Town of Stockton Springs
Select Board – Morning Meeting
March 16, 2017
1. Roll Call: Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m.
Present: Sara Skolfield, Peter Curley, Lesley Cosmano.
Also Present: Courtney O’Donnell – Town Manager.
2. Adjustments to the Agenda
There were no adjustments to the agenda.
3. Public Comments – Agenda Items Only
There was no public comment.
4. Select Board Newsletter.
A copy of the Select Board Newsletter was presented.
5. Shellfish Committee Discussion
Ms. Skolfield asked for ideas on how to jumpstart the committee. Ms. Cosmano said no one wanted to step up to the position of Committee Chair and she had suggested co- chairs. Mr. Curley suggested the committee call a meeting to order first. Ms. O’Donnell said the committee only meets half the year and the first meeting should be in April. Mr. Curley said he did not know if the Shellfish Committee realized that. He suggested getting the word out to the committee members suggesting that they should meet in April. Ms. O’Donnell said she would contact the members and discuss the issue.
6. Comprehensive Plan Update – Sara S.
Ms. Skolfield updated the Select Board regarding the Comprehensive Plan update. She
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said she had compiled a large amount of data and was going to go through it. She said she had called Eastern Maine Development Corporation and spoken to Jeff Whalen. She said he sent a link to Ms. O’Donnell for statistical information. Mr. Curley said he did not believe there had been many changes since the last Comprehensive Plan had been written.
7. Budget Schedule
Ms. O’Donnell handed out the Select Board budget workshop schedule. She said future dates are being worked on. It was agreed to add March 31 at 9 a.m. and April 18 to the schedule. Ms. Cosmano asked if the Select Board should go into the process with any specific goals, such as zero-based budgeting. Ms. O’Donnell said that would fit with her goal. There was discussion of the Public Works budget.
Mr. Curley said he still did not understand why there were two opinions regarding the enterprise accounts, one opinion from Mr. Bearor and one from the Auditor. Ms. O’Donnell said she had spoken to Mr. Bearor regarding the option. She said the term “non-lapsing” has to be approved at town meeting regarding those specific accounts.
8. Board E-Mail and Regular Mail Correspondence (Standing Agenda Item)
Ms. Skolfield made note of a letter to Rudman and Winchell regarding their agreement to the Town Manager Search fee.
Ms. Skolfield noted a letter from Waldo Community Action Partners thanking the Town for last year’s donation.
Ms. Skolfield made note of an email to Ms. Cosmano regarding the RSU 25 budgeting process timeline.
Ms. O’Donnell said she would be attending a workshop in Belfast regarding the responsibilities of elected officials. She said the Select Board was welcome to attend.
There was discussion of septic information provided by Wayne Kraeger. Ms. O’Donnell said he had shared the information with John Larson, Code Enforcement Officer, and with the Recycling and Energy Conservation Committee.
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9. Approval of Meeting Minutes – March 9 Morning Meeting and Workshop
Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2017 morning meeting and workshop as corrected.
10. Approval of Accounts Payable Warrant 78; Payroll Warrant 79
Mr. Curley asked why the Town was using The Bucksport Enterprise for advertising instead of The Republican Journal. Ms. O’Donnell said she made note of his comments.
There was discussion of the job responsibilities of the Harbormaster and Assistant Harbormaster. Mr. Curley said Mr. Bryant would need to keep a list of mooring inspections, as required by Town ordinance.
Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve Accounts Payable Warrant 78 and Payroll Warrant 79.
11. Public Comments – Any Topic
There were no public comments.
12. Adjournment to Workshop
Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to adjourn to workshop after a ten-minute break.
The meeting adjourned at 10:12 a.m.
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