Supervision of Graduate Works:

  1. Mona Eldabbagh. M.A in Applied Sociology. Thesis title: Addiction Among Egyptian Upper Class patients. The AmericanUniversity in Cairo. Sociology { Advisor}1996
  2. Mona Mursi. M.A in Sociology.Thsis Title: The Meaning of Being Egyptian in Germany. TheAmericanUniversity in Cairo.Sociology.{ Committee member} 1997.
  3. Deena Abulfuttoh. M.A in Rural Sociology.Thesis Title:Latent Resistance;the Relationship between Rulers in Egypt. The AmericanUniversity in Cairo. Sociology.{ Committee Member} 1999.
  4. Sherine Ramzy. M.A in Applied Sociology. Thesis Title: Family Vilence in Egypt;a Study of Perceptions. The AmericanUniversity in Cairo. Sociology .{ Advisor } 2000.
  5. Sally Elmahdy. M.A in Sociology.Thesis Title: Infertility: the Hidden Burden .The AmericanUniversity in Cairo. Sociology. { Committee Member} 2001.
  6. Mohammed Dabbour. M.A in Business.Thesis Title: the Changes in Business Attitudes among Young Egyptians. The AmericanUniversity in Cairo. The School of Business. { Committee Member} 2000
  7. Mona Eldabbagh. PhD in Applied Sociology .Dissertation Title:The Social Cultural Dimensions of Addiction in Egypt. Ain-ShamsUniversity. FemaleCollege. { Committee Member} 2004

Development of Applied Sociology Concepts and Theories:

1)New theory in Addiction

2)CASCO as Therapeutic Model in Clinical Sociology

3)CEBET =Cognitive Emotive Behavioral Therapy in Clinical Sociology

4)FLAGS as new measure of Emotional Status

5)CEF= Cognitive Emotive Fission as a Socio-Psychological Phenomenon of Modern Society.

6)Globalization and Personality Paradigm.

7)Global personality

8)Nomad personality

9)Retreats personality

10)Zero personality

11)Rebellious personality

12)MLP= mental linguistic programming ; work in progress.

Sociological Practice in the University and the Communityin the USA, UAE and Egypt. 1981- present

Have been practicing Sociology since 1981 in USA and the Arab World:

  1. Federal Correction Institution. Fort WorthTexas. USA as an Intern doing my M.A in Applied Sociology 1980-1982
  2. Dallas County Probation Department as Probation Officer doing Applied Sociology. Texas USA.1986-1991
  3. Counselor at the CareUnitPaluDuroHospital. CanyonTexas. doing Socio Therapy. 1991-1994
  4. Consultant Socio-Therapy at the Behman Hospital.Helwan Egypt. Doing Applied Sociology.1995-2001
  5. Student Counselor at the AmericanUniversity in Cairo,Student Counseling Center.1995-2000
  6. student Counselor at the united Arab EmiratesUniversity,Student Counseling Center.2001-2002
  7. Consultant Socio-Therapy at the AlnoorHospital.Alain.UAE. Doing Applied Sociology .2006.
  8. Consultations with Family Development Foundation Al Ain.UAE since 2005- present.
  • Articles inLocal Published Newspaper and Magazines
  • Contributed in over 150interviews inRadio, T.V, and News papers and magazines throughout the Arab World.

Consultations and training at National and International levels :

1. Fulbright


  1. UNDP
  2. Ministry of Social Development. Jordan
  3. Ministry of Health. Egypt, UAE ,Jordan and Palestine
  4. Ministry of Education. Palestine
  5. Al-Hikma Pharmaceutical Company. Saudi-Jordan
  6. Ahli national Bank. Jordan
  7. Sudan Telecommunication Company. Sudan
  8. Sudan Central Bank. Sudan
  9. Oman Sultan Qabous Hospital. Oman
  10. Social Affairs Ministry. Sudan

Sociology and Psychology Education and Professional Affiliations

International Sociology Association

American Sociology Associate

Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology(Board Member)

Arab Psychologist

Applied Sociology Certificates and Licences to Practice:

  1. Licensed Chemical Dependency Counsellor. LCDC.USA

2. Licensed Psychology – Therapist. LPT.Egypt.

3. Certified Clinical Sociologist. CCS.USA.

4. Board member of the Applied and Clinical Sociology Association. USA

Academic Grant Funded

UAEUniversity Research Affairs

Title: Gender Differences Among

UAEUniversity Students Due to Globalisation. 2004

Scope of Professional Training Workshops Experience:

1.Exceptional Customer Care

2.Addictions and Self-Management

3.Mind and Behaviour in Police World

4.Time and Stress Management

5.Leadership and Decision-Making

.Obesity and Eating Behaviour

7. Emotional Intelligence in Modern Business World

8. Assertiveness in the work place

9. Corporate Culture and HR Management

10. Motivation and Quality Performance

11.Intelligent Communication

12. The Ideal Manager in Today's World

Professional involvements:

** Member of International Board of Examiners by Applied and Clinical Sociology Association.

** Member of the Steering Committee at Alnoor Hospital in UAE for JCIA audit.2007.

** Peer Reviewer for numerous journal articles

.** Member of the Editorial Board of Applied Social Science Journal.

*** Member of the Association Applied and Clinical Sociology– Board

*** Member of American Sociological Association

*** Member of American Criminology Association


1)Minister Hala Bsaisu. . Former Minister of Social Development. Amman.Jordan.

Mobile=00962 79 991 0203


Professor Ross Koppel. er President of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology. Pennsylvania .USA .Mobile= 001 215 576 8346

3)Professor Jeff Will.. . Professor of Sociology. Managing editor. Journal of Applied Social Science. University of North Florida. USA