WESTWARD EXPANSION Exam Review: Chapters 9, 10 and 13 Unit 6

  1. Which term refers to the belief that Americans had a right and duty to move westward from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans?
  1. Study the Manifest Destiny including the ways the American settlers fulfilled the Manifest Destiny, the politics of the Manifest Destiny and it’s affects on the United States.
  1. Which land acquisition from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains was purchased from France and greatly increased the size of the United States?
  1. Explain why President Jefferson felt conflicted in his decision to make the Louisiana Purchase. Was he able to resolve this conflict and how?
  1. Explain how the French present in New Orleans and western Florida affected President Jeffer’s presidency.
  1. President Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an expedient of what land? What was the purpose of this trip?
  1. In addition to the land gained in the Louisiana Purchase, the United States experienced an economic impact when it gained land after the War of 1812 from the ______.
  1. Explain the Missouri Compromise.
  1. Explained why President Jackson veto the Mayville Road Bill. Kentucky wanted $15,000 to build a road across the State.
  1. Explain the differences between the northern states’ position and that of the southern states position on the tariffs of 1828 and 1832.
  1. Explain the nullification crisis and President Jackson’s actions regarding the crisis.
  1. Tensions between the Mexican government and the Texan settlers increased because ______?
  1. The annexation of Texas was a cause of what war?
  1. Explain the affects of the peace terms for the Mexican American war.
  2. After the land was gained from the Mexican war, the major issue revolving around the entry of those new states into the Union was what?
  1. Explain the Compromise of 1850 and it’s affects on the United States government.
  1. Why did the South rely on slave labor?
  1. Native Americans

What were the issues of The Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court decision?

Explain the politics of this decision.

What effects on the Native Americans on the Great Plains did the railroads western expansion have in the late 1800’s?

Explain how the federal government responded to the land controversies with the Native Americans of the Plains.

Describe life for the Native Americans who were force to make “The Trail of Tears.”

  1. The Supreme Court
  1. Explain “judicial review” and name the case in which the Supreme Court first used it.
  2. Explain the issues in McCulloch v. Maryland
  1. Explain who Sojourner Truth was and her impact on the United States.
  1. Explain who Harriet Tubman was and her impact on the United States.
  1. Explain who Horace Mann was and his impact on the United States.